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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Titan32

  1. Good article from the Evansville Courier and Press. https://www.courierpress.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/08/11/local-officials-express-cautious-optimism-fall-hs-football-season/3342116001/
  2. And this proves the profitability theory. It was never about player safety or the well-being of kids. Barry Alvarez says on BTN that Big Ten schools will continue with 20-hour weeks through the fall. This comes out an hour and a half after the conference announced its decision.
  3. You forgot profitability.
  4. Marion County is a go. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.indystar.com/amp/3344232001
  5. https://www.digitalscout.com/football https://stats.digitalscout.com/indiana/school/gibson-southern-titans/football/varsity/boys/10783915
  6. I wouldn't worry to much about canceled scrimmages. Some teams that have had a case or two would rather make SURE they are ready for game one which is infinitely more important than a scrimmage.
  7. I think you got the point. You can't enforce anything in our free country as effectively as say a communist regime can. Given our freedoms...we can't really even do a shutdown very well. We are going to have to learn to work with protocols and keep pretty much every aspect of society going. We have that freedom of choice to stay home and in most cases to do virtual education.
  8. Titan32

    BIG 10

    The Big Ten has sealed its fate...it will never recover and it really didn’t have room to slip to begin with.
  9. You need to go on a blind date with Statguy LOL
  10. Titan32

    BIG 10

    Not yet: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/big-ten-says-no-vote-has-been-held-despite-expectations-league-will-cancel-fall-2020-season/amp/
  11. It doesn't take that many....I wouldn't think.....somewhere in between your estimation and my couple. I should really play closer attention to what we have over there.
  12. Yes it does have them on the visitor side. I have no inside knowledge but a quick internet search says 100-500 per month for a couple. I think in the Jewell they would let us to 250 on each side (home and visitor)...maybe 250 on the end also. We have three entrances and could line up the porta-potties accordingly. Imagine if the Jewell ends up being allowed more fans than the Reitz Bowl.
  13. I can tell you....I wouldn't facebook live anything. Going to need people to pay in an effort to get some sort of revenue.
  14. Looks like a great year to own a porta-potty business!
  15. People underestimate the power of good power washing.
  16. It’s rumored that Central wouldn’t agree to change ours to Saturday...thus there will be no fans in attendance.
  17. Probably around 90 kids. Three 20 minute periods. Freshman vs JV, 1s vs 2s, 1s vs 2s again. Makes an environment where you can see who is playing up.
  18. In addition there have been programs in the state rumored to have had as many as a dozen kids test positive then in turn be able to shut down the spread with the effective use of protocols...AND keep it out of the media.
  19. Many school corporations throughout the state don't shut down a building until there are 30% of kids out for flu. It's going to take a serious outbreak of Covid-19 to reach that level, especially if protocols are being followed.
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