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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2021 in Posts

  1. Mr. BigBH, Our December showcase was attended by the following schools. UIndy Marian St. Francis Olivet Nazerene Lawerence Tech North Central College Olivet (Michigan) Trine Anderson Depauw Franklin Hanover Manchester North Park University At previous showcases we have also had these other schools attend Mount Union Mt. St. Joseph Kentucky Christian Indiana Wesleyan Kentucky Wesleyan Lindsey Wilson Millikan Hocking College Union College, KY Our May event is going to be smaller than the showcase that was held in December. More like 100 players rather than 300. If there is a nearly equal or even potentially larger turnout of colleges that are in attendance, that means much more opportunity to be seen. I have no problem if you do not like the showcase system. It might not be for you. But it does work for some kids and all we are doing, as I have said before, is providing an opportunity. Not one athlete has ever been forced to attend. I will post the names of the schools that I have gotten confirmation from for the INDY spring showcase on May 1st. By the way, My name is Eric Schnur. I put it in my tag so that people know who I am. My record is 9-43, but for me it is just a reminder that things don't always turn out the way you intended. It is motivation to be better today and in the future. It does not define me, my last name does. I took a job that NO ONE else wanted, and I did it at a time when I was not fully prepared for what came along with it. I poured my heart into that job, and resigned when I felt I was out of potntial answers for the questons that were popping up. You said you, don't give a damn about me," but you are the one that looked me up. When I say college coaches are on sight, I mean that. We have never hosted a showcase that did not have at least ten. We have had as many as 21 at a single event. You should talk to some college coaches about who they recruit and when they start looking at them. I think that you might find your perception to be a bit off. Thank you, Coach Schnur
    3 points
  2. Well, at least the turtle doesn't curse.
    2 points
  3. Everyone after the class of '71 is dirt?
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. We see this all the time in Indiana, most frequently on the abortion issue. Legislators introduce, and sometimes even pass, legislation that has no hope of withstanding constitutional scrutiny. They’re just doing it to pander to a particular constituency. But all they accomplish is costing the state big bucks to have their attorney general try to defend the indefensible in court ... and they contribute to the public’s general misunderstanding of the Constitution. After all, the public is going to assume that legislators wouldn’t knowingly pass laws that can’t be enforced, would they?
    1 point
  6. This is all I could find in 5 minutes of research. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43660.pdf It’s a 10 pg. document, but here’s the gist: The laws and regulations on the receipt of “gifts” by executive branch personnel provide, generally, that an employee may not solicit or accept a gift: (1) if the gift is from a “prohibited source” or (2) if the gift is given because of the employee’s official position. A “prohibited source” under the regulations is one who seeks official action from the employee’s agency; one who does business or seeks to do business with the agency; one whose activities are regulated by the employee’s agency; one whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the employee’s official duties; or an organization a majority of whose members fit any of the above categories. A gift is given “because of” the employee’s official position if it would not have been offered “had the employee not held the status, authority or duties associated with his Federal position.” Gifts that are “motivated by a family relationship or personal friendship” may therefore be accepted without limitation.
    1 point
  7. so is it 21 or 10? your words not mine?
    1 point
  8. "handling blow hards"....if you have some experience with your own kid or others when it comes to college football recruiting, showcase camps, combines, campus game day visits etc....I'm sure my 9-43 friend could use the advice on selling it more in the final crunch time weeks.....my man and his "coaches" either make some decent scratch or they don't.....clock is ticking
    1 point
  9. nothing has changed....Covid 19 has altered the recruiting landscape....Hudl game film is all college recruiters have to go with right now. I can tell you the Brownsburg DB who is no longer at Brownsburg is slower than turtle. Curry on tape is a badass but tell me about his 40 time? Why would a major university offer scholarship valued around 250k to a kid that has no valid measurables or even visited the campus?
    1 point
  10. "care about me so much"....actually I don't give a damn about you but the great thing about Google and some dude from the Evansville paper cared about you for maybe a minute. If I smell a rat I at least want to make sure a rat is..................................well a rat
    1 point
  11. too bad you have retired from responding, but I call BS on you having an accurate list on schools attending. Let me repeat...a recent well known Indy area combine had three colleges attend....U Indy, Marion and Hanover. This event will bitch slap anything you are putting together....fact! Thats obvious because you took a dump on your own event by saying "smaller event". As I said above earlier.....you wipe out D1......all other D2, D3 and NAIA don't give a damn until a kids senior year but you keep telling kids that are either pre pubescent or stand no chance playing beyond high school to my "college exposure camp" because "college recruiters on site".....with the college camps opening up in June.....why would a parent sign up for your scam when ISU, BSU, U indy....to name just a few are ready roll come 6/1?
    1 point
  12. Not American football but English soccer. Long before concussion protocol rules a player got knocked out. While getting treatment on the sideline the coach approached the trainer and asked about the player. He said how is he and the trainer said the player doesn't know who he is. The coach replied "tell him he's Pele and get back in there."
    1 point
  13. Raiders got our guy!
    1 point
  14. Great man, mentor and coach. Below average broadcaster...
    1 point
  15. Bigger upsets... LN 27, Carmel 20 2016 TH North 14, Warren Central 10, 2013 TH North 17, Ben Davis 14, 2006 LC wasn't in the MIC in 2010.
    1 point
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