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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. MIC teams are not intimidated of each other...seen each other over the years way too many times. BD played CG very tough during the regular season...excellent game plan. That is what makes the south so tough to come out of in 6A...typically, it involves MIC teams beating up on each other to make it to Lucas. It is a tough road.
  2. The Evans run never matters if Max Norris doesn't shread his hamstring at the end of the 2nd quarter on another break away run. Max had over 200 yds rushing before half and was unstoppable. CG had a huge lead. Max's injury was just flat out cruel. Your joy was CG's and Max's heartbreak. 2019....CG finished regular season 4-5. Neither team tore up the regular season, but got hot in the playoffs. That was an excellent game.
  3. Thanks for sharing....I was wondering how they lost to South the opening game of the season by 30, yet beat them in the Regional by 19. Still a 49 point turnaround...I assume NA must improved throughout the season......
  4. I am going to the game this weekend against Minnesota....I have a good buddy that is a Gopher grad coming down from the Twin Cities for the game. I tried to talk him out of it....I really did.... One thing is for sure, we can pretty much sit where we want......silver lining..... What a poop show IU.....
  5. Hey SA.....Steele couldn't be any worse than the current stock of backs they have....that is the ones that haven't already entered the transfer portal and left.
  6. LOL...I'm talking about crap that always tends to follow your beloved Cathedral program, and not just a single game. You know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Don't play dumb....just doesn't work for the "smartest guy on this forum". I am not affiliated with the CG HIgh School program...nor do I have a son or relative in the program. But I am fan of the program...and the MIC in general. Just want to be clear as you tend to try and speak for others often on GID.
  7. The quarter rule is combined for both friday and saturday correct? If a player exceeds the quarter limit, it is an impact to both games. He was used either more than he should have been friday and saturday....and the other team was not afforded that same opportunity. The coach ADMITTED the rule was broken...flippantly...but he admitted it. The player in question should have either been held out more either friday or saturday. You want to name call and make this personal, that's fine. I won't retort in the thread, but feel free to send me a message privately. We can go from there.
  8. NO...I am talking about a coach's response to rule breaking, justifying it. The excessive quarters impacted BOTH the varsity game friday night (with additional depth not afforded to the other team) and the game on Saturday. I am talking about culture....another shenanigan But I understand dumbing it down to an end of the year JV game helps deflect the issue....
  9. Just explaining to someone that doesn't get it....its not about JV football. Never was. But I can understand why you desire the actions of your coach to not be discussed.
  10. I will disagree about a very deficient LN squad. Coach Mal had an excellent game plan that the team executed beautifully. He had that team fired up. With his background, no one knows CG better. Coach Mal proved why he is one outstanding head coach. LN has some outstanding football players. It is tough to beat team repeatedly...very tough. I agree with your comment about the 30 point spread....not because of last night as much as how I saw BD play CG earlier this year. That was a tough game. Throw in CG getting hit hard by some injuries makes this a very interesting matchup.
  11. 2 years ago, CG struggled in the regular season with a 4-5 record. But the team grew up, went on a roll all the way to the 6A State championship game and gave Carmel all they wanted. Doesn't matter a hoot how a team plays in the early season....and it matters now. BD is playing good football. I saw BD play at CG in the regular season and they are a good football team....and I venture to say a better team now than they were in week 4 against the Trojans. I expect a very good football game.
  12. They are indeed awesome!!! Worth every penny. Congrats on such an impressive victory by your Giants last night. Wow!!! Got to make you proud!! Regional champs again!!
  13. It has nothing to do with a single JV game. My beef was the coach's response flippantly admitting non-compliance with a rule (that effects BOTH friday and sat night's game) and fans that want to brush both the event and the coach's unfortunate response on GID under the rug. Had the coach said nothing, or stated it was an honest mistake, not a biggie. But he admitted to breaking rules with a smug response. It is wrong and there is no 2 ways about it. I don't have anything to prepare for....I will say this again....I am not affiliated with GGHS sports, no kid involved, etc. The CG fan that started the thread was NOT wrong. The playing of excessive quarters occurred, a Cathedral coach admitted it and stated his distaste for the rule...
  14. Did you grow up next to power lines? I have been clear repeatedly I have no kids involved. I didn't lose anything. I do love the sport....and integrity, especially with youth matters. A Cathedral coach admitted the kid in question (assuming only one) played excessive quarters. He didn't apologize and indicated he didn't agree with the rule. #letthekidsplay You did read that, right? To say his quote on GID was flippant would be an understatement. What kind of culture does it take for a member of a high school coaching staff respond on a high school forum, justifying non-compliance with IHSAA rules?? I have friends that coach city high school programs...and have coached for years. So yes, I made up my mind a long time ago "program integrity" based directly upon the word of people I trust. That's why "Coach P's" words didn't surprise me one bit. And honestly, I could care less. Just play ball in the top class with the big boys when it matters in the playoffs. Then, their fans can truly call them the state's best, or when they claim "Game of the Decade"...perhaps it will mean something.
  15. Evidently, according to your coach, you did use a player in violation of the rules. Was it to win a JV game? I'm guessing it wasn't to lose it. But I'll say it again, it also provided additional depth during the friday night varsity game that was utilized for special teams. Depth the opponent didn't have available. Its about level playing fields.....why is that so foreign?
  16. Perhaps you are right....maybe I got my time periods mixed up......
  17. It takes an idiot to know an idiot. As I stated before, the impact isn't just to the JV game. Can you not get your pea brain around that? It provided depth (in this case to special teams) to the varsity game friday night, that the opponent was not afforded. What is worse, you had a member of the Cathedral coaching staff post on GID acknowledging non-compliance. Now who's desperate when it comes to acknowleding that a team is breaking rules to gain a competitive edge? Let's talk desperate some more...repeatedly on this forum calling the Cathedral vs CG game, the "Game of the Century". It didn't live up to that billing....not even close. Last year's game was far better. Further, you've stated several times how the Cathedral O line is the best in the state. Many of us rolled our eyes, guessing you had a kid on the line, and your comments were just based on your "enthusiasm". Well, how has that worked out? How did the great O line in the state perform running the ball against CG on a tailored made night to run the ball between the tackles? Greatest O line in the state...what a joke. I'm a troll for calling out cheating when I see it...so be it. Wouldn't expect anything different from a guy like defending it. What a clown.
  18. I see...so that allows you to rationaliize non-compliance/cheating. It is not just about the JV game. It impacts the friday night game by providing additional depth....in this case to special teams. Depth that the opponent was not afforded. Cathedral then had a coach foolishly post on this forum making a case for non-compliance. It speaks loudly about the culture. Most of us are not foolish enough to believe that when "hands are caught in the cookie jar" it is the very first time......
  19. With MSU and Michigan still having Ohio State and Penn State on their schedules, they are not done losing games yet.......they will drop. The Big 10's hope once again lie with the Buckeyes...... Sorry guys...just read your responses....guess I felt like piling on.....flag thrown on me for the late hit....
  20. So true Grover...do you remember several years ago, CG losing a sectional game to Avon on the last play of the game? A hook and ladder ran to perfection. 2 DB's collided and that was the story No high school lead is safe when its one score or less.....much less on a wet rainy night....
  21. I'm not missing the point...I just don't agree with you. Wozniak had a fine career. Now if you define catching more balls better, that's your opinion. But the guy was a multi-year starter at a Big 10 school...and he was known more for his blocking. https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/4359526-gophers-tight-end-nate-wozniak-expresses-his-love-hit-people Regarding Curry....I trust the caliber of schools recruiting him understand his body and what they need to do....or not do. Nothing personal man...I just don't see you as a recruiting expert. And I will say again, nothing of past Trojans and their collegiate playing days have anything to do with Carson Steele. Nada.
  22. In a college football thread?? I think you got in a hurry this morning.....unless you are talking Baylor.....
  23. Please stop and do your homework before commenting. Wozniak was a multi-year starter at Minnesota. He chose Minnesota when he narrowed his offers down to the Gophers, Miami (Fla) and Purdue. A major reason he went with Minnesota is because they would play him at the TE position. Most of the schools offering him were at the OT position given his size. Other schools offering him included Indiana, Cincy, Iowa State, Maryland, etc. Wozniak was tabbed (right or wrong) as a blocking TE. That is why he got his shots at NFL camps, it was for OT. Perhaps he would have been better off at that position....I don't know. But he absolutely was a player at Minnesota. To say he did not make a dent is flat out wrong. You have heard of a blocking TE correct? Another person you failed to mention that played his ball at CG and was a starting TE for Indiana in the early to mid 2000's was Aaron Halterman. Aaron was also on the Colts practice squad in 2006 and has a Super Bowl ring. Allan Trieu....there you go. He obviously knows more than 30 or so outstanding P5 school staffs that have offered Curry. But I am done with this conversation if now you are going to talk negative about current players. I am beginning to think you are the Cody Parkhurst guy from the Facebook Indiana High School Football group..... I have a ton more insight as to what Moore does when it comes to recruiting than you. A ton more.....and we shall leave it at that.....
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