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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DumfriesYMCA

  1. I’m not sure the military part is true. Rory could very well be interested in joining the military. Plenty of factors that go into making a decision. like the fact that they have had only 1 2000 yard passing season….and it was in 1970…lol. Phenomenal school for many things and for many reasons…but a very tough sell to WRs and QBs knowing the team will be bottom 5 in passing yards every year.
  2. Both Rory Heltsley and Cade Virgin of Gibson Southern have elected to pass on the FCS/D1 offers and team up at UIndy. HUGE get for the greyhounds and congrats to these two young men.
  3. All packers fans know Nagy/Pace suck….but will contend they are great in public and hope that the bears decide to keep them both 🤣 it would go a long way for the bears if they sold to new ownership. That old lady just wants $$$ and to sell seats with minimal investment. Bears need an entire gut job and redo…the Arlington site acquisition should go a little ways to make it more enticing for a new owner. new owner could get their gm/Entire coaching staff and have a new stadium. Good for a fresh rebrand. I may hate the bears but I do love it when the packers beat the bears when the bears are a good contending team. Makes those games that much more special
  4. I’ve been saying it for a bit now that he should be fired the Tarik contract was extra bad cuz they refused to sign ARob to extension and cited “we don’t do contracts in season” and forced him into the tag then a few weeks later they extend cohen ARob has had his career wasted because nfl teams basically have owned him this entire time with his rookie deal+ the franchise tags. one of the best WRs and his best QB was probably Blake Bortles when the jags were good for a year
  5. @SBFootball1 Just the reasoning or really the idea of blaming soccer as a big reason. Not counting numbers so much See now you’re out of line. You don’t even realize that I don’t live in southern indiana or Indiana at all…and you immediately try to rope me in with the coaches at my alma mater instead of actually debating my point…like you think I represent GS or Coach Hart…I don’t I’m just a fan. I didn’t even play under Hart. its not BS by the way…it the real world you either make excuses or you make results. Coaches are hired to lead their teams and teach the kids football as well as good life lessons and work ethic…it’s their responsibility to find kids who will play for them and then it’s their responsibility to make those same kids WANT to play for them. It’s literally their job….it’s what they were hired to do. This is what coaching is. Blaming soccer does 2 things 1) it makes an excuse for why your pitch to get kids to play football isn’t working and deflects away from what you as a coach are doing. It assumes you couldn’t do better and the job done so far was flawless 2) It brings into question why there are not other kids on the team who are not playing soccer who can perform…coaches don’t develop individuals, they develop whole teams….culture…tradition….even if a few kids were to quit and leave for soccer the coaches on that team should have been preparing everyone else just the same. I’m not going to apologize for saying any of these hard truths. We are all adults…people need to learn take personal responsibility for their actions there are plenty of coaches in this state who do so much with so little…their players buy in…the players believe the coach has their best interests at heart and will “run through a wall” for that coach….so pardon me when I don’t buy for a second the excuse of soccer is taking kids away from football to the point of diminishing results.
  6. I could ask any HC a primed question like that and get that answer. If you have to make an excuse you did something wrong. Applies for all walks of life. You have excuses and you have results….either you did something with your best effort and with a given purpose/reasoning behind….win or lose…..or you make excuses for why you didn’t
  7. Assuming Andrean makes another deep playoff run…..is there any other kid in state who has a chance of winning next year?
  8. I’m sure the 30 boys on a big HS soccer roster is really the reason a football team can’t get 70 kids from the 400+ boys at a given 4A school. there are plenty of reasons why a kid may not want to play football and I’m sure most of them are perfectly good reasons…but kids playing soccer is not a reason why a football program cannot field a full JV/Freshman team….that goes without even mentioning that the OL/DL/LBs/TEs are not even going to try to get on a soccer field. Do coaches think kids who are 6’0+ 215lbs want to run around for 80 minutes trying to be more agile than everyone else? Lol like come on. The kids playing soccer have builds that are more similar to DBs and WRs than anything….which funny enough…DBs and WRs are the two positions in football that every team carries the most depth at. blaming kids playing soccer is a joke to me and I refuse to give any credit to that idea.
  9. Tbf….I was in diapers when Rex was a freshman in high school lol
  10. I fail to see how coaches are the victim here like you are trying to paint. They are in charge of getting the kids invested and making it fun/enjoyable as well as helping them be the best players they can be which ideally would mean success on the field. I also struggle to find anything that backs up your statement of the numbers being in decline. Show the numbers…show the numbers for every class dating back to their middle school teams…sometimes you just get a small class for a sport and it stays that way….and it’s not anyone’s fault or any cause for concern…could just be that only 15 kids from 6th grade through high school wanted to play football for a class and it doesn’t change. Shoot I’ve read about how some very successful programs in state had senior classes of 10 or less…definitely down years in numbers but they still succeeded and nobody panicked because they knew it was a smaller class.
  11. Is he the first Junior or younger to win the award in Indiana?
  12. I’m a huge David bell fan and think he is the best WR in this class…but GK3 was just different. He was throwing players 5 yards with ease….no matter how many double/triple teams he got or chip blocks….the QB was immediately trying to evade him. I’ve never seen anything like it….and his film is probably top 10 for me in terms of pure dominance that I’ve seen from a HS player. (Derrick henry #1 of course) It is just my opinion though, you’re right….I just know that I like David bell a lot…but still remember that nobody could stop GK3 and even carried over into his college career where he still was a menace against some of the best OL in the country. B1G is known for elite OL…and GK3 still wrecked them as a freshman GK3 just reminds me so much of JJ Watt. Everything about him and I think that comparison is deserved
  13. I think best player is too biased. The best player in the state a few years ago by far and away was GK3…and I don’t even think he was a finalist….and he didn’t even get his 5 Star bump until January after he early enrolled. I don’t care what anyone says…we all seen his Junior film shared on here and followed him for his senior year. But everyone wants to talk about kiser vs bell as being the best. there is a definite divide between “Best for winning this award” and “best damn football player in Indiana period”…that’s not to say I think this year there is that though lol I definitely think Brady is a top 25 prospect in the country and a 5 star prospect and if anyone wants to argue… http://www.hudl.com/v/2GBzfm 40 seconds in. State finals game. Takes snap, surveys, evades blitz, runs to his left….while running to his left he throws a ball from the 27 yard line to the opposing 26 yard line…that’s where the ball was caught (47/48ish air yards). Absolute dime only where Rory could catch it… in stride too. Made the throw while a LB was coming at him. That’s a 50 yard bomb, with precision made live in game in a clutch moment while running to his left throwing across his body. 5 star arm talent no doubt and then some imo
  14. Mr football should probably be an award that’s more than just about football…or at least success on the field. and imo it should be a longer process. maybe midseason have teams/coaches make their nominees…they know who the best players/leaders/humans are on their teams…which kids are also doing great academically while maintaining on field success….then by the end of the regular season maybe narrow that list down to 100 or so voted on by head coaches/coordinators (limit 3 to team for safe measures lol) then from there let it play out and maybe have a list of 25 semi finalists after sectional championships/before regionals. conduct interviews to those 25….get it down to say 10 finalists before the state finals. get the names out there earlier…make it a process and make it mean something. I can argue until I’m blue in the face that Brady is the best player in the state…that’s my opinion…I can argue the stats too for it all day every day…the same can be done by CG fans with Curry or any of the other outstanding players on other teams too ….point is, this award means too much to have the finalists decided after all football is over…and it means too much to have it just voted on without consideration for who these players are off the field and apart from their amazing stats…or what very flawed recruiting system/ranking site says about them.
  15. Patriots vs Bills last night gave you a wet dream
  16. Warren central keeps being mentioned as being really young from typical years and they had a pretty decent year still. I have to imagine they are in contention
  17. I definitely like your idea better. the question then is…how far back do you track? Do you go by 4 year windows that basically just follow the senior class every year? Do you do 3 assuming most don’t get a shot to start until their sophomore year?
  18. Just thinking about what spegal would have put up playing full games is insanity. He might have put up 15K career yards lol nuts
  19. Well at the next level, I hope a coach gives him a shot on the DL…I definitely think he would be a monster on that side of the ball…maybe more impactful than what he does at guard
  20. I’ve watched his stuff…he’s impressive….but I can’t get over the feeling he should play nose tackle. The amount of push he gets with just 1 step is incredible. I didn’t find any defensive stats indicating he played on the DL though. Maybe he doesnt have an interest playing there or there were just other kids available to play DL at snider and coaches didn’t want to run him both ways. All acceptable…..but man…he could be like a Vita Vea at NT and just plug the entire IOL idk I’m no coach. Maybe they tried it and it wasn’t as good a fit as I’m thinking…just have to imagine the short burst bulldozer style push he gets playing RG would translate really well to DT/NT….and I think he could be elite playing there
  21. I have only viewed his recruiting profile but haven’t watched his individual highlights. Might give them a look later though.
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