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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2021 in all areas

  1. I wish people would focus more on the idea under discussion, as opposed to the person generating the idea. Far too much of “ I don’t think your idea is a good one, so you are a bad person.” An intellectually weak position that does nothing to stimulate the discussion.
    4 points
  2. At the rate we are going, play in bowl games (other than the CFP games) will inevitably deteriorate as more and more of the better players opt out. Saw this morning that Kenny Pickett, Pitt’s Heisman finalist QB, won’t play in the Peach Bowl. His two backups have attempted a total of 18 passes this year. I understand the economic issue. It’s the whole Jaylon Smith thing. But I continue to believe that $$ should not be the only consideration. If you’re a player who is going to be drafted, that reality is based on your performance as a player. And your performance is dependent to a degree on your teammates and coaches who helped you get there. So now, when they get to a big stage, you’re not going to be there with them? You’re going to leave them in the lurch? With the prevalence of “loss of value” insurance, players can protect their downside risk. Is there a place left in the game for loyalty and obligation, or is the money just too big?
    1 point
  3. We can agree to disagree. I don’t place entertainment at the top of the value chain. I realize others do. Additionally the focus more on sports are corporations than it is on the direct paying fan. Just a theory as to why an athlete will turn his back on his teammates in a big game. The money is so excessive that it drives this behavior. Too much to risk.
    1 point
  4. I'd love to post Eddie Murphy's response to "HALF".... Seems that that is a starting point for (Sub)Urban Meyer in this situation. (YouTube it...kinda vulgar though for the GID) Again, (Sub)Urban Meyer will pop up in a Mid-Major or KY, IU, MO program at some point to try and salvage any shred of his former self in the ensuing years. or perhaps the Fox Sports pregame programing. A total disgrace of a HC at the NFL level at this point. But there are still those who'd welcome him in at the collegiate level. Oh how we all long for the days gone by, when HC's just were IN CHARGE and we all fell in line with the reasoning they gave for the 'programs' they ran.
    1 point
  5. khan won’t pay Meyer rest of contract. Shefter on espn reported.
    1 point
  6. Overpaid? Seems to me they are paid what the market dictates. That is at odds with my definition of “overpaid.”
    1 point
  7. Yeah, but now he's at Jeff. Lord, I apologize for that there.
    1 point
  8. That decision should be left to the community and school administrators, not some blowhard on the GID.
    1 point
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