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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Lysander

  1. Can’t speak to Bloomington press coverage , and NO dog in this particular hunt, but the CI Championship IS being played between Columbus North and Bloomington South this weekend. As to Bloomington North v Roncalli…likely over the First Quarter.
  2. Interesting observation from a few weeks back when Brebeuf defeated New Pal (how quickly we forget the prior greatness of teams, btw). In that game, I believe the starting QB was injured in the 2nd or 3rd Quarter. As it turned out, the starting QB for Brebeuf was injured. Anee stepped in as QB an ended with a TD passing as QB, a TD as a receiver and either TD on an interception
  3. I have to admit, that weather was tailor made for a Lorenzano team. ….and they say God doesn’t play play favorites….
  4. Making it out of 28 is a challenge all by itself. I could easily see West Lafayette coming out of the North.
  5. I share your “zeal” as regards closed conference.
  6. Good luck to South. I hope they pull it off. I'm looking forward to the South/Chatard rematch on October 15, particularly with the McCullough brothers playing.
  7. That was the standout score I noticed this week as well.
  8. Am I correct in saying that only CN has a shot at winning the conference over Bloomington South at this point?
  9. Welll...Roncalli and Cathedral certainly won't meet this year. it would be interesting if they played this year, admittedly. Despite the score, it was an incredibly physical game and I thought Brebeuf fought them toe to toe until the weight of Roncalli's O-line just wore them down. It was a pretty brutal game.
  10. Brebeuf 10 Roncalli 28 1:24 in 4th. 88 yd TD pass Brebeuf.
  11. Roncalli 21 Brebeuf 3 4:16 in 4th. Brebeuf has only had the ball for less than 1:30 seconds in the ENTIRE 2nd half so far....that's INSANE. Brebeuf has played well but Roncalli's O-line simply took over in the 2nd half. Many bumps and bruises in this game.
  12. Brebeuf 3 Roncalli 0 40 yd Field Goal. Game is a battle 4:26 left in 2nd Q
  13. I think the Guerin scores might be comparable but from what I’ve read elsewhere, I thought Roncalli had some starters sitting out in the Guerin game due to being a little banged up. That said, Brebeuf may as well have had injuries but it’s hard to say since they have never really had any posters here except Coach G. One other consideration is that this is the Circle City Conference Championship game. So far Chatard has won it 3 times and Roncalli 2 times. Brebeuf has a chance to be the only team not named Chatard or Roncalli to win the CCC tonight.
  14. If they can do that, I would certainly agree but I likely feel the same even if they can only keep it within 2, maybe 3, TDs.
  15. In another sport, my oldest ended up as an All-State player, HS All-American and later played in college. He picked up his official’s license and officiated his first game his Senior year in HS - a 5/6th grade game. After, the abuse hurled at him by parents and one particular coach (who was and is a HS coach to this day), he never officiated another game again. I hope they sue the pants off that school and anyone involved is separated permanently from the sport. There is no excuse for that.
  16. All I know is that in the PAC must be beastly this year per Sagarin. Three teams in the Top 15 (and another South team, Linton 19th, btw) The SAC and SIAC crazy numbers are to be expected because of the closed conferences. Not sure though, about some of this other stuff. Guess I don’t want to hear anyone South complain about being disrespected - at least for the moment.
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