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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Titan32

  1. 1. Central 2. Memorial 3. Castle 4. Mater Dei 5. Reitz 6. North 7. Jasper 8. Harrison 9. VL 10. Bosse
  2. It has been reported (though not confirmed) that the 31ft Hi-pod is so advanced it can and has been used in the production of “little adult” feature films.
  3. Central has looked amazing against GS for 9 straight scrimmages. edit: Forgot we had Mt.Vernon a couple years. They also looked amazing.
  4. On a related note, it looks like Dubois County HD is going to allow 50% capacity at Southridge. Gibson to be announced soon.
  5. What game day will be is completely freaking spectacular. A cumulation of the monumental efforts of the state of Indiana, the IHSAA, health departments, school corporations, administrators, teachers, coaches, players and officials. Hard work wins....thank you to all these warriors who put kids first every day!
  6. How many guys do you dress for a scrimmage? I guess that would depend on if you have a “freshman segment” or not? Curious about formats around the state and how many kids dress to accommodate said format.
  7. South Spencer https://www.tristatehomepage.com/sports/home-team-friday-preview-south-spencer-2/
  8. At least we aren't as bad on Covid-19 deaths as we are in k-12 math and science when compared to the rest of the world.
  9. That it is a heck of a lot easier for NZ! And somehow folks to may comment to mean only communist countries have been successful. That isn't what I said.
  10. NZ has 4.8 million residents. The US has 328.2 Million. Indiana has 6.2 Million.
  11. It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt
  12. My guess is that there are asymptomatic Covid-19 positive kids on the majority of practice fields in the state...and the vast majority of those teams will complete the football season this year and their schools will remain open. I will coin some of you "Zero Casers" from this day forward. Protocols, risk and case management are the name of the game....not elimination.
  13. Many will chose NOT to take their team in the locker room....and that is fine.
  14. Good article from the Evansville Courier and Press. https://www.courierpress.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/08/11/local-officials-express-cautious-optimism-fall-hs-football-season/3342116001/
  15. And this proves the profitability theory. It was never about player safety or the well-being of kids. Barry Alvarez says on BTN that Big Ten schools will continue with 20-hour weeks through the fall. This comes out an hour and a half after the conference announced its decision.
  16. You forgot profitability.
  17. Marion County is a go. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.indystar.com/amp/3344232001
  18. https://www.digitalscout.com/football https://stats.digitalscout.com/indiana/school/gibson-southern-titans/football/varsity/boys/10783915
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