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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by hhpatriot04

  1. Sorry. I didn't mean any offense. I believe I'm banned from the Catholic Church but enjoy my weekly discussions with priests on the sidelines of football games. Good people.
  2. This is the same argument on ranking teams -- do you rank them based on their accomplishments (Hansen) or do you rank them based off what they can do (Bowen).
  3. Put all small P/P schools in 3A and all 3A+ P/P schools in 5A. Then use the SF from there. I don't support that, but I think it would solve most of the complaining. Also, I've long supported the 1A/6A ~32 teams (probably less), then evenly distributing 2A-5A (5A wouldn't be a 32-team class). But take it a step further and go to only four classes -- 2A and 3A would need an extra week of tournament games.
  4. Can we look at the previous four years, throw out the highest and lowest point totals, then classify with the two remaining totals?
  5. The IHSAA's claimed monopoly greatly risks quality of coverage due to its lack of competition. The arrangement works well for broadcasting (generally), but the broadcasting arm could potentially ruin relationships with other media entities -- something to watch as traditional media outlets go by the wayside...
  6. I highly doubt Kentucky needs seven classes. Very similar demographics and population as Indiana...
  7. How did Cathedral all of a sudden turn into a basketball power? It seems to have happened over night.
  8. DK flies drones around all of our houses just to validate accounts with IP addresses. If you don't know, now you know.
  9. I was walking the Adams Central sideline and everyone just kept saying "Basementbias is soft... He's real soft bro."
  10. Why the personal foul waved off later in the game after a pass was ruled tipped? Couldn't there still be a personal foul for helmet to helmet contact or targeting after a tipped ball? I thought tipped balls only affect interference.
  11. Also known as "Cover 1." Man is basically describing what the non-safeties do... Cover 0 (everyone including safeties are in man), Cover 1 (all but one defender is in man, the safety), Cover 2 (all but two defenders are in man, two safeties), etc...
  12. I'm sorry, I'm dumb. What's the difference between Cover 0 and man-to-man? I was just a lineman.
  13. Just wanted to let people know there is a live cast of the stats on the IHSAA website (Class 4A): http://stats.statbroadcast.com/broadcast/?id=437347
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