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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Footballking16

  1. 2019 was a good team. They’re nowhere close to being as good as the 2020 and 2021 teams however. Offensively the 2020 team is as good as any Cathedral team I’ve seen, likewise with this years team defensively. A lot of the guys on the 2019 team played on the 2020 and 2022 team.
  2. 2020 and 2021 team are both significantly better than the 2019 team. The 2022 class has 40+ seniors and many of them contributing this year contributed as sophomores.
  3. A lot better. A lot of Cathedral’s starting D played a bunch as sophomores on the 2019 team.
  4. Bet if enough of us pulled our weight you'd get knocked down a peg or two. I'll do my due diligence.
  5. That perfectly sums your GID posting history. But moving along, I prefer this thread stay open.
  6. Cathedral "should" win by 3-4 TD's but the competitive advantage of playing on grass doesn't exist in this game unfortunately. We all know that Cathedral just loves to sling the ball around the field in wet and muddy conditions. Ideal conditions for that style of play if you ask me.
  7. Huh? IU has gotten absolutely NOTHING out of the QB position this year. Zilch. Penix was all-B10 last year and pushed the ball down field at will. IU is likely flirting with a .500 record right now (and two wins over top 10 teams) with even semi-competent QB play this year, that’s how bad it’s been over the course of the season. Defensively IU is about the same as last year in terms of what they give up a game, but they aren’t creating turnovers like they were last year. Doesn’t help that the offense is constantly putting the defense in a bad position.
  8. And guess what field with what user continuously gets dragged through the mud (no pun intended)?
  9. Lol. You been out of town the last 3 weeks or does your moms basement just not have windows? I most have missed all your posts about Arlington’s field the three other times they played there.
  10. Sure, they have the ability to throw the ball when/if needed, but you'll never see CG come out and throw the ball 25-30 times unless it's absolutely out of necessity. That's not who they are and not how they game plan. They are a power running team who has a D1 QB capable of pushing the ball down field when necessary. When your top 3 rushers all average over 5 yards a carry, you don't need to throw the football or have a balanced offensive attack, it's why Center Grove has run the ball on more than 70% of their offensive plays this year.
  11. Probably a lot of them, but I would not call Center Grove a balanced offensive team. They are a run first team who can throw the ball when needed. Jackson has thrown the ball 126 times in 9 games. That isn't a lot.
  12. Wouldn't say Center Grove is balanced. 335 of their 470 offensive plays (assuming MaxPreps is accurate) have been running plays. Guessing if Jackson wasn't a D1 QB capable of pushing the ball downfield that number would be greater. If Center Grove didn't attempt a forward pass for the rest of the year they'd still win every game by 3+ TDs. Center Grove passes out of luxury, not because they have too.
  13. Warren did it 4 straight years running the Wing T in the mid 2000s and Center Grove today runs it a hell of a lot more than they throw.
  14. If you have to ask why the field of a multi-billion dollar organization held up better than that of a high school who rents a former IPS field I'm not sure you'd understand even if you were told.
  15. I concur. A 2-6 team has no business being in the postseason but that's for a different thread. Incorrect. They're 4A due to enrollment as are the other 60-some teams in 4A other than the teams bumped up due to the success factor.
  16. He essentially got a "lifetime" contract, it auto renews a year after each season. Not going anywhere for awhile, part of his new contract calls for a $30 million buyout from both parties if he were to leave or be fired. It decreases to $15 million at the conclusion of next season. Overhaul on the offensive coaching staff is imperative after this year. Keep McCullough but the OC/QB coach and offensive line coach need to be fired and they needed to be fired yesterday. IU is wasting a very good defense on inept offensive coaching.
  17. Not a single one of those games were played at Arlington. Hell Cathedral played Fishers on a baseball diamond. Troll harder.
  18. Lol, who has stopped playing Cathedral? Roncalli? Yeah I would too if I lost ten in a row? Carmel after getting run on their home field last year? What does any of that have to do with the playing surface?
  19. Cathedral for the last two years has once again adopted Arlington as its “home field” now that it is no longer used by Arlington High School. Cathedral completely redid the field out of their own pocket. Stop acting like Cathedral saw Center Grove on the schedule, threw a dart that landed on Arlington, and decided to play the game there because it’s a natural surface. Every home game the last two years have been at Arlington and will be going forward rain, sleet, shine. Don’t like the facility? Stay at home. Nobody at Cathedral gives a rats ass where you think they should and shouldn’t play their home games. If Center Grove has an issue playing at Arlington going forward, drop Cathedral from the schedule. It’s as simple as that.
  20. That game was going to be played at Arlington regardless if it was 180 degrees or -180 degrees. Why in the name of gamesmanship would Cathedral voluntarily give up a home game to go play on the “road” at the #9 team in the country’s home field? You need to be put on a word count until you actually pay money out of your pocket to post on here. You dumb down this board every single time you post and you’re a huge reason why so many long time posters no longer post here.
  21. You’re right. I forgot Cathedral dictated when it rains and when it doesn’t.
  22. Cathedral kicking a FG on 4th and 1 inside the 10 to make a one score game….a one score game is what gave Center Grove a light at the end of the tunnel. Wheats 70 yard TD run with 2 minutes left in the 3rd Quarter matched CG’s entire offensive output up until that point. It was one big play that completely flipped the game.
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