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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Coach Nowlin

Athletic Director
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Everything posted by Coach Nowlin

  1. It will be an open competition I am sure. Hate the Jimmy Graham signing.... Love the Quinn signing as a big upgrade from Floyd and cut his 13.2 M I think Mitch wins the job.
  2. Central Noble and DeKalb stayed in house: DC Wilcox promoted at DeKalb and Teacher and Head Track coach at Central Noble, Coach Kilgore gets the nod there
  3. Congrats to Bomber Noah Bierma and 7 other Region 4 guys who made the list!! GO NORTH
  4. Here is press release for the NORTH, (do not mind the way they spelled, RENSSELAER!!!!) 2020-North-All-Star-Team.pdf
  5. as in RYAN!!! 😁 Congrats to Ryan O'shea, the O'shea branch just got bigger. Tremendous football family.
  6. Thanks to all the coaches who stepped up and presented when others were cancelled and couldn't make it. Unique situation no doubt but IFCA pulled it all together. Cheers
  7. https://ifca.net/download/IFCA-HANDBOOK-Revised-January-2019.pdf Page 15 and 16 of the Head Coaches manual found at IFCA website
  8. Coaches The 2020 IFCA Clinic is still on. We have had several college staffs and high school speakers denied permission to attend by their respective leadership. We are working diligently to create an agenda that still provides a great opportunity for professional development for those in attendance. We will work to have that agenda complete around 3:00 pm today. It will be updated on the IFCA website, SportYou, and Twitter. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this different time in our region and country. The following speakers have been denied permission to attend the clinic: Purdue University Ball State University Indiana State Southern Illinois University of Indianapolis
  9. Did you add Kankakee Valley to your list last year?
  10. I got a 50 dollar drone for Xmas from father in law 3 Xmas ago, it was decent day out, sunny, no snow, we took it outside, legit, lost it and crashed it behind some houses in a farm field, I would say only 200 or so yards away from my house, I searched for HOURS for that thing...... used it for about 4 minutes total. Felt horrible.
  11. not yet. Been playing on the same 100 bucks since end of January I can spend that in HOT Minute other places
  12. My list of schools that are now "dead" to me has grown by 3 after last night BYU Buffalo worst offender: Wright St. Joins the Color Brown, also the college and Northeastern from previous Month list Carry on
  13. With NU taking another trasnfer former Starter, what does that say about Hunter Johnson??
  14. its all under MEMBERSHIP: click that link and then follow the form, it will say either NEW or RENEWAL and go from there Its a no brainer being a member, especially with the 2 million dollar liability insurance that comes with being a member plus the clinic as well and voting rights at your local meetings.
  15. Calumet also would like to claim HS biggest Jumbo Tron https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/post-tribune/sports/ct-ptb-mike-hutton-column-st-1006-20161005-column.html
  16. pressure is very much a thing for Archie His Sesame street meltdown seemed to be unbecoming of a Major D1 Basketball Coach
  17. In the Fall, perhaps Leaf Raking service or in winter, snow shovel removal
  18. Are you already a IFCA PAID MEMBER for the year?? If so then all you have to do is come on in and check in at the table With your 70 dollars Paid Yearly Membership, you get the clinic for Free If you are not a member, then you must sign up online at ifca website I highly suggest if not a member signing up well before Thursday.
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