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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2019 in all areas

  1. You'll love the Traeger. I have a Pit Boss, lower priced knockoff but still amazing. A rich guy I know has a Traeger. 😎
    3 points
  2. If your regular season games are meaningless...you’re doing it wrong.
    2 points
  3. Haven't seen @foxbat for awhile round these parts, but I know he's a huge Rush fan. This should be awesome if it's at a Theater near you.
    2 points
  4. Sounds like no championship week 9 in PAC and a lot of rumors addresses. Have to commend the Gibson Titan AD for not leaving schools hanging . https://www.courierpress.com/story/sports/high-school/2019/06/22/how-southern-indiana-ads-made-decisions-joining-siac-pac/1531269001/
    1 point
  5. @gonzoron Appreciate the heads up on this! I hadn't seen it, but it looks like a nice event to attend. I may have to cut practice early this day and head down to Indy to find a theater where it's playing. Rush officially announced their retirement late last year, so there's been a growing depression amongst fanatics. Perhaps this will be a worthy temporary fix. I've been hanging around, but overseas right now and working through my mom having a heart attack recently as well as the death of my wife's much younger brother earlier this year. Reality has consumed much more of life and been more engaging recently.
    1 point
  6. Does the regular season mean anything? I guess that’s a question for your players/coaches. I’ve haven’t met many players/coaches that Friday night didn’t mean everything. It’s high school sports. It’s hard enough to keep kids involved...now tell them they can play the regular season but there is a chance they won’t get to play in the tournament. And for a good number of teams I’m sure they would realize from day 1 they won’t be good enough to qualify. If the regular season is ever meaningless to a team then that team has competitiveness issues and character issues. We are talking about programs that will likely be one and done. So who cares? And, if they shock the world....good for them! HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS! Let’s do all we can to give the kids a chance to play. Evansville Bosse would have never qualified last season in football. But they took a 28 point lead over an undefeated Boonville team. Boonville eventually won by 7 but that game was everything that is right with “all-in!”
    1 point
  7. Good Lord that has been me. Got a new Traeger pellet grill, and have not had a chance to use it until tonight...and it still rained at the end of the night.
    1 point
  8. From the people I have talked with that support the concept of reparations, it has little to do with money and more to do with laws that are in place that put people of color at a disadvantage. There is also a hope to erase the mindset that leads to this kind of thing.
    1 point
  9. Could go to Ball State and be all MAC for 3-4 years?? If that good, would dominate, maybe?
    1 point
  10. If you are a member of the Caucasian race you were implicit in the evil of slavery, the plight of the American indian, placing Japanese Americans into camps during WW2, etc. , and have to pay. Reparations for blacks, American indians, Japanese, Chinese, etc. all we will be paid via increases in the federal income tax for "whites only". Seems to be simplest and most direct method, does it not?
    -2 points
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