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Everything posted by DumfriesYMCA

  1. Nailed it. it’s a 2 man race for sure and we all have our opinions on the matter didn’t realize there was the 3rd opinion by whiting 😂
  2. According to sagarin 2-0 vs top 25 teams 4-0 vs top 64 teams #57th schedule in Indiana….on par with a 5A schedule doesn’t even factor in South Warren still. I genuinely hope someone who has a vote reads your comments so they realize how dumb it would be on your side
  3. @Whiting89before you come back and respond. I would just like to point out that Brady has more TDs this year alone that what jackson did in 3 years at CG. Jackson’s best season statistically would be Brady’s worst and it’s not even close actually brady even has more rushing yards and TDs despite finishing with negative rushing yards last year seriously Brady 64 total TDs this year Jackson 62 total TDs in 42 games Prime example of how being in Indy and getting constant free exposure can skew things for rankings.
  4. 😂😂😂 Get back with us in a month when the final rankings are established. also….sagarin certainly thinks the schedule was pretty good and it didn’t even include the South Warren who is playing for the 5A title in Kentucky. Does your butt ever get jealous of your mouth for the crap that comes out of it? 😂
  5. Warren central in the mid 2000s is the first one I think about. Won 3 straight and were ranked in the top 10 the whole time I believe?
  6. Blake Fisher was probably the only chance for an OL winning it. Just the reality of the situation. they should make an OL/DL award though….as much as Indiana loves to talk about corn fed/Uber physical lineman….probably would do it some justice
  7. I totally get that….and I don’t want to take anything away from him….my problem though is I watched George Karlaftis lay down one of the most dominant seasons ever at basically the same position as Curry….that LB/DE/DT/even TE role. Curry faced stiffer competition no doubt….but GK3 put down 17.5 sacks and 56 TFLs his senior year…..that’s double what Curry did and to me at least…I don’t think Curry is better than GK3. They are on the same level but I wouldn’t claim Curry to be the best in 25 years….I think he’s the best since GK3. That’s my opinion though and I want to stress that while I debate against Curry I don’t want to make this seem like Curry isn’t a phenomenal talent….I just think he is the 2nd best player in the state behind Brady.
  8. I believe they should be considered. But obviously the senior season is the most important. Brady’s season alone has more than enough merit though. I even forgot to put in there that Brady went 11 games with 42 passing tds before he threw an interception….I really should have included that because WOW….that has to be a record of some sort….how many QBs in Indiana have thrown for 42 TDs in a season….let alone without an int during that stretch….and then to add 16 more TDs on his way to winning it all? Just super impressive. Probably hurts the others cases if we say it’s only the senior season because this year was magical
  9. If you are in the top 32 in the country overall you are a 5 star prospect. won’t make a big argument about this though…Bowen has another year to improve upon what he has already done.
  10. Don’t wanna clog up other threads debating this so I’m just going to compile his accomplishments/case right here. Bradys accomplishments 1) 11,918 career passing yards. 2nd all time in Indiana. 277 yards short of being the all time leader. If it weren’t for Brady being so efficient and playing only the 1st half of so many games this year, this record would have been broken finally….it was established in 2001. 2) 4,253 yards passing in a season. 3rd best passing season for Indiana. 6 yards short from 2nd best, 215 yards short from 1st. The last time someone got over 4200 yards and close to the all time record was 2002….2 decades 3) 149 career passing TDs. 1st all time ….by 7 TDs. That record stood for nearly a decade. 4) 791 career completions. 1st all time. Another Record that stood since 2001 5) 58 passing TDs in a season. The single season record is 60…..set in 2002 6) As of RIGHT NOW, Brady is 7th in the entire country for single season passing yards. 7) He is also 2nd in passing TDs…..FOR THE ENTIRE COUNTRY 8 ) He led GS to its very first Semi State championship and its first state championship…..and I can’t explain how special that is…..especially considering how we were 0-3 vs the Indy p/p schools and 0-3 in the semi state games….might only be 1-4 now but it’s a win that transcends football for the smaller public schools outside of the Indy metro. It can’t be quantified, but everyone knows how difficult it is to beat one of these schools in November. Im not trying to take anything away from what others have done….but when you have a QB who breaks records that stood for 2 decades….one that was the only one in recent history to even sniff some of the Schiff records let alone break one…..one that put together a top 3 single season performance…..one that is statistically top 10 IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY…..arguably top 5…….if this is not enough for Mr. Football, then what is? everyone said he needed to win a state championship to win Mr. Football…..well he did that. I may be biased but there is just no way someone can actually make an argument to say he shouldn’t win this award. He did everything he needed to and then a whole lot more. this was more than just a special season….this was an all time clinic he put on against a great schedule and he’s going to go down as arguably the best QB in the state ever…some of these records may never be broken…or we may have to wait a while for them to be topped. Can anyone else really say they put together something more impressive than this?
  11. 100% Lburg and Brebeuf both put their D1 studs on his side looking for a mismatch and they were treated to something like just 1.5 sacks total. Pretty good for a kid who had to defend a Purdue and Notre dame DE for 8 Qtrs….pretty amazing for a kid who got 0 mentions all year despite holding down the right side of the line Im biased in this….but Wabash College would love a guy like him on their team. Great education, Great program….would be a great fit
  12. Bowen is Jaylon Smith all over again and I can’t see it otherwise. and i mean that in the highest praise with no reflection of Jaylon Smiths current nfl status. Kid can just ball out on both sides of the ball and then even special teams. He’s a special player for sure
  13. 4300 yards passing 58 passing TDs 6 rushing TDs state championship numerous records broken including some of the top career passing records. I don’t know how you say no to this resume
  14. If we’re being honest…..championship weekend showed that Mr. Football is Brady Allen….no matter how talented anyone also is….there is just no topping 5Tds and a 19 point comeback on top of what went on all season. It was a beyond special year for him and it feels pretty cemented that he should win mr football
  15. 99 receptions 1751 yards 24 TDs monster semi state game and follows it up with a monster championship game …..I think it’s about time he gets a few of those stars next to his recruiting profile.
  16. Next time I’m in the area I’ll just meet up with you for lunch or something. Way too many people. Ran into a number of former classmates and even a few friends from my college days. I definitely owe you one
  17. Just made it back to my sister in laws in Princeton and I’m still pumped up from the game I seen. a shame I didn’t run into anyone on here ( at least knowingly) I’ll just have to make a trip to the Jewell because LOS was not the place to meet up with everyone lol. I may be from Wisconsin and live there…but damn was it cold today lol.
  18. This has happened like 3/4 times this year. 4th and 20+ and Brady puts a ball perfectly on the money for a Td
  19. Only 1 half……well worth the 500 mile drive from Green Bay to Ft branch and then whatever it is from Ft. Branch to Indy.
  20. It’s gameday! @Esso Ayche , I’ll be there today and as promised I’ll buy you a drink
  21. On the flip side…having a freshman team as a 3A school or lower is a huge advantage. Creates the solution of “reloading not rebuilding”
  22. Does this mean teams that throw screen passes a lot are considered old school? also…the behind the back pass is a better pass than I can throw normally 😂
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