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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Screagle

  1. I think those two schools were on SIAC radar from day 1. Two great additions to the conference. Schedule is going to be a grind in several sports.
  2. Would miss the battles of Castle and Memorial in all the sports if they split big and small.
  3. How would large / small SIAC look? not sure on several enrollments. Would a multiplier effect be used for private schools like EM, MD, Gibson Southern and Jasper? Kidding on last two!!
  4. All of 3A should just be glad they are not in sectional 28. I’d drive 5 hours for tournament game to avoid that thing!’
  5. Refresh my memory... which teams were added and which teams subtracted?
  6. Just doesn’t add up. Went to the 4A title game last season, most likely the favorite to win another sectional, most likely the favorite to win the SIAC, a very talented group of kids coming back, plus, three move-in’s from the state of Illinois.
  7. HH is my pick to win the PAC and whatever sectional they end up in.
  8. T32 you have all the calprep scores posted with VL and Jasper. You talk about domination by GS football for the next several years. You talk about GS being different. And you reply with being married and you win??
  9. Well GS has reinvented the wheel. So it takes parents and players to buy in? “We have to build things differently than I suspect what your used to.” Would love to hear WTH that means.
  10. Might want to read again.....90% of SW Indiana. Can’t speak for teams out of this area. I visit enough schools and coaches in this area to see that most have really good feeder programs. What is different about GS compared to programs in SW Indiana. Enlighten us less knowledgeable fans.
  11. Lol. Model? Please explain on here. I’m sure everyone will “grab their popcorn” and listen. Since Hart era is all you like to talk about I’m guessing the Hart model? I’m guessing GS not doing anything different than 90% of all the programs in SW Indiana. I could be wrong but I’m not sure GS has made it out of a sectional 4 of the past 5 years.
  12. My point is Castle rarely loses a feeder football game at any level. Great feeder program that has tons of kids. 2 7th grade teams, 2 8th grade teams and all 4 teams usually very good. And those teams even combine in high school. Memorials group that just won state and then played for state rarely won at any level. Class on 18, 19, and 20 rarely had success. Matter of fact they struggled against almost all SIAC teams in 7th and 8th grade....all 3 classes.
  13. Absolutely not! I think any school that has a good feeder program is most likely getting good results. Any good HC is deeply involved in their feeder program. Wins and losses by feeder teams have zero impact on varsity football. JMO. Just hard to imagine a person can look at 5th grade football and know that’s a “grab your popcorn” group.
  14. T32 That’s a skill that could earn you a very lucrative salary. I would bet Castle fans feel they should win state championship after championship based on feeder team records.
  15. 5th and 6th grade? 5th grade is projected as the “get your popcorn” group? Are you sure you’re not working for a scouting service?
  16. 100% agree on Castle. Endless resources, 2000 students, and a very winnable sectional and regional every year.
  17. I would agree. I was only including the ones mentioned by seal 63 and T32.
  18. I agree with you, sir. I was only including the 3 mentioned by Seal 63 and T32
  19. IMO if those 3 end up together Jasper will be the more dominant team over the long haul. Hard to argue with the success they’ve had over several decades. GS would be my 2nd pick based on the success Hart had from 2012 to 2015. Based on last couple seasons it looks like Levi is doing it the right way. I still give GS a slight edge over VL. It would be nice to see HH and SR play in 32 just because of the rivalry in sports.
  20. Seal 63. Not very familiar with VL football. What does the future look like?
  21. Zero negativeness on either situation. Just pointing out that both of last two years Bosse picked up a really good player each year. I have no problem with it. IMO parents have to do what they feel is best for their kid. SIAC there are several choices out there. I think middle school parents whose kids play sports would be stupid not to look at best situation both academically and athletically for high school.
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