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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2021 in all areas

  1. My only reason for posting this is to break up the seemingly uninterrupted string of Tiger fan posts...that, and to give a shout out to Tango, patriarch of the eastern branch of the family tree who floated across Pigeon Crick awhile back and never found their way home...🤧 Hope your Summer is going well, Tango!
    4 points
  2. GID Friends and Foes (Im sure there still lingering out there) 😁 I am letting you all know like I did the others on the leadership team a few weeks back, that come August, I will be beginning a new position within Rensselaer School Corp, going into El Ed PE which was my original degree 18 years ago, so will finally enjoy getting myself back into that, but leaving behind 13 years of running our Alternative School and Credit Recovery program which allowed me to be in front of computer 8 hours a day running our lab for all of that, so being a primary member of the leadership team made sense for me at that time, but not so much anymore as I just will not have the time that this site takes during the season to moderate, et. al that goes into the day to day, week to week, etc. s I want to thank @DK_Barons and @77Jimmie for allowing me onto their team back in 2010, its been a nice little run for myself around these parts and I will be still a member and retain my moderation tools, but will only be able to get on in a very limited basis moving forward and do not want to have folks wondering why I am not getting back to them in the typical ways that you have been accustomed to. Thanks to @Irishman all these years together running the day to day it seems, appreciate your support and accessibility brotha. Like I said, I will be on here and there throughout the rest of the summer and will help when I can until August but the slow phase out of my position within the leadership team. Thanks to the many members and supporters all these years, appreciate all of you. Hope many of you continue to provide your content and commentary within the confides of what Coach TA always wanted, a positive promotion of Indiana HS Football in your schools, communities throughout the entire state of Indiana. Cheers Coach Eric Nowlin
    1 point
  3. Couldn’t agree more. Transparent as hell. Sounds like a “what you see is what you get” kind of guy and someone kids love to play for. Also love them adding Carmel in a home/home. Elkhart just gained a fan.
    1 point
  4. Pump your own brakes. Irish fans have reason to be excited.
    1 point
  5. I know very little about EM, but I do know this... They have the best uniforms in the state.
    1 point
  6. LOVE his answers and honesty. LOVE that he owns the responsibilities he spoke of. Great interview. Best wishes Coach and Elkhart!
    1 point
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