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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Julio

  1. There will be the possibility of 16 days available for the athletes to get their 10 mandatory days In before the 1st game. If an athlete does not participate in the scrimmage, they may practice in the morning and count it towards their 10 days.
  2. Ohio State made their players sign a waiver, not sure of other schools.
  3. Play on as scheduled. If schools want to shutdown their football team, let them, but don’t tell others school to do the same. If Lake County schools want to shutdown, this should not effect Evansville schools.
  4. We are doing the same. Just need to take more water breaks as the heat goes up and longer classroom sessions.
  5. NFHS has said that theses will not be allowed at the high school level. They stated that there is more risk from injury wearing this than not wearing them.
  6. I say play on as scheduled. People need to stop looking at world wide numbers, and just look at what is going on locally. Texas, California, Arizona, and Florida numbers have nothing to do with Indiana football.
  7. You are correct, on Wednesday the IHSAA posted an article about COVID-19 from the NFHS.
  8. With colleges it is a money issue, not the fear of COVID 19. If nobody attends the fall sports season, then they have no money for the spring and winter. Stanford cancelled 11 sports programs because they know the football season will not make the money to fund the other sports. Like I said before, most of colleges get their student athletes from around the county where COVID 19 is at a high risk than others not like high school where they are from a small area in a state’s county.
  9. NFHS has said those type of mask will not be allowed, as they pose a chance of injury to the athlete. My brother in law coaches college baseball in California and he said that their football team might be wearing them. Laney College, which is featured on the Netflix show Last Chance U.
  10. What if you did not attend the Zoom meetings, I was told it was limited to the first 100 per session? There are over 300 schools that have football, but only 200 got to see the zoom meeting? It is not posted on their website, so how do I get the info?
  11. Where did you get the IFCA guidelines? We have not heard from any member of the IFCA sending us guidelines for the coming season, so please inform me on what these guidelines are.
  12. I just read the minutes from the IHSAA and it states nowhere about the COVID 19 and the summer schedule . It only talks about 8 man football, unified flag football, changing the state final games, and getting a jamboree.😤. This is what our coaches association (IFCA) and governing body (IHSAA) thought was important right now.
  13. Wait a minute, last week they said we could have 4 conditioning days per week for 2 hours and 2 activity days per week for 3 hours, not what it sounds like in what you wrote.
  14. College and high schools are different animals. College players come from various states and as we know each state is different when it comes to getting back to normal. On the other hand high school players come from the same neighborhood, for the most part.
  15. If any schools need freshman games this season, message me or call Knox High School.
  16. I think the IHSAA should only allow July to be open to fall sports, the winter sports will get a limited contact period before their seasons start and spring will get 2 limited contact periods. Don’t force kids and coaches to fight for practice times.
  17. Just think what would have happen if they built a field house instead of a 2 story stage for drama and band rooms galore.
  18. Most people just wanted the credit for being “the first to know”.
  19. You can have the Blue Barn that we go into at halftime, I personally am tired of breathing in the snow salt and diesel fuel fumes.
  20. I looked on the IHSAA By-Laws and it only states 3 videos: Concussion, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Heat Illness. It does state that you need to complete it every other year. But I can not find where it states that SEA 222 is required.
  21. Does anyone know if this is still required for coaches to coach high school football? How often does it have to be completed?
  22. I don't see them putting New Haven in Sectional 19, too close to Fort Wayne, and then splitting up Northwood and Northridge which are in the same county. Could be wrong but don't think so.
  23. Logansport has always gone to sectionals 20, but with the addition of Huntington North, Marion, and Mississinewa to 4A, the closes drive for them would be to head North to Sectional 18. They are the odd team out in North 4A, if the IHSAA decides to put them in the South then then the bye could be in the North and will probably be in either Sectional 17 or 18.
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