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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. Spot on Irish....the NFL announces exclusive sports betting partners, promotes fantasy football, and even moves a storied franchise to the betting capital of the world, but them goes spastic over a player betting a small amount with a NFL partner on games that are not his. Seem inconsistent?? When you choose to "dance with the devil", then try to convince society that you have morals..... https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-tri-exclusive-sports-betting-partners https://www.nfl.com/fantasy-football/free-fantasy-football-leagues
  2. MLBPA has has YEARS to focus on minor league players. But the focus has been driving up the salaries of their players....and they have been more than successful. I am very skeptical this is truly about the "little man" in baseball. Don't hear the players crying for higher wages for the beer vendor....the hot dog guy...the grounds crew....the ticketing department....purchasing reps, etc. I am not calling for owners to obtain "sainthood level" either. But most of society has very little stomach for this given what is going on in the world today and also in our country. At the end of the day, any increase in labor cost will be passed onto the consumer...that very same consumer that is struggling right now with the highest inflation in 40 years. My point is that this is horrible timing. If a a player can hit 93 mph slider down and away (Bobref reference), they won't be in the minors for long. There is no rookie mistake....its ridiculous to have millionaires and billionaires fighting at this time in history....over a child's game.
  3. We will agree to disagree.....and don't really need a lesson about what drive labor cost. Not a rookie here. You actually made my point....Americans value entertainment over people that truly make a difference to society. While far fewer may hit a 93 mph slider down and away, there are very few countries on this planet that care. Baseball players are fortunate as well that education isn't necessary to hit a ball. But they can thank their creator.
  4. When one seems to label ownership/management as the problem, that is a common union tactic. Baseball players are not underpaid....not one bit. They play a kids game. And reading "poor" Mike Troutt's tweets during a time when we see what is going on over in Europe, and what inflation here in this country is doing to the average family, it is the absolute worst timing there can be for millionaires to cry. No sympathy for baseball players. If their millions aren't enough to play a game, they are always welcome into the real world. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I believe I could have a decent life living off the minimum salary https://www.baseball-almanac.com/charts/salary/major_league_salaries.shtml
  5. Spoken like a true union man..... Guess an average salary of $4.17MM a year isn't enough playing a kid's game. Clearly the greed is one-sided. 🙄 Meanwhile, wonder how that compares to the average salary of a school teacher, policeman, firefighter and oh yeah...a soldier? What's going on in the world and the impact on people....ridiculous timing to squabbling over $$ with this demographic. Poor mistreated baseball players....my heart aches for them. What's the cost today of a family of 4 to attend a MLB game? Tickets, parking, hot dog, popcorn and a beer. Yeah, lets increase that even more. But MLB will claim they love their fans. What a joke. We will agree to disagree that the greed only comes from one direction. Hopefully, one day America will wake up and start deprioritizing entertainment and start demanding their money goes toward the people that serve them and truly makes a difference.
  6. ....meanwhile in Ukraine.........
  7. I admit...I am one of those folks. I don't know much about him. I don't have a problem with his rationale for calling a time out. If the other team still has some starters in and they are pressing or picking up full court pressure with a few secs left down by 15 against his bench players, I take no issue with his calling a TO to reset the 10 sec clock. I don't think Gard meant anything...just trying to explain himself after Howard's comments. I do agree that grabbing someone, even with no malice intended, is not the best idea when he clearly knew Howard was upset. I'm not fans of either program.....just hate to see that event occur.
  8. not doubting you...I just can't remember. But I'm not a big NBA fan. Perhaps anger management issues is a trend.....
  9. I honestly did not know that....I thought his reputation in the NBA was pretty solid. I didn't remember any major outburts, but I may be missing the obvious. I believe he left Michigan early, but earned his degree going to school, while playing ball, which I respected very much. https://www.mitchalbom.com/juwans-promisewhile-playing-in-nbarookie-finishes-degree-from-michigan/ Because I had seen or heard of these outbursts before learning about his issue last year during the Big 10 tournament, I couldn't help from wondering if the stresses from coaching were getting to him and he is simply struggling managing this role. Not making any excuses for Howard....perhaps wrongly, but I thought this recent episodes were signs of changing behavior.
  10. I didn’t think it would land as a firing until his post game conference and then learning about his threat toward the Maryland head coach the previous year. I believe he’s very fortunate and hope he learns and grows from this horrible event. He needs to get his emotions under control.
  11. I learned some things from you and Gonzo today about the forum.....all in all, a good day!! Just don't want to be redundant....
  12. Sorry...I am not a member I wasn't thinking this was tied to a single sport...but I am good if the moderators delete this thread. I was wondering why it wasn't being discussed. Thanks
  13. While not football, it is still appropriate given the topics of sportsmanship, coaching and leadership. Its been surprisingly quiet on this forum and couldn't help from wondering why. Was the punishment handed down by The Big 10/University of Michigan appropriate in the Juwan Howard case? 5 games suspension without pay (remainder of the regular season) and a $40K fine. 3 players suspended for 1 game. Hearing some advocating the ceasing of the handshake line at the games end. (I have to admit...I align with Tom Izzo's stance) Thoughts??
  14. I was a guest for many months....debating to join. So I had more than ample time to observe your "behavior". Is due diligence creepy? Maybe to some. But you are way too modest.....you stand alone when it comes to "guiding", correcting and shaking down people for $$. You set the bar. But hey, please get in the last word, get that nap in recharging your batteries.....you've got work to do here....and we are all so very thankful.
  15. GID is so fortunate to have you as a volunteer “hall monitor”. Guiding people to appropriate chat areas, correcting spelling/grammar, badgering people for donations. Some would call this compulsive behavior, but other’s may label these repeated actions as passion. Hope those long naps are few and far between….GID needs you!! Keep on truckin’! 😄
  16. Wow! 7 hours after the post, this is still in your head. It's family time. Go enjoy your favorite beverage, snuggle with your significant other and check out a movie. I'm not going to put much time in this, but attached just a few examples. Seriously, have a nice weekend.
  17. Medical field? You keep making comments and assumptions about me that are grossly inaccurate. Not only is it a tad creepy, but ignorant. Now unless you are a biologist or a geneticist with some very compelling science regarding basic reproductive theories that have been proved wrong, then you don't have anything other than a political opinion, which as you commonly remind this forum, that those are best served somewhere else other than the football threads. Since I refuse to follow you any further down this rabbit hole, you ride your own horse and believe the way you want. Just realize others may not desire the kool-aid you are offering.
  18. ........or the failure by some to understand basic genetics and biology and recognition of a level playing field
  19. extra insulation comes in handy during the winter months, and sexy guys like us don't lose hair....it just moves around to other parts of the body......
  20. I agree with all.... I would add lack of a strong youth program and lack of investment by the head coach in the youth program. Strong feeders, with youth have a friday night vision, is a must.
  21. It will be tight....if they do, its only because of a very weak non-conference schedule and 8 of 12 games at home. They will lose at OSU and at Iowa. Which means they have to beat Penn State and MSU at home. We shall see. Take a lap....that was awesome!! Love it!
  22. I am not disagreeing..... How would have Tom Brady have faired if drafted by the Detroit Lions? Expansion Houston Texans? aka David Carr
  23. The officials missed that D holding call which was huge, and they also missed the Tee Higgins offensive pass interference when he grabbed Ramsey's facemask to gain an obvious advantage that led to a 75 yard TD. So I guess at the end of the day, those calls balanced out in the final score.
  24. How about all the coaches and players? Wouldn't they know best? I am personally not a fan of jock sniffing sportswriters....and they blackball more people than anyone....plus are biased toward regional candidates.
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