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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2021 in Posts

  1. Coaching youth sports in 2021: God’s work
    4 points
  2. Since we're in a teacher shortage, I'd say that it's not silly to say that it carries over to the coaching side.
    3 points
  3. I'm sorry, I should have expressed that clearer... when I say the corporation I mean the public sector job not the school corporation . Coaching took a back seat to my corporate job for many years. It was not until I retired I was able to devote more time to the job I truly love... Coaching. Believe me management positions in corporations own your soul. You don't dance to the tune of the man you get a bad evaluation, are placed on work improvement, and terminated since you are an at will employee.
    2 points
  4. So far I have been impressed with Cameron Krutwig. He's the big man for Loyola. Illinois had no answer for this guy. 19 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, and 4 steals.
    1 point
  5. Grand Valley State had their signing day show a month ago and the coaches said they had only the Illinois players junior highlight videos to do their recruiting. They also said they are going to Illinois this spring not only to watch their recruits but also scout the underclass man.
    1 point
  6. No, they don't. Only if you allow it to be so, just the same as in a public sector job.
    1 point
  7. 100%. Most of what I've seen from the SJW's on Twitter is support for Watson and asking for all facts to come out before casting judgment. Completely opposite of the narrative on Brett Cavanaugh. I've been following loosely. Have any factuals details (Texts, etcs) been provided?
    1 point
  8. I assume you were also raising and providing for a family at that time? If so, then IMHO your priorities were in perfect order. If one doesn't want Coaching to take the 'back seat' at any point in their lives then they need to find higher paying coaching jobs at the college or professional ranks.
    0 points
  9. H.R. 1: The Overstuffed and the Skinny https://www.cato.org/blog/hr-1-overstuffed-skinny
    0 points
  10. What NFL team did he play for? Don't recognize the name.
    0 points
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