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6 hours ago, Bash Riprock said:

But you have done this...over and over and over and over and over..............infinity symbol.


So you are saying the GID never has new members?


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10 hours ago, Impartial_Observer said:

Why don’t you create a post and pin it. 

That last time I checked I do not have ability to pin posts in the main GID forum.  Do you?

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19 hours ago, Muda69 said:

So you are saying the GID never has new members?


is it working for you?  Do you have any converts?  Even if you have had success converting people to your beliefs, what good is it doing on this forum?  Bottom line, do you see high schools reducing their investments with turf because of your efforts?

Chasing parked cars....

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1 hour ago, Bash Riprock said:

is it working for you?  Do you have any converts?

I don't know yet.  Rome wasn't built in a day.   I can only continue to espouse my opinions regarding the matter.  If you personally no longer like to read it then you have two choices Bash Riprock;  you can put me on ignore or you can contact a GID admin concerning the matter.

1 hour ago, Bash Riprock said:

 Bottom line, do you see high schools reducing their investments with turf because of your efforts?

Eventually, yes.


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7 hours ago, Impartial_Observer said:

You do in the OOB.

That is because I created the OOB.  As that clubs' creator I have a number of functions:



And IIRC I once tried pinning certain forum threads on both the OOB and the GID main forum. I was subsequently  chastised quite heavily by at least one GID admin and told to stop.


Edited by Muda69
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2 hours ago, Daniel_Bragg said:

Is there ANY possible way for this to get back on topic, rather than Muda preaching how he doesn't like things?  That'd be swell.

Boonville and Castle down here in Warrick County will be getting turf over the summer. To get this back on topic

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8 hours ago, TigerFan20 said:

Boonville and Castle down here in Warrick County will be getting turf over the summer. To get this back on topic

How much taxpayer dollars are being spent for each installation?


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17 minutes ago, CoachGallogly said:

Once Muda realizes districts are starting to put in indoor football fields he’s really gonna lose his mind. 

Yes, I probably will.  Do you have examples of this occurring in Indiana yet? 


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57 minutes ago, CoachGallogly said:

Mt Vernon and Carmel already. In Michigan we’re closing in on a dozen or so by now.  In 20 years there’ll be 50. 

Some details regrading these facilities please.  Are they used for actual games, and have the required amount seating, bathrooms,  concessions, etc.?  If only used for practices does the facility contain an actual 120 yard x 53.3 yard football field?  

17 minutes ago, TigerFan20 said:

$2.4 million is the amount for both of the fields.

That is a huge amount of money, don't you think?  Could buy a lot of textbooks with that.


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1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

That is a huge amount of money, don't you think?  Could buy a lot of textbooks with that.

Are you aware if they currently have a textbook shortage?  With as concerned as you obviously are about taxpayer money, I certainly hope you have run for your local school board.  We need bean-counters like you...

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18 hours ago, Muda69 said:

I don't know yet.  Rome wasn't built in a day.   I can only continue to espouse my opinions regarding the matter.  If you personally no longer like to read it then you have two choices Bash Riprock;  you can put me on ignore or you can contact a GID admin concerning the matter.

Eventually, yes.


Muda...you went dark on me.  I not a reporting kind of guy and why put you on ignore?  You put out some good stuff.

I just find it surprising that you feel a need to sway others to your views.  Be confident my man in your own views, and resist feeling the need for validation through conversion of others.  As I said, even if you convert a person or 2, nothing will come from it on this site.  Not the tree to bark up....

Got to be honest...i did get a slight chuckle that you thinking if you complain long enough, you will change the minds of various high school administrators around the state from investing in turf fields....do you truly believe they would see you both as a desired and credible source in their decision-making process?

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2 hours ago, Muda69 said:


That is a huge amount of money, don't you think?  Could buy a lot of textbooks with that.



No one uses textbooks anymore

And I'll side with you on how great playing on a nice natural field is in in August and September, and my buddies and I still talk about the fun games in the rain when the field was completely trashed, jerseys stained, and mud just about anywhere there's a crack. But...

You gotta face the facts. A turf field is better for all athletics at a school. In the long run, you definitely cut down on a lot of expenses outside of the field, not just maintaining it. Turf doesn't stain jerseys as much if at all. Don't have to buy new jerseys as often. It also doesn't limit you. I know a lot of schools don't have white pants because you can't keep them completely stain free on a natural field. You can on a turf field a little better(not saying they will stay perfect). I hope one day Rochester can get added to this list.

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51 minutes ago, Bash Riprock said:

Muda...you went dark on me.  I not a reporting kind of guy and why put you on ignore?  You put out some good stuff.

I just find it surprising that you feel a need to sway others to your views.  Be confident my man in your own views, and resist feeling the need for validation through conversion of others.  As I said, even if you convert a person or 2, nothing will come from it on this site.  Not the tree to bark up....

Got to be honest...i did get a slight chuckle that you thinking if you complain long enough, you will change the minds of various high school administrators around the state from investing in turf fields....do you truly believe they would see you both as a desired and credible source in their decision-making process?

I think administrators can be swayed, but I agree, not on this topic. There are way too many benefits to all involved. 

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25 minutes ago, First_Backer_Inside said:


No one uses textbooks anymore


So laptops are cheap?


1 hour ago, Bash Riprock said:

do you truly believe they would see you both as a desired and credible source in their decision-making process?

Yes. I have linked to a variety of desired and credible information concerning the downsides of turf fields, if not in this thread then in others.


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1 hour ago, Daniel_Bragg said:

Are you aware if they currently have a textbook shortage?  With as concerned as you obviously are about taxpayer money, I certainly hope you have run for your local school board.  We need bean-counters like you...

Yes, government bureaucracies need bean-counters.  They tend to oppose the wild and extravagant spending like yourself and others champion.



2 hours ago, CoachGallogly said:

Yes only practice, nobody’s building indoor stadiums. 

Why?  Players getting cold and wet during and outdoor practice is now too big of a burden for them?  The last time I checked football is not a 12-month sport in Indiana, or Michigan.


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2 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

Yes, government bureaucracies need bean-counters.  They tend to oppose the wild and extravagant spending like yourself and others champion.



First of all, you have no idea what wild and extravagant spending I champion.  I'm a sitting Councilman, and absolutely understand how not to spend money.  However, you didn't answer my question.  Are you someone who just likes to make noise, or are you someone who actually wants to get involved and do your part for your school system?

Being hard-nosed about saving the taxpayers money is commendable.  However, if you are only looking at this issue, as you have kind of been signaling, from a "how much does installation cost" aspect, then you are not looking at the bigger picture that A LOT of these school boards are.  Is there frivolous spending in every school district?  Absolutely. But again, your vehement hatred for anything turf screams more "I own stock in sod", than a true worrisome taxpayer.

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42 minutes ago, BTF said:

I think administrators can be swayed, but I agree, not on this topic. There are way too many benefits to all involved. 

Do you think Administrators seek out GID as a viable source to help them with decision-making?  That was my point.  

If they do, well, I just learned something.

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34 minutes ago, Daniel_Bragg said:

Are you someone who just likes to make noise, or are you someone who actually wants to get involved and do your part for your school system?


34 minutes ago, Daniel_Bragg said:

Absolutely. But again, your vehement hatred for anything turf screams more "I own stock in sod", than a true worrisome taxpayer.

I've stated my reasoning for opposing artificial turf fields at the K-12 level multiple times on this forum, and I can assure you it is much more nuanced than "I own stock in sod".   Go back and find those posts yourself,  I don't feel the need to retype them again.  Thank you.


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