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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by statmurp_10

  1. I believe I had stated, it would take a months worth of SUNDAYS, as a catch phrase, but maybe you're too young to have heard or even understood this choice of words. Since this plan is your idea, maybe you should work out all of the logistics, and then run it past the schools you've included, unless you're not really that serious, and the posting was only conjecture in a passing fantasy. Who knows for sure? The ball is on your 'grid'.
  2. You maybe correct with your thinking. Yet, any discussion here on this message board goes nowhere without the input of the schools you've mentioned. I'm supposing you would like to see an enterprising person latch on to your idea, run with it, and present it to the schools and each of their Athletic Department's Administrators. Just possibly, it might see the light of day, but, and always there shall be a but, it would take a month worth of Sundays, to work out the logistics for such an aggressive endeavor, if first the idea would receive a positive nod. So, in the interim, I'll wish you the best of luck seeing this through.
  3. Within this portion of the regular season, would anyone believe, there is still an advantage to be the home team, by contesting on your own real-estate?
  4. With the Covid-19 Pandemic hanging over all of the fall high school sports scene, Everyone should just be so lucky, to be able to compete with conference play, before the IHSAA state series; for now. I understand, this idea of wishful thinking.
  5. Not hardly folks. The quoted post was in the original text, and I couldn't change , edit, or modify it If I wanted too.
  6. I'm so sorry, but I was sure my notification was pretty clear about that. I'll read my own statement again to see If I had neglected to state the information about when is the date of the event, and where it is being staged. No, I guess not; its all there! Saturday, the 19th.; moved it back to the Fort, where Carroll is the host.
  7. For anyone, who might not have known, the original game plans for Dwenger and Carroll; the contest was scheduled for Lucas Oil Stadium in Indy on Saturday, the 19th. But the pandemic shuffling moved it back to the Fort, where Carroll is the host. Summit City Sports isn't 'LIVE' streaming this event. Instead, Bishop Dwenger Media is providing the 'LIVE' Stream on You Tube. You can locate the link, and press the 'reminder' button for notification of when the 'LIVE' Stream has commenced.
  8. Believe it or not, but there doesn't seem to be any negative comments about staying up in 5A from Bishop Dwenger 'Saints' Football. It is interesting, that others seem to be concerned about it.
  9. Hmm! No love for the 'Saints'? Or is this just your 'fair-weather' Disavowmentsince the weather forecasters are calling for rain on Friday evening the 28th.?
  10. Check out this weeks issue of Northeast Indiana Game Night, online. Casey O'Boyle is the Chief Editor of this publication. It probably won't be posted until tomorrow, Friday, the 21st. in the afternoon on Facebook, and maybe twitter as well. O'Boyle is also the chief writer for the 'Sideline Swami'.
  11. SummitCitySports.COM: 'LIVE' Streams five Summit Athletic Conference football games on Fridays during the nine games regular season on YouTube. This year, the Homestead H.S. 'Spartans', who have their own 'LIVE' streaming equipment, will be doing this very venture for all of their 'home' games. Therefore there will be an open slot for summitcitysports.com to pick up another contest from the Allen County Vicinity. But not understanding how this shall shake out, a reasonable guess, would be a game from the ACAC, or the NIAC. Allen County Voice, and Adams County Voice have been 'LIVE' Streaming games from both of these conferences in recent years, but I don't the have current information if they cover every game each weekend.
  12. I believe this has already been accomplished on a different thread topic of tis forum.
  13. Well. I'm surmising, play or no play, will ultimately be determined by an in-person school attendance session, versus virtual class e-learning sessions, or some kind of a blend of the two plans.
  14. To each their own opinion: correct or incorrect. Remember, death comes to each of us, there is no escape. But if we can come to our own devises to stick around until the Almighty actually wants us to make a personal appearance in front of the Pearly Gates; therefore we shouldn't' be hurrying the process along.
  15. So sorry you're blatantly misinformed, but the Pandemic rolls on, and in many places it is exercising its second wind. All of these, so called, reopening to normalcies, are just a gamble that every state's health department may be able to stay on top of the citizen's healthy do diligence and everyone continues to exercise safe social distancing, and the use of face masks. I guess it is fine to handicap your own decision making for the finishes in 5A football.
  16. And in your opinion, what was wrong with Coach Mark Watts? He had an extensive experience at every level of high school football coaching, and that is one of the reasons Coach Garrett had asked him to be the OC for two seasons. Yes he was very 'old school' in his ways, but he wasn't flashy, and was very down to earth in his football coaching philosophy. Plus the players liked him a lot.
  17. When attempting to open the article, a large subscription request pop-up window covers over the article, and there is no large 'X' to close it.
  18. Unless the reader is paying for a subscription for the online news service from the Journal Gazette, it will be impossible to see the article you've referenced. That being stated, you may locate it from the online source 'Outside The Huddle'. LINK: https://outsidethehuddle.net/2020/01/22/casey-kolkman-returning-to-acac-sidelines-as-new-head-football-coach-at-heritage/
  19. On YouTube, Summit City Sports has already loaded the 'LIVE' Stream for the game, and you can click on the reminder tab.
  20. SummitCitySports.com will be 'live-streaming' on tube in HD many of the N.E. Indiana Playoff games for Nov. 1st. All remaining SAC schools are usually the flagship presentations.
  21. It was truly a 'CLUSTER' with all of the FUBARS, and SNAFUS thrown in for good measure. I believe it was the football season of 1979.
  22. Yes, we've read your critique many times over. While your argument has merit, one must remember, by continually verbally attacking the IHSAA about this topic, you've obviously never played the game of BINGO, or Powerball, or Mega millions. Those Ping-Pong balls only have numbers attached and not school names. The administrators only have the authority to do what they do by direct authorization of the school members. Your critique needs to be directed else ware other than the commissioners and the executive committee.
  23. Fort Wayne, Bishop Dwenger does. In fact, they have two of these lighted digital line of scrimmage down markers; I.E., the one that's official on the side of the field opposite the press box, and also another on the home side of the field; like many of the colleges, and all of the pro games use.
  24. A different report by a different reporting entity. https://fortwaynesnbc.com/news/top-stories/2019/09/16/191945/
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