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The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong?


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On 2/27/2020 at 12:33 PM, Muda69 said:

Pandemic simulation game Plague Inc. pulled from iOS App Store in China: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/02/pandemic-simulation-game-plague-inc-pulled-from-ios-app-store-in-china/

Good game.  The 'BSanders' and 'AOC' viruses in my games have wiped on the world several times over now..............................


Do you plan on naming your next virus BARRYOSAMA? 😉

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38 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

Nah...just don't respect people that lack integrity.  A couple more examples of your honesty....But, I know...no one to blame. 


Of course they don't resonate with you.....just chose  random examples like these to share......

So full of mierda your eyes are brown......



Gonzo 1.JPG

Those are pretty funny memes you're sharing. Who is Trump kissing in the top one? Is that Xi or Kim Jong Un? 

46 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

You just want to have good civil discussion about COVID 19.  

That's correct. Thread keeps getting derailed with ad hominem attacks by you and those of your ilk though. All due to GDS. 

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On 4/5/2020 at 12:19 PM, Howe said:

Interesting why the "almighty" of infection and allergy medicine would make the following statements on January 26th: 

"The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States," Dr. Fauci said on The CATS Roundtable. "It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."

Director Redfield agreed with Dr. Fauci's assessment, saying that at that time in January the information coming out of China suggested "they were pretty certain that this was not transmitted human to human."

"I think no one could have predicted how transmissible, how infectious this virus really is," he added.



Especially since American media had been reporting human to human transmission of the coronavirus since January 20th.




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Former Rep. Ron Paul: Trump should fire Dr. Fauci, 'fraud' leading coronavirus response

Former Rep. Ron Paul on Thursday called for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease specialist leading President Trump’s medical response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Paul, a retired doctor who ran three times for president during his decades in politics, also called Dr. Fauci a “fraud” and encouraged Americans to “quit listening to him.”

The former Republican congressman from Texas made the remarks during an internet program he co-hosts, the Ron Paul Liberty Report, after Dr. Fauci slashed the number of Americans projected to die from COVID-19, the infectious respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

“Even the bad guys are admitting it, and that is they made these dire predictions so that they could go ahead and destroy peoples’ civil liberties and spend a lot of money and make up an excuse on why the stock market actually went down — all kinds of things by having this coronavirus event blown way out of proportion,"  Mr. Paul said.

“He should be fired,” Mr. Paul said about Dr. Fauci. “But if you don’t do it in the literal sense, the people have to fire him. And they have to fire him by saying ‘he’s a fraud.’ “

“The real data are telling us it is highly likely we are having a definite positive effect by the mitigation things that we’re doing, this physical separation,” Dr. Fauci said on the “Today” show, adding that the number of deadly COVID-19 cases in country could be closer to 60,000 rather than the 100,000 to 240,000 projected by his task force days earlier.

“The plan that they have is when things are getting back to normal, yes, people can return to their work, and they do things, and go to the golf course — if you get a stamp of approval,” Mr. Paul said. “Your liberties are there if you get the proper stamp from the government.”

“It’s an excuse to have total control over the people,” Mr. Paul claimed during his podcast.


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28 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

Glad to know you thought your original memes were funny.  Solid proof you lie when it comes to having serious blame free discussions about COVID

None of the memes you have shared that I posted attempt to place blame on anyone for COVID. None of my comments on the subject have blamed anyone. Keep trying. You're failing miserably.

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6 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

When you post memes that illustrate someone is stupid about the issue, ignoring the threat, etc., that is indeed affixing blame to how the risk is being managed.  Making same sex jokes thinking its cute is simply in poor taste.

You've painted your self into a corner....just not man enough to admit you've poked at Trump with COVID.  I could care less that you do....just don't like someone that blatantly lies.  


13 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

You're failing miserably.


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This is what I’m waiting for someone to explain to me.

Current projections — and they are updating every day — say total US diagnosed cases will hit somewhere between 6 and 700,000 by August. In any event, still under a million. And let’s assume because of the unavailability of testing early on, or lack of significant symptoms, there are 10 times that many people who had the virus undiagnosed, and now have immunity. That still leaves more than 300 million people in the US who are defenseless against the virus, 50 million or so of whom are over 65, immune-suppressed, or otherwise in the high risk group. There’s not going to be a vaccine for at least a year. 

In those circumstances, how can you justify putting 60,000 people into a football stadium for several hours a few hundred times, or 20,000 in a basketball arena thousands of times. Or even 100 kids in a lecture hall a few million times?

This is far from over.

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Even today in his interview, Bill Gates advocated for a long economic shutdown until there is a vaccine, despite all that is now known about the low mortality rate of the virus for most people.

Bill Gates said, “Things won’t get back to normal until we have gotten a vaccine out to the entire world.” Dr Fauci has been advocating and advancing this same plan in perfect sync and harmony with Gates.

Does anyone really believe that shutting down the economy for months and months until there is a vaccine, causing a global economic depression, is the best course of action here? Instead of using medical treatment that is currently available to help our hospitals not become overrun, and allowing the 99.3% who this virus poses no serious threat to, to get back to work and keep the economy from collapsing?

No country has ever responded to a pandemic by shutting down the economy of the entire nation. This is unprecedented. Fauci knows better. The proper protocol is to isolate the weak and vulnerable, quarantine the sick, and let the young and healthy beat it with their immune system, develop herd immunity, and keep the economy going. Fauci knows this. The fact that he wants to shutdown the economy for months until there is a vaccine, over a virus like this which isn’t the plague or Ebola, is very suspicious.

Dr. Fauci is either stupid and thinks shutting down the global economy for a virus that has a 99.3% survival rate, for months and months until there is a possible vaccine, is the best course of action, or he has evil intent. Bought off by the vaccine industry? By Bill Gates? That would be speculating. But he is either stupid or he has ill intent. As the data keeps coming out showing how this virus is little to no threat to most people, Fauci needs to either adjust his strategy for dealing with it or else he has an obvious conflict of interest somewhere. And Dr Fauci is said to be an icon in the medical world so he is not stupid. But that would mean....

Fact: Working for the Gates Foundation on their Leadership Council for vaccines, as the Gates Foundation is trying to get one of their vaccines approved for Covid19, gives Dr Fauci a “conflict of interest” while on the Coronavirus White House Task Force. No wonder Fauci is opposing medical treatments that are working on patients, like hydroxychloroquine, and is instead pushing for a long economic shutdown until there is a vaccine from $omeone. Fauci should be fired simply for this obvious “conflict of interest.” Fauci is the only one who should lose their job during this economic crisis that he started.

The Flu still comes back every year despite the vaccine and it claims 250,000 worldwide each time. A vaccine cannot be the strategy for Covid19. Shutting down the economy and waiting for a vaccine is the worst possible strategy that will cause the most possible economic damage while merely prolonging the spread of the virus.

We don’t even have a vaccine for the common cold, which actually is a coronavirus, so shutting down the economy until there is a vaccine is economic suicide.image.thumb.png.848f2f222b9602f84d157c20199f7243.png



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Gotta part company with you on this one, @Howe. There are 50 million people in this country in the high risk group, just waiting to get infected. Remove the restrictions and they are at significant risk without a vaccine. I don’t like the idea of potentially sacrificing them on the altar of the economy — especially since I’m in that group. We will find a way to ride this out until there’s a vaccine or an effective, widely available treatment protocol.

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Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory--lucrative--vaccine.

Anthony Fauci, America’s most-listened-to medical professional on the coronavirus, and apparently on all the political, economic, cultural and social precautions every man, woman and child in the nation should take on the coronavirus, has just warned what cooler-head coronavirus watchers have suspected all along: that this country may never, no never, go back to normal.

Never, that is, Fauci suggested, until a vaccine is developed. And by logical extension, that’s to say — never, until a vaccine is developed that must then be included on the required list of shots for all children to attend school.

What great news for Big Pharma.

What great news for Bill Gates who just announced his foundation is going to spend billions of dollars to help build factories for seven possible coronavirus vaccine makers. “Spend” is probably the wrong word here. Invest is more like it.

But this is what Fauci just warned, at a White House briefing with reporters: “When we get back to normal, we will go back to the point where we can function as a society. But … if you want to get back to pre-coronavirus, that might not ever happen in the sense that the threat is there. But I believe that with the therapies that will be coming online, and the fact that I feel confident that over a period of time we will get a good vaccine, that we will never have to get back to where we are right now."

He also said this: “If back to normal means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem, I don’t think that’s going to happen until we do have a situation where you can completely protect the population.”

This as the dire, dark, deathly numbers sent America into coronavirus panic in the first place were just revised downward.

"America's most influential coronavirus model just revised its estimates downward," The Washington Post reported.

And for all this, America  may never see a return to pre-coronavirus normalcy?

We're focused on fear.

What we should be focused on is this: The money trail.

The power and money trail.

It’s a structured campaign. It includes a Leadership Council, a Steering Committee and an International Advisory Committee. But here is an interesting link.

The Leadership Council "is comprised of ...Dr. Anthony S. Fauci," The Gates Foundation reported.

Fauci, the same guy who just set the stage for the dire need for a protective coronavirus vaccine, has a vested interest in seeing this vaccine come to fruition — come to widely administered fruition.


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32 minutes ago, Howe said:

Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory--lucrative--vaccine.

Anthony Fauci, America’s most-listened-to medical professional on the coronavirus, and apparently on all the political, economic, cultural and social precautions every man, woman and child in the nation should take on the coronavirus, has just warned what cooler-head coronavirus watchers have suspected all along: that this country may never, no never, go back to normal.

Never, that is, Fauci suggested, until a vaccine is developed. And by logical extension, that’s to say — never, until a vaccine is developed that must then be included on the required list of shots for all children to attend school.

What great news for Big Pharma.

What great news for Bill Gates who just announced his foundation is going to spend billions of dollars to help build factories for seven possible coronavirus vaccine makers. “Spend” is probably the wrong word here. Invest is more like it.

But this is what Fauci just warned, at a White House briefing with reporters: “When we get back to normal, we will go back to the point where we can function as a society. But … if you want to get back to pre-coronavirus, that might not ever happen in the sense that the threat is there. But I believe that with the therapies that will be coming online, and the fact that I feel confident that over a period of time we will get a good vaccine, that we will never have to get back to where we are right now."

He also said this: “If back to normal means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem, I don’t think that’s going to happen until we do have a situation where you can completely protect the population.”

This as the dire, dark, deathly numbers sent America into coronavirus panic in the first place were just revised downward.

"America's most influential coronavirus model just revised its estimates downward," The Washington Post reported.

And for all this, America  may never see a return to pre-coronavirus normalcy?

We're focused on fear.

What we should be focused on is this: The money trail.

The power and money trail.

It’s a structured campaign. It includes a Leadership Council, a Steering Committee and an International Advisory Committee. But here is an interesting link.

The Leadership Council "is comprised of ...Dr. Anthony S. Fauci," The Gates Foundation reported.

Fauci, the same guy who just set the stage for the dire need for a protective coronavirus vaccine, has a vested interest in seeing this vaccine come to fruition — come to widely administered fruition.


The real problem is that there are actually people who believe this conspiracy theory stuff. Intellectually, they should be lumped in with the rest of the anti-vaxxers.

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35 minutes ago, Bobref said:

The real problem is that there are actually people who believe this conspiracy theory stuff. Intellectually, they should be lumped in with the rest of the anti-vaxxers.

This guy has four PhD degrees and invented e-mail when he was 14 years old. It would be very surprising if anyone on the Gridiron Digest forum is more intelligent than him.


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4 hours ago, Howe said:

This guy has four PhD degrees and invented e-mail when he was 14 years old. It would be very surprising if anyone on the Gridiron Digest forum is more intelligent than him.

He has one PhD and his EMAIL claims have been debunked.  He is part of the conspiracy theory  kook group that easily manipulate gullible dupes like Howe.   Dredging the bottom of the barrel to defend Trump.

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5 hours ago, Howe said:

This guy has four PhD degrees and invented e-mail when he was 14 years old. It would be very surprising if anyone on the Gridiron Digest forum is more intelligent than him.


If it walks like a duck and it sounds like a duck, it’s probably a quack.

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On 4/9/2020 at 5:44 PM, Bobref said:

Do you plan on naming your next virus BARRYOSAMA? 😉

His contribution to this forum is serial abuse the "disdain"  feature to the point where one or more moderator(s) awarded Muda with 20,000 positive points. 

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