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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by hhpatriot04

  1. He had a brace on one of his knees. It was clearly visible on tape so I'm not worried about "outing" it. Hope he gets better by baseball. He seemed clearly to be favoring it.
  2. I don't think this should happen but I think a lot of people would agree with all P/P schools having to be either 3A or 5A, then implementing the success factor. That would solve 99% of the groping.
  3. Will all the games be on 93.1 FM WIBC in Indianapolis? I heard there might be a conflict with the Pacers' game?
  4. Where are you? I'm upstairs on the north 30-yard-line in a blue shirt with a computer. Come say hello before KO.
  5. Same. What an amazing time of year. Count your blessings to be with friends and family.
  6. They supposedly rotate the sectional alignments by starting in the NE, SE, NW, NE, and Central in different years. I believe this is how it was justified having Roncalli, Chatard, and Brebeuf? in one of the early alignments.
  7. Why do you hate Coach Hart? I know he coached at Reitz and nobody respects the Westside of Evansville, but what did this man do to your family?
  8. Oh. I thought it was one of those alumni games and you practiced before.
  9. Glory days! I wonder how much IB profeun is sold at the local CVS that day.
  10. Can't even stream it from those Russian sites because it's high school! Enraged!
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