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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://reason.com/volokh/2022/08/15/race-based-layoff-scheme-at-minneapolis-schools/ This violates a well-known Supreme Court decision overturning the race-based layoff of a white teacher, and contradicts a well-known federal appeals court decision, which ruled that race-based layoffs of white teachers violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. You can also read what appears to be the agreement itself, linked to from a Mpls St Paul magazine story (Madison Bloomquist & Winter Keefer) about the contract in March. Progressive liberal unions once again. All that DEI training was intended to condition people to accept such practices. It worked. Whenever you hear progressives, or people in progressive-dominated institutions (like public education), gassing on about the importance of "equity," what they really mean is "firing white people first, hiring white people last." Reminds me of an anecdote regarding a fellow employee at a previous company I worked for. The company announced basically that a round of layoffs were coming to our department. This fellow employee told me that she wasn't worried about being let go because she was a member of the "trifecta". She was a woman, she was a single mother, and she was black.
  2. https://mises.org/wire/ab-257-another-antieconomic-california-boondoggle Pitiful. Union cronies using the power of the state to dominate an entire sector of industry. And all to line their own coffers, they really don't give a damn about the workers.
  3. In a Belated Outburst of Rationality, Germany Decides To Keep Three Nuclear Plants Open: https://reason.com/2022/08/16/germany-keeping-three-nuclear-plants-open/ Investment in improving nuclear energy technology is the way to a future not dependent on fossil fuels.
  4. Trump's Defense Suggests His Treatment of Classified Material Was Remarkably Cavalier: https://reason.com/2022/08/17/trumps-defense-suggests-his-treatment-of-classified-material-was-remarkably-cavalier/
  5. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trans-totalitarianism-time-for-moral-panic/\ (Note: Images disturbing to some follow) More: Do you get what they're doing here? Major hospitals and liberal states are making it possible for minor children to choose to have hormone therapy and other interventions to change their sex without their parents consent, or even knowledge! If you aren't morally panicked by this, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Here is what the policy-setting elites of medicalized transgenderism are now saying: Ross Douthat's column on Sunday was about how the politicized Covid response, and now monkeypox, has destroyed his faith in public health authorities ("I can never trust anything these people say again."). The way the entire medical field has surrendered to gender ideology now makes trusting your doctor dangerous. You see this kind of thing more and more: Take a look at what Boston Children's Hospital is so proud of that they've made a series of videos promoting their standard of "care". For example: Billboard Chris, Matt Walsh, and LOTT have been sending around Boston Children's Hospital's own promotional videos, which are predictably outraging normal people. So now the libs are accusing these three of terrorism. This is standard operating procedure for the Left today: if you think something controversial they do or promote is good, then you're fine, and a glorious Ally™ -- but if you notice it and object, then you are a bigot and a terrorist who must be shut down. It's not just Boston Children's, not by a mile. And when caught out, they lie: When I was reporting Live Not By Lies, I talked to a senior physician at a major US hospital in a conservative state. The man only talked to me if I agreed not to use his name. His family emigrated to the West from the USSR when he was a child. Now, he said, he is seeing things that didn't even exist in the Soviet Union. He told me that at his hospital, the management instructed all the physicians to give to any patient, including children, any gender-transition assistance they asked for -- even if it violated the physician's best judgment about that particular patient. There was no other health care issue in which doctors were told by the hospital to suspend their medical judgment to give a patient what he or she wants. Why do you think that is, reader? When the lawsuits begin, I wonder if "just following orders" will protect doctors? By the way, this particular physician told me that the HR department at his hospital monitored their social media accounts, looking for wrongthink. He said that if he didn't have a social media account, that would cause HR to flag him as a potential problem. So he kept his account up, but only put happy-clappy "wellness" things on it. This man is a top doctor at one of the country's biggest hospitals, and he has to live in that kind of fear. Why doesn't he quit? Because he has a family, and tuition to pay, and all the usual reasons. The other day in Vienna, I talked to a young Muslim from Canada, a man who works in IT. We agreed that the Canadian government is insane, and that trans ideology is destroying children and families. "Why don't people stand up?" he said. I asked him if he would stand up, knowing that it would probably cost him his job. He thought for a second, and said, no, he guesses that he wouldn't. I understood. This is the condition most people are in. You maybe start to see why there were so few dissidents in the Communist world. It really and truly cost you a lot. Everybody likes to think that they would stand up, but when it comes right down to it, almost everybody conforms. In Live Not By Lies, Czech dissident Kamila Bendova, a strict Catholic, explained to me why she and her late husband had no problem at all being close friends and allies with the free-love hippies of the anti-communist dissident movement. She said that when you are in a totalitarian situation, the rarest quality to find is courage. The hippies had it; most Christians, she said, did not; they conformed like everybody else. Kamila said she and her husband knew that they had to stand with the few and the brave, whatever else those people believed. Let this be a lesson to us all. Your pastor and best friends in your church might be too afraid of being thought bigoted to raise their voices against this demonic evil. Better get it clear in your head right now: when the persecutors come for you, these people will keep their heads down and say nothing; the atheist liberals like Peter Boghossian, on the other hand, will have your back. You think this couldn't happen to you and your family? If you click on this link, the second tweet in the thread contains video of a speech Martinez gave telling her story: Matt Walsh has been leading the charge lately against Eli Erlick, a transgender who has publicly bragged about sending unused hormones to anyone who wants them -- this, as a way to violate state laws against giving trans treatment to minors. Erlick has apparently set up a network to traffick prescription drugs to minors. Walsh correctly points out that Erlick has confessed to criminal activity, and has been demanding that authorities do something about it. So far, nothing has happened. But Erlick seems to be covering her tracks. Why haven't you read about this stuff in the media? Well, why do you think? Ideological capture by the illiberal Left in the USA is all but total. And children are being heavily propagandized in some classrooms, from the earliest age, to doubt that their body tells them anything meaningful about their sex. One of the most frequent kinds of posts on LOTT are of teachers who brag about how they're queering their classrooms, and introducing doubt about gender categories into the minds of their captive child audiences. Here are just a couple of examples, but if you follow LOTT, you'll see stuff like this every day: Believe me, I could go on. They are castrating boys. They are chopping the breasts off of girls. They are mutilating young women to create pseudo-phalluses. They cover it all up in Orwellian neologisms like "gender affirmation surgery," but here is the reality, from a medical site's photo of what surgeons do to a woman's forearm to get the tissue they need to make her a Frankenpenis: "Oh, Rod, why did you have to gross me out with these pictures?" you might be saying. Well, maybe your complacent self needs to be grossed out. The answer is because I am sick and tired of these Mengeles hiding behind euphemism. You have to see this stuff to believe how horrible it is. This is what they are setting children up for. This. Once again: you are not going to learn about this stuff in our mainstream media. Even Fox News uses the loaded term "gender affirmation" to describe this stuff. Thank God for people like Matt Walsh, Billboard Chris, Libs of TikTok, Christina Buttons, Chris Rufo, and others who are taking the lead, and taking a hell of a lot of heat for it. What can we do? First, spread the word. Educate yourselves and others. Your family is not safe, and if you think it is, you are lying to yourself. Last summer, a Slovenian Catholic father told me his 12-year-old daughter was mired in severe depression over her gender identity. The year before, he and his wife got her a smartphone, like all the other kids in her class had. The girl made contact online with some older American teenagers, who convinced her that she might not be a girl. The dad was gobsmacked. He had thought they were safe in little Slovenia. There are no safe places. If you buy your kid a smartphone, you are opening up doors for them that should not be opened. And it's beyond smartphones. It's in the classroom. Did you know that more and more schools are installing "gender affirmation closets," in which clothing is stored for kids who believe they are transgender, so they can change into cross-sex clothing when they get to school, then get back into their normal clothes before going home -- this, to keep mom and dad in the dark. Do you know what your kids' teachers are saying in the classroom? Do you know what your kids' school's policies are regarding transgender identity and the parents' right to know? Do you know what your family doctor's practices are on this front? You had better! Second, pressure leaders to get active. Are your pastors or bishops staying silent? Ask them why. What about your school board member? We have to elect politicians who have been red-pilled on the issue, and who are willing to use the power given to them by the people in our democracy to fight this tooth and nail. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been a good example, but we need much, much more of this from Republicans. Do not listen to normie Republicans who blather on, like sweet summer children, about "small government" and "free markets". The only power capable of stopping this monstrous exploitation of children is the State. The Left has captured every major institution in America now with its insane gender ideology (DEI too, but that's another story). This is what soft totalitarianism is: the implementation of a single illiberal ideology within a society within a liberal, free-market society, through total capture of its institutions. As I explain in Live Not By Lies, you don't need to threaten people with the gulag when the schools, big business, the media, academia, medicine, law, the military, and everyone else are all on the same ideological page. We still, for now, have the power to fight this, if we can gain political power, and are not too squeamish to use it. But trust me, we would be total fools to put all our trust in political victory. The political scientist Eric Kaufmann has shown using survey data that Americans under the age of 30 prize cancel culture's values more than liberty. Either we are going to have to see a massive generational shift in attitudes, and soon, or the window is closing on traditional American liberties -- and that means they will be able to come after your kids, permanently. If that's not worth panicking over, what is? I am quite pessimistic about the long term, because of the woke ideological takeover of all of society's institutions, especially its culture-forming ones. I hope I am wrong, but I don't see middle-class culture ever rising up meaningfully against this stuff. Few people overall are going to risk their status in bourgeois society to stand against this evil. People just don't want to think about it. Back in 2005 and thereabouts, I was writing about how resisting same-sex marriage was a lost cause, and that we social conservatives ought to marshal our resources behind laws that protect religious liberty. I was piled on by my ideological allies, who accused me of premature surrender, given that back then, democratic majorities were still against SSM. It gave me no pleasure to be proved right in time; popular resistance to SSM collapsed like a house of cards. Why did I see it coming? Because SSM built on what most Americans already believed about what marriage is (an expression of romantic affection between people, not anything rooted firmly in fixed transcendent values), and because SSM activists were appropriating the civil rights paradigm for their cause. There has so far been no possible resistance to the civil rights paradigm in American life. You could yell until you were blue in the face that race is not the same thing as sexuality, and make those arguments; nobody cared. Back then, normies often said, objecting to people like me, "What does my neighbors' gay marriage have to do with me? How does it harm me?" You could explain to the point of exhaustion how marriage is such a fundamental part of law and culture that radically changing the norms would bring about transitions that ordinary people would not like. Nobody cared. If you said those things, you were "fearmongering," engaging in "moral panic" and "homophobia." Now we are hearing some more conservative gay people objecting to how transgender activists have done with the gay rights cause. I understand their objection -- they say, plausibly, that gay rights do not entail transgender rights -- but I don't feel sorry for them. They brought this onto us all. Never did anybody from that side object to the "T" squad in "LGBT". It was sold as part of the same package, fundamentally based on the radically individualistic idea that we have a right to fulfill our sexual desires -- and that society must accommodate that. Had gay rights activists made an issue of separating out the biological claims undergirding the transgender movement, and pointed out that one does not have to accept such anti-scientific ideological claptrap in order to support gay rights, we might not be at this point. But they did not. We have been told for twenty years, at least, that if you want to affirm the LGB, you must also affirm the T. Anything else is a violation of civil rights, and the sacrosanct right to self-definition. So here we are today, with minors who don't conform to rigid gender stereotypes, and who would almost certainly grow up to be gay, being told that they must actually be the opposite sex (research shows that the overwhelming majority of dysphoric minors resolve their condition by age 20 by accepting that they are gay -- then put on a regimen of chemical treatments, and even surgery, to permanently alter their bodies, and make them dependent on the pharmaceutical industry and the broader medical-industrial complex, for the rest of their lives. The latest piece of insanity is the claim made by trans advocates that very small children "know" that they are trans, and show it by playing with toys associated with the opposite sex. Once again, these claims are not being made by a loony-left fringe: they are endorsed by the top medical authorities in the field: Here's a crude meme going around that contains more truth about this issue than you will find anywhere in the mainstream media discourse: Finally, we absolutely have to start preparing for the long resistance to this totalitarianism. For example, forming an underground railroad for parents to protect their children from these ghouls, and get them out of states where Child Protective Services can legally seize the kids and administer hormones. There seems to be a misunderstanding among some conservatives, who think that preparing for resistance in defeat undercuts our commitment to fighting trans totalitarianism politically. This is dangerously wrong. To repeat: we absolutely should throw ourselves passionately into fighting this child-abusing madness! But we should also be working on a Plan B, in case we lose this fight, which, I regret to say, is likely. I dedicated Live Not By Lies to the memory of the late Catholic priest Tomislav Kolakovic, who in 1943 escaped the Nazis and hid out in his mother's homeland, Slovakia, teaching in the Catholic university in Bratislava. The good news, he told his students, is that Nazi totalitarianism was going to be defeated. The bad news, though, is that Soviet totalitarianism was going to be ruling over them when the war ended -- and that the first thing the Communists would do is to persecute the Church. As I explain in the book, Father Kolakovic knew he had no time to waste to prepare the unready Catholics of Slovakia for the coming persecution. Excerpt from the book: I should add here that Father Kolakovic faced initial opposition from his own bishops, who accused him of what we now call "moral panic." They could not see, and they did not want to see, the dangers that lay ahead. They thought everything would be fine if Catholics simply kept quite still and waited. That kind of complacency was deadly -- and Father Kolakovic knew it. The people who escaped Communism to the West, who talked to me for the book, know it too. That's why they are trying hard to warn us about what we are living in, and what's to come. It is not hard to find these people. If you know someone in your own life who emigrated from a Communist country -- not only the Soviet bloc, but also China, Cuba, or Venezuela -- ask them what they think of what's going on in America today. Live Not By Lies has become a bestseller since its initial publication in September 2020. Last week, we crossed the 170,000 sales mark in the US; it is now either in print, or soon will be in print, in ten other languages. It has been by far the biggest seller of my career, selling almost twice as many copies as my next biggest book, The Benedict Option. This has been a heavily word of mouth success story, because the mainstream media, which covered The Benedict Option heavily, has totally ignored this one. It's a word of mouth success story because a lot of people know what time it is, and they know that the ideologically-captured media are lying to us all. They also know that most religious leaders are like the fraidy-cat 1940s bishops of Slovakia: afraid to face the reality of what's happening around them, and to jeopardize their respectability by actually protecting their flocks from the gathering wolfpacks. In the year 2000, I wrote a piece for The Weekly Standard about the courageous stand two Massachusetts parents, Brian Camenker and Scott Whiteman, took against the stealth introduction of radical sexuality into the lives of public school students in that state. What we now know is that gay activists had already captured the educational bureaucracy in Massachusetts, as well as the media and other institutions. Here's what the men documented in a state-sponsored educational seminar: When the men made the tape public, they became instant pariahs in Boston. The media and the legal establishment turned on them as alarmist bigots. I wrote at the time in that piece: And so it has. What are you doing to prepare yourself, your family, and your church, synagogue, or mosque community? (By the way, though Live Not By Lies is written from a religious perspective, it has been embraced and promoted by left-wing atheists like Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, who understand that its anti-totalitarianism message and advice are universal.) Here's some good news, maybe: Live Not By Lies will finally be out in paperback on October 11 -- you can preorder it here. This will make the book more affordable for group study. I hope you won't simply read the book, but will act on the advice the anti-communist dissidents give for how to prepare for resistance. For those who have bought the book, or who intend to do so, here is a link to a free, downloadable study guide I prepared to help guide group discussion. I am perhaps more sensitive to this than most because I am extremely focused on child protection. As longtime readers know, I became so engrossed in writing about the systematic sexual abuse of children within Catholic clerical circles, and the systematic cover-up of same, that I burned out, and lost my ability to believe as a Catholic. I am grateful to be an Orthodox Christian now, but I wish I had managed my anger better. But I don't regret my outrage itself, because it was entirely appropriate to the scale of the moral horror. Part of what drove me over the falls with anger was the obstinate complacency of so many in the Catholic laity, in the face of revelations of what some priests did to children, and what many bishops did to keep the public from finding out about it. Far too many lay Catholics preferred to keep their peace of mind, even though it was based on sheer denial of the reality of evil in their midst, than to take a stand. We are at this place again, except the monstrous child abuse is not happening behind closed doors. It's happening out in the open, in major hospitals, schools, and other institutions. Like eugenics in the early 20th century, it is celebrated by all the most progressive institutions in our society. All of us are propagandized daily to accept and affirm it. What the criminals in clerical collars who violated the innocence of children never dared to do openly, the trans-totalitarians in doctor's coats and other symbols of authority now shout from the rooftops. As Chris Rufo recently documented, these activists have infiltrated schools with an army of sex-and-gender radicals. Meanwhile, from the rest of us? Aside from resistance here and there, nothing. What are you going to do about it? What are you going to tell your children one day? Chris Rufo, Matt Walsh, Christina Buttons, Chaya Raichik, and Billboard Chris Elston will be able to hold their heads up in honor, if they will have been allowed to keep their heads, that is. How about you, pastor? How about you, doctor? How about you, Mom and Dad? This is truly insidious, and will the downfall of America if not stopped.
  6. lol, Beef House speed. I hear the quality at the actual Beef House has fallen over the last several years.
  7. Apparently: https://slate.com/technology/2022/08/monkeypox-name-discourse-who-stigma-mpv-mpx.html FTA: Because having somebody's "feelings hurt" is now the biggest act of violence that can be perpetrated against an individual.
  8. URL is behind a paywall. I'm curious if other Presidents have had the same "standing order"?
  9. https://reason.com/2022/08/13/the-next-farm-bill-will-probably-stink-worse-and-cost-more/ Agreed. The Farm Bill was bad legislation 90 years ago, and it is bad legislation today. It needs to be abolished.
  10. Donald Trump's Handling of Classified Material Looks Worse Than Hillary Clinton's https://reason.com/2022/08/14/donald-trumps-handling-of-classified-material-looks-worse-than-hillary-clintons/ The Mar-a-Lago search warrant was based on U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart's determination that there was probable cause to believe the FBI would find "items illegally possessed" in violation of three statutes, including 18 USC 793. Although Trump has not been charged with any crime and may never face prosecution, his conduct arguably included some of the aggravating factors that Comey mentioned. To start with, there is some evidence to support the inference that Trump's alleged mishandling of classified material was "intentional and willful." In January, after the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) raised concerns that Trump had improperly removed documents that were covered by the Presidential Records Act, Trump's representatives turned over 15 boxes. Noticing that some of the documents were marked as classified, NARA referred the matter to the Justice Department, which obtained additional documents from Mar-a-Lago under a grand jury subpoena in June. Around the same time, The New York Times reports, "a Trump lawyer" gave the Justice Department "a written declaration" saying "all the material marked classified in the boxes had been turned over." Judging from what the FBI says it found last week, that was not true. The FBI presumably presented evidence to that effect, possibly based on a Trump insider's tip, in its search warrant affidavit (which, unlike the warrant itself and the inventory, remains sealed). That apparent misrepresentation may help explain why the search warrant cites not only 18 USC 793 but also 18 USC 1519, which makes it a felony, punishable by up to 20 years in prison, to knowingly conceal "any record, document, or tangible object" with "the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence" a federal investigation. Such concealment, if proven, would qualify as "efforts to obstruct justice," another aggravating factor that Comey mentioned. Because the volume, contents, and exact location of the documents seized by the FBI are uncertain, it is not clear whether the records at Mar-a-Lago amounted to "vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct," another Comey criterion. The difficulty of assessing that question underlines how little information we have about the documents that were seized. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, one of the few Republican politicians who does not hesitate to criticize Trump, notes that "we still have a lot of unanswered questions" about the search. "Transparency was and is critically important," Hogan told ABC News on Sunday. Although unsealing the warrant and the inventory was "a step in the right direction," he said, we will continue to see "division and angry rhetoric from both sides" until we have a clearer idea of the FBI's justification for the search. We do know that the Justice Department was concerned about the security of the documents months before the search. In a June email, according to the Times, Jay Bratt, chief of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section of the department's National Security Division, asked Trump lawyer M. Evan Corcoran to replace the padlock on a room where boxes of government documents were stored at Mar-a-Lago with a more tamper-resistant model. "Mr. Trump's team complied," the Times says. The Justice Department also "subpoenaed surveillance footage from Mar-a-Lago recorded over a 60-day period, including views from outside the storage room," the Times reports. According to "a person briefed on the matter," that footage "showed that, after one instance in which Justice Department officials were in contact with Mr. Trump's team, boxes were moved in and out of the room." The significance of that fact, like much about the search, remains unclear. The third statute cited in the search warrant is 18 USC 2071, which applies to someone who "conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys" U.S. government records—a felony punishable by up to three years in prison. Like the obstruction statute, that provision does not hinge on whether a document is classified. It would apply, for example, to the "executive grant of clemency" for Roger Stone that the FBI found at Mar-a-Lago and might apply to various other unclassified items, such as the "leatherbound box of documents" and binders of photos that are also listed in the search inventory. 18 USC 793 likewise does not mention classification, referring only to information "relating to the national defense." But that phrase would be intolerably vague unless it was qualified in some way, and in practice prosecutions are limited to cases involving classified material. Here is where Trump's defense comes in. "The very fact that these documents were present at Mar-a-Lago means they couldn't have been classified," his office says. "As we can all relate to, everyone ends up having to bring home their work from time to time. American presidents are no different. President Trump, in order to prepare for work the next day, often took documents including classified documents from the Oval Office to the residence." In light of that practice, the statement says, Trump "had a standing order that documents removed from the Oval Office and taken into the residence were deemed to be declassified." It notes that "the power to classify and declassify documents rests solely with the President of the United States." Without denying that point, Trump's critics argue that such a policy would be highly irregular and careless. "Whatever POTUS' 'powers' might be to declassify docs," former FBI agent Asha Rangappa says on Twitter, "there are good policy and practical reasons…to follow a process, and for that process to be documented and reflected on the document markings themselves." Rangappa says "accountability" requires that declassification of a given document be justified by a rationale dealing with the national security implications, which "allows for objections from others if the reasoning is based on an incorrect premise." She also cites the need to protect intelligence sources from "blowback." In addition to "being dangerous and bad for [national security]," she says, automatic declassification of any documents that the president happens to remove from the Oval Office would cause "confusion and inefficiency and distortions in our intelligence collection, foreign policy, and defense efforts." If "Trump telepathically declassifies hundreds of docs on his way out," Rangappa adds, President Joe Biden "can telepathically reclassify them immediately, too. See how stupid this gets? Markings would mean nothing. No one would know how to store things." Accepting Trump's argument that any documents at Mar-a-Lago were ipso facto declassified, notwithstanding markings to the contrary, that information would be legally available not just to him but also to the general public, assuming there was no other statutory justification for restricting access. Unless classification decisions are utterly arbitrary or were clearly wrong with regard to every document that Trump retained, that seems like a pretty reckless way to handle sensitive material. But it would be of a piece with Trump's behavior as president, which reportedly included tearing up and flushing documents that were supposed to be preserved under the Presidential Records Act. The issues that critics like Rangappa raise go beyond the question of criminal liability. Let's say Trump's purported "standing order" means he is in the clear under 18 USC 793. Let's also stipulate that meeting the mens rea requirements for convicting him of obstruction or "willfully" concealing documents that belonged in the National Archives would be a tall order. Trump's behavior and excuses for it nevertheless provide further evidence, in case any was needed, that he is not the sort of person who can be trusted to hold any position of political power, let alone the presidency. Back in 2016, when Trump was intent on making his opponent look bad, he claimed to be moved by the concerns of "long-term workers at the FBI," who he said were "furious" that Clinton got off with a wrist slap for recklessly endangering national security. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Trump dismisses the FBI's avowed concerns as transparent excuses for the partisan "witch hunt" that supposedly has victimized him throughout his political career. One need not be a fan of the FBI to see that Trump's view of what qualifies as shameful and disgraceful is based on no principle beyond his petty personal interests.
  11. 3 Point Games Delphi @ Benton Central Frankton @ Tipton Hamilton Heights @ Lapel Harrison vs West Lafayette Central Catholic @ Seeger Pioneer @ Cass Rensselaer @ Kankakee Valley Tri-West @ Western Twin Lakes @ Northwestern Bremen @ LaVille
  12. Not high school baseball, but I thought it deserved a mention anyway: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/2022/08/12/2022-little-league-world-series-hagerstown-indiana-baseball-team/65401437007/ Congratulations to the Tigers.
  13. Wow, talk about a narcissist. A prime example of the personality disorder than runs through college and professional athletics.
  14. With all the road construction, closures, and detours in the city of Frankfort will opposing team buses, fans, and even Frankfort fans themselves be able to get to the FHS football field? Current detours and alternate routes are marked in red on this screenshot:
  15. ‘I didn’t really learn anything’: COVID grads face college: https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-race-and-ethnicity-milwaukee-5ab5394b2513e7136b9b854355770a1a The government schools needs to stop pushing college as the primary post-high school graduation path. Learning a trade like Automotive repair, Electrical, HVAC, and Plumbing are all valuable, in-demand skills.
  16. Democrats’ Inane Stock-Buyback Tax https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/08/democrats-inane-stock-buyback-tax/
  17. No, because government schools cannot decline to enroll students in good standing who reside within their defined geographical boundaries. They can, however, choose to not enroll students who live outside of that same defined geographical boundary.
  18. https://reason.com/2022/08/10/what-the-methodist-split-tells-us-about-american-political-polarization/ This UMC schism is underway here in Indiana. There is a large UM church I drive by frequently, and then one day last month it had changed it name to something without "United Methodist" in it. Curious, I did a little searching on the internet and discovered this church and it's congregation had decided to throw in with this new "conservative" faction now, before the next UMC general conference in 2024, hence the name change. And frankly, this Christian nationalism stuff concerns me.
  19. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2022/08/11/beech-grove-basketball-coach-mike-renfro-arrested-on-drug-charges-indiana-cocaine/65399799007/ Beech Grove and the circumstances around their recent state championship was a real "feel good" story for Indiana high school basketball. How disappointing it had to be fouled this way.
  20. Yep. Also students from the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities take most if not all of their courses in the Burris building. And those students at the Academy who wish to participate in extracurricular athletics play on Burris teams.
  21. The flaws in an enrollment based classification system, of which the SF is just band aid, cannot be fixed. A true system of promotion & relegation, where grades 9-12 enrollment is taken entirely out of the equation, is the logical step. Muncie Burris has more in common with a p/p than it does a traditional government school high school.
  22. The Origin of the Income Tax https://mises.org/library/origin-income-tax
  23. Bears LB Roquan Smith requests trade out of Chicago https://www.nfl.com/news/bears-lb-roquan-smith-requests-trade-out-of-chicago Yet just another example of the cheapo McCaskey family? Or is Mr. Smith really just a middling defender and not worth a top-tier LB deal?
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