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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Grover

  1. We will not. But don't think we won't notice if we end up with a better MIC record than the conference champion. 😁
  2. Anybody else find it annoying as hell when the announcers get carried away by the action on another mat? They completely missed Heydon Watson's takedown and near fall in a semifinal match between #1 and #2 because they were blabbing about the match on another mat. And GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
  3. IHSAA rules only apply to IHSAA sanctioned sports. Is it fair? No. But it's also not fair that I'm overweight and losing my hair.
  4. Not all encompassing and in no particular order: Where kids are more important than the team. Parents more concerned with position, playing time, and recruiting than winning. Where coaches aren't willing to put the time into preparation and/or building a program rather than just a team. Lack of or inconsistent culture. Bitching about opponents having unfair advantages. Avoiding playing teams that would make your team better. Unsupportive administration. Lack of a sufficient strength and conditioning program. Coaches who are unwilling to adapt their style to the different personalities of players and coaches. And obviously too many free lunches. 🙄
  5. Not defending the travel rule but cheerleading isn't an IHSAA sanctioned sport.
  6. I'm a big fan of linemen wrestling. Lots of lessons to be taught starting with leverage and hands. They get better conditioning in wrestling, and as long as they don't go crazy losing too much weight the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
  7. I'm aware of at least one instance of a coach not making the cut for state because teams get limited passes. He had to buy a ticket and sit in the stands. That also happens to support staff but that's not as big of a deal. JV kids have to buy their own tickets and sit in the stands thanks to the ridiculous IHSAA rules.
  8. In football there are rules that are written and rules that are enforced. They usually aren't the same. But the state finals rules for football were very strict and enforced.
  9. Missed the entire first round while they got their mess sorted out. This was the screen I got. It was great once it got up and running.
  10. I paid $25 for the webcast and so far it is total crap.
  11. Superior football knowledge, respected by fellow coaches, and a great ability to lead young men.
  12. Were they? I watched them beat a 9-0(?) Center Grove team in the playoffs. Haniford threw for about a million yards and Izzy ran wherever he wanted. Besides, Earl is one of the nicest guys I've ever met.
  13. The proposal wasn't just to play at CG. Besides, NWI schools need the Indy schools more than vice versa. No duh?
  14. Lots of talk on Facebook about how Merrillville wasn't afraid to play Indy area teams. CG invited them to play in week 3 and they refused claiming their schedule was set.
  15. So schedules can be rearranged? Weird. I was told Merrillville couldn't do that to play us.
  16. When I was walking through my yard today I stepped in a pile of "content".
  17. That's a shame. I'm still having nightmares about their field falling apart in the monsoon during the 2008 regional championship.
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