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  1. Traditionally speaking if I as a parent didn’t perform my duties per government standards, doesn’t the government take my children from me? Transvestites commit suicide at a rate somewhere around 35% higher than their cis friends. Can we at least agree there is some degree of mental illness involved in the equation?
    2 points
  2. Agree with this re: the HS teams depend on the youth system. Here's to all the youth coaches who worry about teaching first and having fun first. And not the youth coaches whose first priority is Jimmy Jr. playing QB and Johnny Jr. being RB.
    1 point
  3. Central will be naming the new football coach tonight. Central guy with not much coaching experience and no head coaching experience. Hope the best for the program but they have a long way ahead of them to get back to their success they once had. He must rebuild the youth system because all of their high school success came from the success of the feeder program.
    1 point
  4. I could give two shits about any of this. You’ll have to excuse my slip of the keyboard. Sure allow kids and idiot parents to do whatever they fancy.
    1 point
  5. American society already legislates the moral choices minors can make, and have been doing it for decades: 1. The age they can legally purchase and consume alcohol. 2. The age they can legally have sex with another individual. 3. The age they can legally drive a car. 4. The age they can legally purchase tobacco products. 5. The age they can legally work for pay outside of the home. 6. The age they can join the military. This list goes on. Again, I'm talking about minors here. If a legal adult want to waste their time and money, along with most likely a lifetime of pain and suffering, to become a different gender, then they can knock themselves out. So you are in agreement that all the above laws should be repealed, in the name of getting government out of the morality business?
    1 point
  6. This is what makes Reitz, MD, and Memorial unique. A lot of the same names go through those doors. People I went to school with over 30 years ago have kids in school there now. There isn’t that “flavor of the week” vibe
    1 point
  7. To my knowledge, the Legislature, in its infinite wisdom, has only substituted its judgment for the patient’s in healthcare decisions in 2 areas: abortion and transgenders. Two hot button “morality” issues. Do you think that’s a coincidence? It’s legislating morality in the guise of healthcare regulation. And comparing transvestites to transgenders is completely inapposite. But even if it weren’t, the “mental illness” involved is usually depression brought on, in large part, by the frustrations of dealing with an ignorant and bigoted world, don’t you think?
    1 point
  8. Those are “morality issues?” “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’ Lewis Carroll — Through The Looking Glass
    0 points
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