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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by FastpacedO

  1. There are not many for sure. The only one I can think of is Cathedral: who beat Chatard and Center Grove.
  2. There were a few things that annoyed me. The first like you said the talk about speed which I knew wouldn't have much of an effect because New Pal has great team speed of their own. Another was the talk of D-1 talent. To me when you look at it, it's not like New Pal doesn't have D-1 talent on their team. King is committed to Michigan State, Hook to Toledo, Spegal has interest for sure but I think colleges still lump him as a FB. There was plenty of talent on that field last night in both red and white. Which was why I said D-1 talent will have nothing to do with the outcome of this game. One other thing that was annoying were some of the comments by supporters of other teams making asnine comments. I couldn't agree with you more Coach. Many will wake up look at the box score and see 35-10. What they won't see was the preparation both teams put in. The physicality of the game and effort by both teams. Both coaching staffs had good game plans. In the first half Cathedral controlled the clock at times, mounted drives, were forcing New Pal to throw and getting pressure. They ended up with a TD and a FG instead of 2 TD's like I am sure they had hoped for, but New Pal's D had a lot to do with that. In the 2nd half New Pal set out to do what they wanted creating turnovers which put their offense on the field hit a huge pass play that was crucial. Then they did what they do best run the ball at the D and wear them down and Spegal starts to break big plays. It is definitely key to try and keep the Dragons offense off the field and score points, very difficult to do for 4 quarters because New Pal has great players on Offense and Defense that are very disciplined. New Pal has had my respect since the comeback they had in the State Championship against Snider (even though it was a loss). Schedule gets talked about a lot. Ultimately what matters is the play on the field by the teams. In all honesty Cathedral while they have a rugged schedule, they do so because they have no other choice. Being an independent after week 2 most teams are playing in their conference with no opening. So they pick up these out of state teams. They are fortunate CG and WC have moved their game to week 1 leaving an opening for CG in week 9. It honestly doesn't matter who is on your schedule when you have great coaching and players that work hard and develop their craft.
  3. I have seen over the years the P/P vs Public argument on this board. Coach Ralph brings exactly what teams like Chatard, Cathedral, and others bring to the table. It’s not a secret ingredient it’s hard work in the weight room, great conditioning, great scheme with great coaches, and goals within games they try to attain. Charlie Spegal is special and New Pal will definitely miss him. That being said with Coach Ralph and his staff at the helm New Pal will continue to work hard and have success! you broke it down best. It was a tight game. Turnovers can change the outcome of a game in a heart beat. People weee all over Roncalli during their run. To be honest they weren’t special or that much better than everyone else. What they did was not turn the ball over and force you to turn it over ( same as New Pal did tonight granted NPbhas a special player in Soegal).. No matter what my favorite New Pal player resides in @CaptainHook‘s household for obvious reasons! Lol be sure to keep messaging captain!
  4. Really outside of 1906 and the one that made their first post in this thread they were all outside of Irish posters whim you named and are very respectful. Tonights game was very good. Listen to the radio interview by Coach Ralph prior to the game. He said their goal is 3 turnovers by their D each game. He runs a top notch program!
  5. @CaptainHook that was suppose to say Maxen darn auto correct! At any rate big pick 6!
  6. None by Cathedral fans that I could see. Save one that amazingly had his first post in this thread. We all know 1906 has been a laughing stock all year. I’m sure he’ll rip something out.
  7. So much for win with class. @CaptainHook congrats Maxes played great tonight! I’m sure you are proud as you should be! Congrats to the Dragons, tight game early and they only got better as time rolled on!
  8. So @tango do you see this as a game with several points on the board, or do you see it more as a lower scoring game with defense taking control?
  9. Read this yesterday Captain! Great story and great young man! Thank you for sharing it on here for everyone else to see, well worth the read!
  10. Who you callin' old! lol Tell him @Coach Nowlin 25 and going strong for how many years now? Are we counting actual age or age at heart?
  11. So you don't think Cathedral's Offensive line and Defensive front 7 are good enough to compete with New Palestine's Offensive line and Defensive front 7? I only ask because this is the first that I have seen of a mention of controlling the line of scrimmage. I think it is definitely a worthy topic. of discussion. I have thought of it all week but haven't mentioned much. It is so hard to judge because both teams have fantastic Defensive front 7 D-line and LB's. Both teams have terrific Offensive lines that move really well. Cathedral may be a little bigger on both lines, but regardless both play fantastic. Good point and topic to bring up @LC_Bears_04
  12. Wait is this for Head Coaches only? What about @Coach Nowlin or as @Donnie Baker would say it Coach No Lin!
  13. No I think New Palestine is going to game plan to do what they do and I think Cathedral will game plan to do what they do. Ultimately i think both coaches feel if they play their game and execute they will win. I think others try to make it more difficult than it has to be.
  14. While yes New Pal may have had Cathedral circled, so you think possibly CHS has had New Pal circled? I mean being 84-4, defending state champs, and having played CG. I would think it goes both ways, it’s not like New Pal (said to be the best team regardless of class since they played CG by many) doesn’t have a target on their back. Just thinking out load.
  15. Actually with their body of work you can tell. Even after big games neither team has showed a let down. Which tells me they are very disciplined teams.
  16. If you zoom in you can see @Temptation was in the shot. Here I'll zoom it in.
  17. Absolutely, and I do love it when @Olympian06 goes for the jugular! Top secret hidden video of Olympian06 when the trolls come out:
  18. That game was NOT a fluke. Yes 2 Offensive lineman went out early and yes the RB was not 100%, but even if they would not have gone out it still wouldn't have mattered. The game was riddled with 5 turnovers by the Irish and they were forced into many mistakes throughout by a stout Columbus East defense. Columbus East played more physical and faster, Cathedral's defense ran into a buzz-saw, I think Major and Hogan are still running for TD's. Definitely was not a fluke and Columbus East without a doubt was the better team on the field. I wouldn't call them a Catholic troll. A troll yes. There seems to be a few on this thread constantly trying to stir stuff up Darn Trojans! Can't you control your peeps!! lol
  19. Looks like the veteran Coach Gillin has been around the block a time or two and wants to play it smart if true.
  20. Exactly that is what Muda does best. A game thread and he goes COMPLETELY off topic. Been doing it for years. Don’t quite get why someone who is so against the sport of football spends so much time on a football board. He adds nothing to this great sport. My personal opinion. @dmizers3 at least you got my revenge if the nerds 2 quote! 😂
  21. I highly doubt regardless of who wins the New Pal / Cathedral game that they will have a let down in playing the way they have played all year because they beat the other team. I say that because the Irish have been in some pretty big games as has New Pal to this point. Regardless which team wins they will move on to the next game in business like approach. Doesn't guarantee they would win the Semi-State but I think you will see they will approach it like any other game.
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