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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. As ticket prices spiral out of control, touring is in many cases the main revenue stream they have. My wife and I were discussing the expense of a stadium show as we were waiting for what seemed like hours trying to get out of the Stones show in Nashville last fall. Side note mad props to Indy on their ability to move people out of large venues. At any rate given the costs that have to be involved, coordinating between multiple agencies and local government, not to mention crew, security, staff, rent, etc. I’m sure the bill to the acts is immense, thus huge ticket prices. And if you’re mega stars, your tickets will command 35K a seat. Hell I paid 400 bucks for my son and I to see Bob Dylan last fall at IU Auditorium…..AND IT WAS WORTH EVERY PENNY! I don’t begrudge Taylor Swift making a gazillion dollars on a tour, where I struggle with this mess is the grift that happens once the tickets are sold. The system is set up to favor a select few who then game the system to make themselves rich without adding any value to the transaction. I want to see that 12 year old kid get a ticket, be exposed to the art, perhaps it sparks something, perhaps it’s just something to bring a smile and shake your ass, either way that’s what live music is about for me. What ultimately happens is that 12 year old is denied access and for me is the real tragedy.
  2. Ticketmaster is a giant monopoly that grifts money from patrons, venues, and acts, produces nothing, adds little to no value, and are in general a PITA for everyone involved.
  3. Seriously though man, how awesome is it to see kids you coached succeeding in life! One of the joys of coaching in my opinion.
  4. This is an actual plan being discussed in other sports. Football is it’s own animal, and admittedly not as intimately familiar with the Football tournament as I am other sports. I haven’t really given much thought to applying it to a Football tournament. I didn’t say anything about a qualifier, all in.
  5. So rare a person in today’s world, instead of money grubbing ladder climbers looking for a bigger better deal….a guy who does it for all the right reasons.
  6. Think about this, do away with the sectionals. Seed the top two in a region, blind draw the rest. Thoughts?
  7. I will attempt to reign in my language if you don’t call me bro,bruh, or my guy in the future! Dude would be acceptable because I like abide man.
  8. Sure that’s exactly what I said. Is it the reading or the comprehension? I’m surprised recruiting hasn’t come up yet.
  9. This is a complete oversimplification of the situation and you know it. Can we at least agree if parents are shelling out hard earned cash to send their children to school, over and above what the government fleeces out of them for their government schools, that those parents are going to have expectations that perhaps their public school counterparts don’t have? I have been around a while I don’t believe ANYONE has ever seriously suggested that P/P kids or coaches “work harder”. I had a coach one time tell me, if you look at the parents you can usually tell what the kid will be. Typically if the parents are successful odds are their kids will have expectations placed upon them, they have a work ethic, all the intangibles you look for as a coach. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but as I’ve gone thru life, there’s some merit to what the coach told me. And I’m certainly not saying P/P’s have the market cornered on kids of this type, but their business model kind of lends itself to it. P/P’s typically punch above their weight. Obviously there are many other factors involved.
  10. Yea, I don’t even know what most of that shit means, the bottom line is, you’re turning your shit in on Monday, and Center Grove is responsible.
  11. Dick move, I’ve been hearing John Prine in my head since reading this! On second thought, good work!
  12. Yea all those NAIA teammates of my daughter’s who are now doctors, nurses, accountants, teachers, and business professionals mostly just sit around and relive their glory days. There are currently two medical schools in the state of Indiana, the other one is an NAIA institution.
  13. Coaches/AD’s have the ability to scratch officials. Officials have the ability to scratch schools. I think a phone call to Robert will solve most any conflict. Us and another crew swapped first round games this season for a perceived conflict.
  14. Take a look at the pics from Arlington over the weekend and tell me how safe that field is.
  15. Cue the “old time football” pics from the CG/Cathedral game at Arlington Friday.
  16. I have a friend with a kid on the team, I know this group has been watched since CYO. Just curious how they stack up. That is as impressive of a OL as you run across in Indiana HS.
  17. My kids often got up and headed outside to play, I’m sure most of what they did was legal. but I really don’t want to know at this point. I remember one time while watching college Football on TV one Saturday afternoon and hearing a commotion in the back yard. I looked out the window to see my son with a deer leg raised over his head chasing one of my daughter’s friends who was hanging out. I went back to watching TV, because it seemed like pretty standard fair at our house…..my daughter’s friend wasn’t allowed to come back lol, her mother was freaked out. FWIW, my daughter sent us pics over the weekend of her helping her BF gut and process the buck he killed Saturday. Dressed out about 160, nice buck!
  18. ***IF*** Roncalli were to run the table here, where does this team stack up in the Parthenon of Rebel teams? And yes I said Rebel teams, no Royal football titles yet. Lysander you’re one of the more Indy Catholic league in the know than most, what about the Roncalli faithful, what say you?
  19. NAIA uses NCAA rules in Football. I have worked at Marian many times and have dealt with the hash mark issue. It’s not difficult to move the pylons behind the EZ to where the hashes should be. So given my experience with this issue, I called North Meridian, the answer is what Bob said, we play with what we have. I also address the hash mark issue with both coaches and both AD’s on Monday of game week. I have never worked at UIndy, but Cardinal Stadium in Louisville, RCA Dome, and LOS have had HS temporary hashes every time I’ve been there. One note, with turf being in the conversation lately, the old Cardinal Stadium at the fairgrounds was hands down the WORST surface I’ve ever been on…..OK, maybe second worse, you guys that played on D1 at Midwest know what I’m taking about.
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