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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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    Culver Academy
    South Central (Union Mills)
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    Teacher / Administrator

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  1. CMA has been looking for a conference home for quite some time as it would help with scheduling. They would be a great fit in the new NSC but I understand the reasons behind the other school's reluctancy to add them.
  2. Good thing there is a running clock rule in effect. Otherwise, Tippy Valley would score 600 or more points against Knox. 🤣 Outside of the typo, this is good stuff and I like where @Frozen Tundra is going with all of this. Thanks to you 2 for putting this together.
  3. CMA 26 N Judson 22 F Good hard fought game. CMA scores the go ahead TD with less than a minute left in the game. If NJ QB could throw with better accuracy then they win this easily. CMA needs to clean up the penalties. Impressed with the NJ run game. The FB is a load to bring down. NJ run D is tough as well. Secondary needs some work but they will have a pretty good season and have to be the favorite in their sectional and should contend for the HNAC. Good luck the rest of the way Jays.
  4. South Central 44 Culver Community 22 F Game was back and forth and much closer than the score indicates. Culver is just too young and has no depth. Had 2 or 3 key players go down with injuries and cramps and SC took advantage.
  5. I agree, Unfortunately there are not many options in the area without increasing drive times. Obviously I am partial to Culver Military joining but the only other options that would make a good fit are Fairfield, Wawasee, St. Joe, Marian or Rochester. I don't see any of those leaving their conference to join. Maybe after a couple of years, the interest to join by some of the schools would increase. I think it is going to be a great 2A/3A conference in all sports. Reminds me of a smaller NLC.
  6. You must not choose all words carefully. You may want to re-read what you posted. The 4th word of the first sentence is coaches. You must not have been around many losing coaches or teams if you think that NORMALLY the hardest working coach or player wins. I agree that you get what you work for, however, your generalization that teams lose due to being outworked is wrong. I'm not saying it doesn't happen because it most certainly does but very rarely. There are so many other reasons other than how hard they worked or how much time they put in during the off season.
  7. I agree about the draw. The sectionals should all be seeded. But saying a team or coaches don't put in the work at 2-7 is just not fair to those teams. I've been a member a lot longer than 4 1/2 years. A few of yours over the years are right up there too.
  8. This has to be the most asinine thing I have read on this forum. You are seriously going to say that teams that go 2-7 didn't put as much if not more work than an 8-1 team? There are numerous reasons that several teams go 2-7 or worse and none of the reasons are that they didn't put in the time. Get out of here with that crap.
  9. I'll add that kids are not allowed to just be kids anymore. A small school athlete most likely plays 2 or 3 sports. Then you have all 3 coaches wanting them to do all of the summer or off season conditioning, scrimmages or tournaments. For a teen today, it is almost like a full time job. Go to baseball, then basketball then football. When do they have time to unwind and just enjoy their teen years? 1 week in July? Add to that coaches pressuring them to play only 1 sport. Where does it end? I can assure you that burnout is for real. I'm not saying that is what has happened with the kid from Triton, but seems to be happening more and more.
  10. Argos would be the better choice but would they leave the new conference they helped to form?
  11. Sounds like North Miami has accepted the invite. I don't know particulars but it sounds like they are in.
  12. That doesn't really make a lot of sense. Why leave the TRC if you aren't wanting to join a conference with tougher opponents? Both schools are in the same class. They have played each other in the regular season in many sports. I don't have a dog in this fight so to each their own I guess.
  13. CMA has been having discussions with the new conference schools. I guess CMA wants to join. We will see. I honestly believe they would be a good fit. I know they have had some great seasons in boys basketball as of late but they are coming back down to average. Football had some really good seasons from 2017-2019 but year in and year out, they are not a juggernaut. All other sports would be about even. There is the issue of gate with hosting them. Hopefully that can be worked out. On the plus side, CMA never charges for admission to home games unless hosting IHSAA tourney games.
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