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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2021 in Posts

  1. Yes - the majority of the county (especially concerning where people LIVE) feeds into the high school. Thus why it is named Warsaw Community High School. As well, while the town of Warsaw has a population of around 15,500 - there are MANY neighborhoods that are just outside of the "city" limits. My old home growing up being one of those. Also, it's important to remember that while Winona Lake is technically a separate town, the two are connected as one. Winona Lake has a population of around 5,000 itself. I would guess that the "greater" Warsaw area has at least 30,000 if not more population considering the county itself has about 80,000. In the below screenshot: Orange - Warsaw Community Schools Green - Wawasee Community School Corporation Pink - Wa-Nee Community Schools (NorthWood) Blue - Triton School Corporation Yellow - Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation Purple - Whitko Community School Corporation
    3 points
  2. Another reason the State of Indiana needs to allocate funding for an interstate connecting Fort Wayne to Chicago running through Warsaw. US 30 is a nightmare and one of the most dangerous highway arteries in the state. Oh wait, that money is going toward an interstate from Indy to Rockville.
    2 points
  3. A couple things are wrong with the video, as many have pointed out. 1. As a previous poster stated, bobbleheads. These kids' necks and shoulders are not strong enough to support the weight of the helmet, which can lead to serious injury. I'd like to see our state, or at least my feeder program and those around us, adopt USA Football's player development model. Flag, Hybrid, then Full Contact. 2. There is absolutely no coaching of technique. This drill was designed for the coaches to get their rocks off on a collision between two children, who are obviously not physically evenly matched: child abuse. Furthermore, neither kid uses any technique. The runner leads with his head, crown to crown with the tackler. I do see potential for this drill, if it were used in a low contact way to teach leverage and tracking. The coaches' reaction tells you all you need to know. Fortunately, the league came out and stated that the head coach was removed back in September, after the video was recorded. I am not one to totally crucify a coach, though. He's probably coaching the way he was coached- a case of ignorance. Clearly he loves football, or else he wouldn't be coaching it. I would hope that the league would re-educate him, maybe pay for him to get certified through Atavus or USA Football. This could be used as an opportunity for us in the high school ranks to educate youth league coaches, rather than drag them through the mud. Men aren't exactly knocking down the doors to coach, and bad youth league coaches are ruining kids' football experience. We have to better educate.
    2 points
  4. Just pulled up roster from sectional championship exchange..... 71 players on Andrean's roster last year. we showed up with 20 some due to mitigating risks of covid and we had to make a decision to cut ties with most of our roster and went with bare minimums in the tournament so that we didn't' get contact traced out of a game 3 2 way starters, Bowen started and a few carrels at RB, then gave way to next guy, #24 was two way DB/WR and Walsh was 2 way starter prior to injury. ZERO 2 way OFFENSIVE LINEMAN. HUGE advantage to be able to pull that off in any classification of football but especially in 1a/2a football where you can take an entire offensive line, and work on adjustments on the sidelines and coach your kids. I think we had somewhere around 8 or 9 2 way starters. So yea, its not an upset when Andrean beats Merrillivlle nor would it be if they beat Crown point either. Just my thoughts.
    2 points
  5. https://deadspin.com/hey-chicago-bears-could-you-not-screw-up-justin-fields-1846890667 I sure hope Mr. Nagy and the Bears get this right. And that quote about Mr. Mahomes never taking a snap from under center until he entered the NFL just boggles mind mind. Really.
    1 point
  6. The more I hear about it on Chicago radio the more I'm convinced they are legitimately thinking about moving to Arlington Heights. Mayor Beetlejuice would once a again look like a fool for proclaiming the Bears would never leave the city. I think the NFL would love to see the Bears get a bigger stadium that could also host a Super Bowl as I'm sure it'll be retractable. It would be odd though watching a winter Bears game if they closed the roof. The Bears have the smallest stadium in the NFL and a fanbase that will sellout any sized stadium. They can't keep playing in Soldier Field at it's current capacity.
    1 point
  7. It's hard to deny the school spirit of the TITanS!
    1 point
  8. Are you talking about the new TRAC? I can't remember exactly what the acronym stands for, but yes it is awesome. I heard they had like 100 teams here that weekend they hosted the big basketball tournament and used basically every basically court we have in the facility. I want to say there are 3 in the main gym (main gym floor then 1 each in either upper deck), 1 in the auxilary gym and then the 4 courts in the fieldhouse. Definitely wish they had that when I was in school. For those interested: https://www.warsawschools.org/page/trac-info Warsaw's new indoor track/fieldhouse that was opened I think about a year and a half ago (beginning of the 2019-2020 school year). 200m track with spectator seeting as well as 4 basketball courts on the inside, 2 of which have wood floors. I do not live in the area anymore, but my family still does. I believe there are already preliminary meetings on a US 30 update, including either updating the current route OR creating a new route either NORTH of the city or SOUTH of the city.
    1 point
  9. I agree, it does make it easier. The MSC was in a tough spot with only 1 opening because it forced everyone to have a different off week, making it very challenging to find opponents. Same for the HHC as of late. It'd be nice to shift the conference schedule to the later weeks of the year, like 4-9 being all conference games. I also agree, it is nice to change up who you are playing. It is neat to face a different team and have a different challenge.
    1 point
  10. All I know is I LOVE SCHEDULE release day..... We jack up the prices on our tickets. Sold 3 games in 1 night and made all buy 150 bucks back on my total price Season tickets. Love it
    1 point
  11. Yes, I own a garage. However it's old and anything larger than a compact car will not fit inside of it.
    1 point
  12. Correct. AFAIK Frankfort has one Tesla charging station, located behind a goverment funded/boondoggle apartment building. Approx. 1 mile from my location.
    1 point
  13. Our middle school numbers are outstanding Our middle school staff does an outstanding job teaching the techniques in tackling and blocking, etc that will coincide with Heads Up tackling from USA Football, they have full access to all our tackling wheels. etc We won state in 2014, our defensive end who ended up going to SJC on scholarship money and named IFCA Top 50 player never played a down of pop warner like rest of his class did, his first organized football was 7th grade year. Shortly after we completely cut ties with Pop Warner and established our own feeder flag program as stated before.
    1 point
  14. For those around the state not familiar with Fish Hut.
    1 point
  15. A quick look on Harrell's has the following: From 2009-2020 Andrean is 5-7 vs. Merrillville.
    1 point
  16. Hagee Kicking is hosting a camp on June 19th at Mooresville High School. 5th-12th Grade. See flyer for more information.
    1 point
  17. I'm curious, do the geographical boundaries for the Warsaw Community school district extend well past the city limits of Warsaw itself, and take up a considerable amount of surrounding Kosciusko County? It just find it curious that a city a little over 15k can have such a large high school. In contrast Frankfort is a city of 16k+ with a high school of only around 900. Thank you.
    0 points
  18. The wind to this sail would be money. Narrowing the gaps in population by expanding classes could possibly create more chances for those who would never get over the hump. Get bigger, faster, and stronger will always reign supreme. I'm playing devils advocate here yet I could see in the next decade or so us expanding to 8 classes.. that 3a program that is struggling to get kids out could benefit from hardware being added to their case. Heck a community playing for a spot in the sectional title could provide the jolt they need. As far as the actual math game..not sure on what parameters would be..just for starters.. <400 kids 1a <800 kids 2a <1200 kids 3a <1600 kids 4a <2000 kids 5a <2500 kids 6a <3000 kids 7a >3000 kids 8a I haven't checked how many schools would fall into each bracket. Create more bye weeks and a few schools would automatically play for sectional titles. An example of carmel playing its first playoff game for a sectional seems to be ok with me..travel for programs could be an issue yet they'd be traveling for something worthwhile. No I don't want every kid getting ring. Yes I am worried about dwindling numbers moving forward.
    0 points
  19. Creating more classes would benefit our state and who cares if other states think Indiana is too small to add more.
    0 points
  20. Don’t Be Fooled: Teachers’ Unions Remain a Public Menace https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/05/dont-be-fooled-teachers-unions-remain-a-public-menace/ Greed and avarice.
    0 points
  21. Vaccine Passports Will Outlast the Pandemic https://reason.com/2021/05/12/vaccine-passports-will-outlast-the-pandemic/ Yet another piece of security theater, ensuring the bureaucracy continues.
    0 points
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