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Everything posted by Titan32

  1. The IHSAA isn't shutting anyone down over rudamentary case counts. County by county decisions will be made between health departments and school corporations. Some schools might not play....but a lot will. Every school will have cases.
  2. I thought the IHSAA published RECOMMENDATION for attendance. The actual policy will be between the AD and the county health department. I could be wrong.
  3. Memorial: https://www.tristatehomepage.com/sports/home-team-friday-preview-memorial-tigers/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  4. I hear you on the law enforcement. We have several deputies at our games. I don't know if they will enforce or if staff will enforce it but my gut feeling is there will be some pretty strict control on this. You can follow the rules or go home....being a spectator this year will be a privilege. Inevitably some red neck is going to say it's his constitutional right to breathe on everyone.....I don't think there will be any tolerance for "that guy" this season.
  5. I was wondering about our area like that just today. My guess is ...and it is just a guess....you will be told to mask up and social distance in those areas or law enforcement will move you or ask you to leave.
  6. I think the county health departments will make stadium by stadium judgments by working with the ADs. Depending who is running each health department, I could see how the fan "rules" could vary widely.
  7. You bone head..lol...I believe I will be there if GS is or not!
  8. Will you sit next to me at the state championship games Thanksgiving weekend? I’ll wear a mask.
  9. Great read: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1291162358962937857.html
  10. Indiana High School Athletic Association commissioner Paul Neidig, in his first week on the job, touched on several topics Monday in a Zoom call with the state’s high school athletic directors, confirming the association plans to move forward with fall sports as contests begin this week for girls golf and practices for boys tennis, football, cross-country, volleyball and soccer. Neidig said there would be more guidance forthcoming from the IHSAA on attendance at sporting events. Under Gov. Eric Holcomb’s five-stage reopening plan, which is currently in stage 4.5, for events and gatherings with more than 250 people, organizers will be required to submit a written plan to their local health department for approval. Neidig touched on several other topics, including: >> Masks: “Unless you are involved in strenuous activity, everybody should be masked up at this particular time. That is whether you are coaching, standing on the sidelines, anything. If you are coming to and from practices, wear a mask — unless you are in a strenuous physical activity.” Neidig said gaiter masks, which are worn around a player’s neck, could be worn during activity and then pulled up to cover the face and nose when a player comes out of a game. >> On fall sports: “There are a few outliers out there, but the vast majority of schools are planning on participating this fall. And we’re planning on continuing what we’re doing here in the office.” >> On Illinois, which moved football, volleyball and soccer to the spring and keep golf, tennis, cross-country and swimming in the fall: “That’s an all-in or all-out commitment. They’ve committed to that and are going to start that in January. They are going to have abbreviated seasons that they are going to compete in. One thing that’s not in the documentation: Illinois is not going to contest any state championships in their model. Illinois may offer a first round. In our world it’s called a sectional, in their world it’s called a regional, and it will stop there. But once you commit to that model — let’s say the vaccination does come, treatment options get better, the virus continues to go down — there’s no going back from that model. You are committed to that model for a year. We’ve studied a lot of models in the office and what different models would look like. We’ve just not felt it was particularly prudent at the time to make that change.” New IHSAA assistant commissioner Paul Neidig, Neidig went on to say, as he has previously, that his perspective on moving football to the spring and non-contact sports like baseball and softball to the fall is that he would not want those sports to potentially miss back-to-back seasons and football to play in the spring and then the fall again for safety reasons. “I’m not saying anything is off the table,” he said. “I’m just offering some insights into things I’m thinking about and looking at. I don’t have all the answers, but I continue to listen to what are counterparts around us are doing and how they are approaching it.” Get the High School Hoops newsletter in your inbox. Indiana high school basketball new, scores, highlights and more. Delivery: Varies Your Email The new IHSAA commissioner also touched on how the landscape would change as it relates to club sports if the association shut down athletics. “Let’s say we did not have fall sports programs,” Neidig said. “From this office’s standpoint, we would be forced back into either opening back up our summer rules and going back into summer mode. Or at a minimum, we would be out of season for our kids. Which means, the problems you are currently considering out there of kids going off to programming outside of the school-based model, where they are going to AAU tournaments, going to softball tournaments, going to baseball tournaments, would continue through the fall. These for-profit entities would continue to operate if we shut down. And the same problems you’re dealing with effectively now by identification, quarantine and working with your student-athletes, are going to be there. … From my conversations with people in health departments, they are not thinking about the alternative. They aren’t thinking about what it looks like if high school athletics are shut down. To take a kid away from their mentors, their teachers, their leaders.” Neidig was asked specifically about Marion County and what would happen if a county — or multiple counties — are unable to participate in a state tournament. First Indiana high school sports event for nearly 5 months tees off: 'It’s weird.' Washington Twp. to resume sports, asks for better guidance from IHSAA, Marion County Unknowns dominate final week on job for IHSAA commissioner: 'Everybody is a little bit edgy' Football spared in Marion County — for now. It's up to you if we see it this fall. For Indiana high school sports return, 'on track' isn't one size fits all “I have to make decisions that address the entire state,” Neidig said. “I think that’s what our lens is. I’ve shared that with individuals at (the Marion County health department) and other individuals. Certainly my hope is that we can continue to make a case (for athletics) based on some of those things I’ve stated today that we know we’re better off in our environment rather than allowing non-supervised activities to go on outside of the school day. We have a much better chance to control it if they allow us to stay in contact with our student-athletes after the school day. … We’ll cross that road (on Marion County sports) if we get there and hopefully we don’t.” Neidig again touched on what he sees as a problematic issue with travel sports if the high school season is shut down. “Anytime I’ve talked to individuals, I’ve asked the question: ‘What is your plan for non-high school-based athletic programs?’” Neidig said. “AAU events, little leagues and I get crickets when I ask that question. There is no response.” Call Star reporter Kyle Neddenriep at (317) 444-6649. see above
  11. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/08/05/indiana-high-school-sports-fall-cancelation-has-issues-including-travel-sports/3296005001/
  12. My youngest is a freshman so I look forward to the group I coached for 5 years play under the high school staff as a freshman squad. I also look forward to our varsity season as well because we have added some high quality opponents.
  13. On a related note, in terms of ranking sports in terms of their level of risk, do they also count the risk to fans? I have to tell you that to me basketball seems like it should be rated a higher risk than football for both players and fans. Yet for the sole reason of football being a "contact" sport it gets the higher risk ranking. One sport is indoors...duh...and if you do it right you are breathing the "breath" of your opponent for extended periods of time.
  14. See my other post regarding the standard health department questions in these situations. Let's just say as long as the suggested protocols were being adhered to....two coaches being positive should have been the result of some sort of "out side of the program contact" and likely should not result in a complete program shutdown. For the record that is an outstanding suggestion. That way that type of info can be viewed in one location.
  15. The protocols are to identify who had contact without a mask and closer than 6 feet ....I believe it is for 15 minutes. I have lots of experience with this stuff and although it is VERY contagious...it takes quite a bit more than being outside on the same football field with other people to contract it. It would be totally irresponsible to shut this entire team down and most county health departments in that state would NOT recommend that.
  16. If a program misses a scrimmage/game because of two positive coaches or not...they are doing it wrong.
  17. Jasper: https://www.courierpress.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/08/04/jasper-football-excited-competition-level-freshness-first-year-siac/5578537002/
  18. Yes and before you point it out we are currently on the States naughty list for our uptick in positivity rate for a 7 day period. My understanding is we had a church with a mini outbreak.
  19. We are THE top academic public school in our area....surely you aren't insinuating that the "smart" people are the ones shutting down buildings for a few positives. In terms of Rochester specifically...I know nothing about the details there. There could be more reasons than I am not aware of to justify their actions. My comment was to protocols and that "cases" should be expected literally everywhere. It's not a reason to shut anything down. "Cases" are not the panic button statistic. My guess is (and this is purely speculation), that their could be as many as 700 asymptomatic "Cases" in the building EVERY day at Toyota. Somehow, no one goes to the hospital and no one dies.
  20. Thank goodness my kids go to school in a district that doesn't panic over "cases". The protocols are effective. Our 7,000 employee Toyota plant proves that every day. Districts that "punt" at the first sign of a few "Cases" are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is absolutely mind boggling to me that there are actual living breathing human beings that think at the first sign of any positives in the building you need to shut the whole operation down. Just completely insane, there is no other word for it....insane.
  21. Vincennes: https://www.courierpress.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/08/03/vincennes-lincoln-football-counting-experience-move-siac/5548174002/
  22. @GSHSFootball will host Missouri 5A Jackson High School on Saturday, August 29 at 1:00 PM. Jackson finished runner-up in the MO state championship game in 2019. This game will take the place of Owensboro who had to cancel due KHSAA guidelines.
  23. Great day here in SW Indiana also. Lot's of work gets done around the state today!
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