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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Lysander

  1. Gibson Southern vs. either The Preppies (Brebeuf for those unwashed) or West Lafayette at Lucas Oil. I don’t have a 4th Team. I’m slightly favoring Brebeuf v West Lafayette simply in 2 weeks because it’s a home game for Brebeuf (and the fact that Brebeuf has played a much more difficult schedule). As to who wins Thanksgiving Weekend, no idea….but I will be personally favoring one team….IB.
  2. Thanks Doc. I was unaware of this. I’m in Florida for a couple of weeks and assumed I would miss this one. MD - I’m not aware of any consistent radio coverage. Chatard doesn’t have the Cathedral or Roncalli $$$ to pay for radio game coverage.
  3. Chatard 52 Terre Haute North 7 Final Chatard has yet to lose to a Conference Indiana Team. Bloomington South will get their shot next week to change that. Wish I was in town to watch the McCullough brothers next week,.
  4. Roncalli 21 Cincy Elder 7 3rd Quarter I'm getting this 2nd hand, btw.
  5. Chatard 37 Terre Haute North 7 Half Cathedral 31 Brebeuf 7 Half
  6. I’m down with the whole he/she Jesus Trinity thing….I guess. You guys are way outside this poor dumb Baptist when it comes to understanding the whole hypostatic he/she Jesus “thang”. Apparently he /she isn’t down with humility at St Luke, though.
  7. You’re a good dude. Heard this “blah…blah” legalistic stuff before….sorry. Still….not buying. Even 30 some odd years post law school I can still flog most any position enthusiastically. Still, some things are to obvious to ignore….and, yet, someone will always validate them. Sectional 28 ALONE tells me everything I EVER needed to know as regards the IHSAA and fairness (specifically as regards Catholic schools) in Sectional pairings. After that, everything else is smoke, mirrors and ABSOLUTE BS. Not that Bobby Cox has anything to do with things these days but I shared a Butler U track locker room with him roughly 40 years ago. No way he is drilling down the way you just did. Again…Sectional 28 says it all. In Indy, Chatard, Cathedral and Roncalli will be paired whenever and wherever possible….PERIOD. We accept it….but we expect folks to not blow smoke up our posteriors and tell us it’s somehow fair.
  8. We remember. I’d, personally, love Chatard to be a permanent fixture in 4A (and have said so for years) but it’s never quite worked out per the SF.
  9. I said the same thing last year. Still, the instinct to knock a perennial Catholic power out in a Sectional is just too strong to resist for the IHSAA versus taking the long view. It wouldn’t (or won’t) be any different if Roncalli and Cathedral were in the same class….in fact we saw it just a few years ago. Roncalli and Cathedral were paired in Sectional and New Pal (who is literally next door to Roncalli) was sent North.
  10. My “assumption” is that classes will adjust next year based on enrollment. “Success Factored” schools will remain bumped until the two year cycle has run its course (which was scheduled to be Fall ‘22/Spring’23). Two years from now (Fall ‘23), another adjustment will be made based on BOTH the actual enrollments AND the Success Factor. Admittedly, the reading of the IHSAA dictum has left me confused but I’m assuming this is what will happen….add that it seems the most sensible approach. With that, we really should be on a rolling 2 year cycle as regards SF in my opinion (which really has nothing to do with my thoughts above).
  11. Yep. I’ve seen similar in a Regional some years back. It’s very cool.
  12. Agreed. Also, in more than a few cases the consensus top couple of teams in the state happen to be in the same Sectional. It would be a criminal if kids from the losing team in that matchup don’t at least get a couple of postseason games.
  13. That’s my understanding but I admit, I got that from other folks here. I’ve not read anything official, though.
  14. Wow…. The two closed conferences are having the most disruptive effect on Sagarin that I can ever recall.
  15. In years past you could literally sit on the 50 on the Brebeuf side since the games were so lightly attended by Brebeuf fans.
  16. Dunno, I need to ask my emotional support pony….if I could just muster the courage to leave my safe space. Micro aggressions are flying far and fast out there.
  17. Hopefully the schools can keep this one on the schedule and the next time we’ll see both teams up to their traditional form.
  18. Sorry, FT. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make since I had out of town visitors but I ended up arriving just before the start. I tried to respond/post via my phone but couldn’t get onto the GID for some reason. I’ve only now been able to from my IPad. When East had the long drive on their first possession, I thought it was going to be a tight game. It seemed that all the air went out after the goal line interception and the following quick TD. I like your QB. The guy is fast and elusive.
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