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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. I was told weeks ago that it was an obvious proven fact that Roncalli did not have a passing game.
  2. "We didn't lose because they were better than us, we lost because we didn't care."
  3. Watched the entire thing. Past actions determine a person’s character. Does he even know if Reggie WANTED the job? Scrolling up, it looks like a death sentence and maybe Wayne is being done a favor? The NFL hiring process has been under fire and in the news for a while now…this is just a subtle jab with undertones insinuating that this is just another example of injustice. Its his shtick. It’s all he has.
  4. Do your homework. This guy has profited off of race baiting multiple times. Its exactly what he’s doing. Don’t be so naive.
  5. I’d say the same thing regardless of the result but a 1 loss UM/OSU (in a close game) is more deserving than any third SEC school or the Pac 12 champion. FWIW, Michigan is now sitting at a 51% chance to make the CFP at 11-1 according to ESPN’s simulator…hadn’t been above 20 percent prior to this week.
  6. Tell me about those programs and their success on a statewide level.
  7. Why play the games then? Tennessee THROTTLED LSU and even beat Bama by a larger margin. The results HAVE to matter or else it’s all a sham.
  8. He’s insinuating the race card was a factor like nearly every other major network talking head does these days. Has even written a book about it. Nauseating.
  9. That bus ride though…3 states and 6 hours round trip.
  10. At halftime? Come on. It’s a culture problem and why I’ll refuse to believe in Merrillville in a big game. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Valpo will make it interesting on Friday night.
  11. “Also had a few people walk away from the team at halftime.” Love how you just slip this little tidbit in the middle of your manifesto as if it’s no big deal. NOTHING to see here…perfect culture at Merrillville, lol.
  12. Released tonight. Pretty straightforward with only 4 undefeateds left. A bit of intrigue on how far Tennessee drops and how much LSU climbs. My predictions: 1. Georgia 2. Michigan 3. Ohio State 4. TCU 5. Tennessee 6. Oregon 7. LSU 8. USC 9. Ole Miss 10. Alabama
  13. What lesson did they learn? That the SEC title game was a formality to them and ultimately didn’t matter in the long run? I dislike Kelly but you are spot on in your assessment of his coaching ability.
  14. Hope you’re right. Fear you’re wrong. History could very likely repeat itself. Georgia was locked in last year heading into the SEC title game…Bama needed to win. Same scenario would be present for LSU this year and the conspiracy theorist in me thinks the zebras would help out. Michigan/OSU have been in this situation before (2006 and 2016) and both times (42-39/30-27) the loser went home.
  15. From afar, (just looking at box scores) it looks to me like Merrillville has not been the same team since their beat down of Valparaiso five weeks ago. Combine that with some of the excuses and player attitudes mentioned by our “Merrillville insider” and I’d be shocked if this one is not much closer than the last meeting and actually give Valparaiso a great chance.
  16. Yeah, they’ve been beating up on mediocre teams from the west. 0-2 (about to be 0-3) against Big Ten East teams. They are playing with house money at this point.
  17. I’ll be the first… Harbaugh to the Colts!!!
  18. Make them prove they can stop it. I loathe OSU but admired Woody Hayes. What did he say about throwing the ball again?
  19. Peaking at the right time for sure. Gonna be the ultimate "what if" season for Notre Dame it looks like. Self-proclaimed hater right here but can admit they are 3-4 plays away from being 8-1.
  20. 14-16 mph winds...Buckeye fans becoming amateur meterologists.
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