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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2021 in all areas

  1. In my opinion you get a great view from up top. If you are an OC the top view helps with game day alignments, coverages and depths of the 2nd level players. You can also find the game day "human tendency" Meaning my Jimmy is better than your Joe, so run the ball here or throw the ball there. Or a certain player over runs the flow of the run or jumps a given pass route, Thus you can make your adjustments accordingly to capitalize on these areas. As a DC it helps to know offensive formations, depths, and alignments. I will give our up top coach a list or I will verbalize what to look for and to let me know how the offense flows and their sub patterns or packages they are utilizing on 1st and 3rd downs. And it also helps when we have a weakness on defense and need to make a change due to a player being overmatched physically or dare I say due to lack of effort. So to reinstate my opinion... Up Top Is Good
    2 points
  2. GID Friends and Foes (Im sure there still lingering out there) 😁 I am letting you all know like I did the others on the leadership team a few weeks back, that come August, I will be beginning a new position within Rensselaer School Corp, going into El Ed PE which was my original degree 18 years ago, so will finally enjoy getting myself back into that, but leaving behind 13 years of running our Alternative School and Credit Recovery program which allowed me to be in front of computer 8 hours a day running our lab for all of that, so being a primary member of the leadership team made sense for me at that time, but not so much anymore as I just will not have the time that this site takes during the season to moderate, et. al that goes into the day to day, week to week, etc. s I want to thank @DK_Barons and @77Jimmie for allowing me onto their team back in 2010, its been a nice little run for myself around these parts and I will be still a member and retain my moderation tools, but will only be able to get on in a very limited basis moving forward and do not want to have folks wondering why I am not getting back to them in the typical ways that you have been accustomed to. Thanks to @Irishman all these years together running the day to day it seems, appreciate your support and accessibility brotha. Like I said, I will be on here and there throughout the rest of the summer and will help when I can until August but the slow phase out of my position within the leadership team. Thanks to the many members and supporters all these years, appreciate all of you. Hope many of you continue to provide your content and commentary within the confides of what Coach TA always wanted, a positive promotion of Indiana HS Football in your schools, communities throughout the entire state of Indiana. Cheers Coach Eric Nowlin
    1 point
  3. Just seed it. Who cares how they do it. I like the all-in format, but there has to be some kind of reward for having a good regular season.
    1 point
  4. They are two completely separate things. Hudl sideline is a great review tool to see what happened last play. A coach up top is a spotter to help with the next play (players running on/off the field, is the ref marking the OOB spot short of the first down, etc.) That is good to hear. Trying to force Hudl Sideline into a replay system is asking it to do something it was not designed to do. On the goal line, I will take a properly positioned referee over any video camera angle from the endzone or midfield.
    1 point
  5. Good question. Hobart returns a lot of kids but lost some big guns. Supposedly starting a freshman QB that is pretty good. Really hard to say, some good classes moving up. I would say Hobart should be in the conversation. Sounds like Leo brings back a lot. I think there is a lot of uncertainty up North. Lowell is always tough but I think Hobart is the favorite as of now in that sectional.
    1 point
  6. And 2-18 the last 2 seasons. I swear to God they were
    1 point
  7. I know they actually lost a game or two, but the best single game team performance I ever saw was Warren in 2003. What they did to a good Penn team in the Finals was almost criminal.
    1 point
  8. Summer basketball is in full swing with multi sport athletes being pulled in all directions. With the exception of WRV and North Central... I think I have seen everyone play at least once. Linton- Whoa... this team may shock people after the style of basketball they played with Lincoln Hale as the alpha dog. Everyone handles the ball... everyone plays defense (good defense)... The ball moves until a good shot or match up is taken advantage of. Joey Hart no longer looks like he is trying to figure out how to co-exist with Hale. He is a legit D1 player. Logan Webb at 6'3" is a bully in the post with the ability to take his match up outside. Braden Walters and Drew Smith still act as pseudo point guards, but it is helped by Wrigley Franklin and Hunter Gennicks who are willing passers who play defense. Nathan Frady is an effective post player with a 3 point shot. Smith has also become a good 3rd option to score. Walters has also looked to score more. They are starting 6'5", 6'4", 6'3", 6'2", and 6'1". The last two are football guys who add to the physical nature of Webb (who also looks to be a football guy). Jaxon Walker, Ayden Riggleman, and Bracey Brenneman have logged some time. All bring some things to the table once they play enough. North Daviess- They will be very good. Mullens is really good as a lead guard. The Wilson twins are good wings. I think the X-Factor may be the Britton kid. Good shooter who can fill it up if he is allowed to get going. They have some other solid guards/wings. I just don't see much size. The one kid with size is rail thin and shoots 3's. Bloomfield- They looked good in the game I watched. They were without Sherrard, but Combs looks taller and stronger. If Combs has become more physical with his added overall size, they will be improved from an already strong team. Skomp looks to be better to add with a strong senior class. They will be in the mix. Shakamak- Tough to know without 4-5 baseball boys there. May is a shooter, but he is asked to do a lot. Gilbert is still rocking an old school look with the hair... He is a solid wing player. Will Miller could be ready for varsity action, but he needs physical strength. They did get Tyler Vivian playing basketball again. Now they will need to get back Guyler Gorby. The rest are a lot of guys that didn't look ready to contribute. There was a incoming 8th grader who looked really good against Eastern... Johnson. Clay City- They will be led by a solid junior class. They still don't have much size. Eastern- This will be an interesting group for Coach Hudson to coach. He has 2 big returns in Rippy and Valentine... and then a bunch of sophomores and freshmen. His JV wasn't strong... the 8th grade was average last year. The 2 returning seniors will have to be really good until the young ones can get up to speed. WRV- New coach... I think they have played some games the last week or so... but the word is their new coach wanted time to see his team before playing games. North Central- No idea... I can't imagine Coach Edmondson doesn't have them playing some games.
    1 point
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