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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2021 in Posts

  1. That’s pretty accurate. They are considered a private school whereas Chatard, Ritter, Roncalli and Scecina are Catholic Archdiocese schools (ie. funded in part by and beholden to the Indianapolis Catholic Archdiocese). As to the question above regarding vocational classes, I’m pretty confident that they don’t have “shop” class, etc. but does any single high school have that these days? Serious question. One of my kids took a cooking class at one time I believe. Which leads me to a story. I tried to sign up for a Home Ec class back in the day because I wanted to learn to cook and was called into the Office for it. It was literally scandalous. They never let me take the class as it turned out. I can barely warm an egg these days.
    3 points
  2. Wes-Del High School now has an opening for the Varsity Head football coach. An entire football staff will need to be assembled - there will be a need for up to four assistant coaches. Middle School positions TBD, as well. Wes-Del is a 1A school located in Gaston - a small town outside of Muncie. We are in is newly formed and growing conference called the Mid-Eastern Conference. Candidates wishing to apply need to get in contact with Athletic Director Kye Denney: kdenney@wes-del.org
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Yep, that is the correct distinction, at least as we know it in Evansville. Can barely warm an egg.... LOL...
    1 point
  5. BD has several traditional "shop" classes, but most if not all are part of the Area 31 Career Programs. As far as FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences), many of those have been adopted into the Area 31 Career Programs as parts of specific programs (and business classes for personal finance classes, etc) again as they are not required courses any longer at the high school level to my knowledge.
    1 point
  6. Tom Allen on another walk-on, BNL product McCall Ray: "McCall Ray is going to play for us in the fall." #iufb
    1 point
  7. Chesteron High School : FULL TIME STRENGTH and CONDITIONING COACH https://www.applitrack.com/duneland/onlineapp/default.aspx?all=1&
    1 point
  8. So an LEO pulls a guy over for expired tags, runs the name and finds there is a warrant for his arrest related to a misdemeanor firearms violation. Asks the individual out of the car and starts to place him under arrest when the individual begins to attempt to flee. The LEO mistakenly pulls her lethal weapon and pulls the trigger resulting in the offender's death. Absent race - the LEO should be suspended or fired, potentially charged resulting in jail time - which is most likely gonna happen. But since the offender was black, this LEO was obviously a racist pig who needs the heaviest book thrown at her for just wanting to kill blacks - and protesters need to loot because of it....... If it were a white man, the public response would have been "well he shouldn't have tried to run"..... Tell me I'm wrong.....
    1 point
  9. Yes, I would guess he will be able to keep his current job and not be in the building. I agree, the Memorial-Central game will be more interesting, as well as the Reitz-Central game.
    1 point
  10. I'm pretty sure he is an engineer and worked at Crane NSWC for quite some time. I don't know anything current except that he is our OC's brother-in-law and is a pretty good dude. I still often wonder about what happened with the prior HC though. It is odd IMO.
    1 point
  11. Has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.
    1 point
  12. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/04/unions-dirty-secret-they-cant-survive-without-coercion/ Agreed. The time of time of the organized labor union has come and gone. They currently only exist to raise $ and votes for the left.
    0 points
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