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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. Keep in mind that the NCAA is, like the IHSAA, a member organization. The NCAA, as an organization, doesn’t make any money. But it administers a gigantic cash cow for the member institutions. So, it’s not accurate to think of the NCAA as some sinister corporate entity. The member schools run the NCAA. So, it’s not that the NCAA doesn’t care. It’s the member schools.
  2. Q. What do they call doctors who prescribe medication without any studies showing either it’s effectiveness or long term side effects? A. Defendants.
  3. Please stop with the comparisons of influenza to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They are inapposite, misleading, and ultimately, dangerous.
  4. The plan to return to play is all about giving kids opportunities. Who you crappin’?
  5. For those of you who only know him by his screen name, this is actually @DannEllenwood conducting one of the many experiments he does to stay current on the COVID-19 situation.
  6. If “guarantee” is your standard for a solution, you’re going to be disappointed. There are no guarantees with any solution ... including the “let’s get back to ‘normal’ and pretend there’s nothing going on” solution. We can also call this the “let’s generate permanent employment for a lot of lawyers” solution.
  7. No problem. I’m sure high school kids will do a much better job than these professional athletes.
  8. Just an FYI, the “flu” vaccine, depending on which shot you get, protects against 3-4 strains of the flu. The WHO decides each season which strains of flu are likely to be most prevalent that year, informs the vaccine manufacturers, and that year’s flu vaccine is made to order. But it doesn’t protect against any strain others than those it was designed for. That’s why even people who get their annual flu shot still sometimes get “the flu.” And, of course, it doesn’t protect if you don’t get the shot. If you want to get technical, influenza “Type A” strains cause most of the human illnesses. The influenza A virus can be subdivided into different serotypes based on the type of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. The "H" in "H1N1" for example refers to hemagglutinin (HA) and "N" in "H1N1" refers to neuraminidase (NA). There are 16 different types of HA and 9 different types of NA, therefore, there are potentially 144 different subtypes of influenza A viruses. Among them, two subtypes of influenza A, H1N1 and H3N2, most commonly infect humans. For each subtype virus, the hemagglutinin gene mutates all the time and hence there are many variants of the same subtype viruses, and hence the need to change the virus strain for seasonal flu vaccines on an annual bases. https://www.sinobiological.com/research/virus/influenza-hemagglutinin-subtypes
  9. I agree with you there. But I’m hoping it doesn’t happen.
  10. I suppose anything is theoretically possible. But I firmly believe that the ND side of that discussion is absolutely committed to playing Navy as long as Navy wants to play. Some things are non-negotiable at Notre Dame. That’s one of them.
  11. I’m not familiar with it. Since my graduation from law school, my only contact with the legal education system was several years as an adjunct at Valpo, humiliating would-be trial lawyers for 3 hours a week.
  12. That was me. And I stand by it. To be scrupulously accurate, what I said was that Notre Dame would play Navy as long as Navy wanted to play Notre Dame. And until there’s some sort of official announcement, I believe they will find a way to play this season. If you’d like, I’ll explain the back story, as I’ve done before.
  13. It may shock you to learn that, however accurate Grisham’s portrayal - I don’t read his stuff - it applies only to the 1% who end up in those jobs. The career path of the other 99% is dramatically different.
  14. I don’t disagree. But I would add, there is precious little taught in law school that prepares one for the practical side of the practice of law, i.e., how to actually get things done. I would favor a model more like the medical profession: basically an academic course followed by an accredited and structured apprenticeship.
  15. Keep in mind, current IHSAA bylaws require a minimum of 4 regular season games to be eligible to participate in the tournament.
  16. There is nothing easy about any of this, regardless of your viewpoint. And, frankly, the implication in your post is insulting to those who hold a contrary viewpoint.
  17. So, the people who believe in a more conservative approach to resumption of activities and easing of restrictions are not really motivated by public health concerns? They’re just lazy?
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