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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. with absolutely no disrespect intended to Guerin, Brebeuf, Ritter, Scecina, or any other Catholic HS, would be nice to see a "Commander-in-Chief" type trophy for the historic "Big 3" Catholic programs...Cathedral, Chatard and Roncalli. I guess this year, it would be going to Chatard.
  2. Heck of a 4th down run by Hartman on that final drive. Duke is much improved.
  3. Saw where Allen fired another coordinator...this time Walt Bell. Not saying it wasn't earned, but also says something about Allen's hiring. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/indiana/2023/10/01/indiana-football-walt-bell-fired-as-offensive-coordinator-tom-allen-rod-carey-iu-hoosiers/71025627007/
  4. Was great to see former Center Grove standout Russ Yeast having an excellent game as a starting safety for the Rams.
  5. Kansas much improved. Coach Leipold seems to know how to win. Not sure if they can get over the hump. Former Center Grove standout, Austin Booker, is currently playing strong for the Jayhawks from his DE position
  6. Have an opinion if "neutral", but remain quiet if not. That makes for one fun and interesting forum. BTW, just so we are clear. I didn't make any comments. Just trying to understand your logic. Keep firing away @Grover We all know you have way more GID seniority than the self-appointed "rulemaker"!!
  7. I gotta admit....I am a little confused. You have articulated over and over your thoughts about Carmel refusing to play CG and motives behind it. You have also targeted other schools repeatedly with the same message. But that is ok? Couldn't I use the same logic you are voicing above to you? If you feel compelled to step into the hall monitor role to challenge the posts of others, perhaps first take your own medicine......just sayin'
  8. You dropped IU to the bottom with their impressive win over Akron in 4 OT's? Who cares if Akron had a centered approx 31 yd FG to win the game at the end of regulation and missed???? Jo Jo the Circus Boy celebrated like they had won the Rose Bowl.....
  9. Plus, isn't Freeman's background prior to ND known as a defensive coach?? Considered a pretty good one. I agree.....not sure how one with the D pedigree doesn't notice playing a man short. (or anyone else for that matter) But, all of this is a moot point had the ND DB made the interception a couple of players earlier with the ball going through both hands.....
  10. I thought they had given it away with the 4th down call in OT....but the D did a great job yesterday. Was happy for the team and especially Minshew. He took some serious hits during the game....tough dude.
  11. or the return of Bob Avellini at QB!!
  12. Yes the team was very good....But Russ Yeast was special. I will never forget his 5 TD performance against Cathedral an Irish squad that was stacked as well with D1 players. Russ Yeast won the Gatorade Player of the Year that season for the state of Indiana. Had an excellent college career at both Louisville and Kansas State and as Grover mentioned, playing on Sunday's with the Rams. Incredible young man, earning both his bachelor's and master's degrees during his college playing days.
  13. I may be wrong, but given Kelly's job, guessing he will remain in the protocol longer before he clears. Head banging every play....
  14. Very solid predictions here....well done. I think UGA is playing UAB...not USF. Questions I have this week.... Will Rutgers play Michigan tougher than most people think? How real is their improvement this season? Will Bama's O start its improvement this week? How real is Ole Miss? Bama and LSU back to back weeks. Sam Hartman vs OSU's D and their pass rushers will be a treat to watch. (not really a question) Is Michael Penix well on his way to getting an invite to NYC at the end of the season as a finalist?
  15. Colorado lost a playmaker and was fortunate against Colorado State......tough game against the Ducks
  16. wonder if the kids bowling are more prone for serious achilles injuries???
  17. Guessing at 40, the decay of a tendon didn’t start at game time. His was also a contact injury as well
  18. How old is Aaron Rodgers?? Shocking to think we are prone to more health-related risks as we age. Tendons may fatigue more and easier with age?.......but we like simple, so lets blame the the turf, forgetting the fact that many other athletes on a variety of surfaces tear their achilles......definitely the sole cause and we must change to grass to prevent this injury potential!!!! https://michiganfoot.com/blog/item/459-why-are-achilles-tendon-ruptures-more-likely-with-age.html Achilles tendon ruptures have become increasingly common in recent years, and are seen particularly often as a sports-related injury. It is most common in men in their 40s and 50s due to the wear and tear on the tendon that occurs naturally with age. As we age, blood flow to the Achilles tendon decreases and stiffness increases, thereby raising the risk of injury. Participating in strenuous running, jumping, and agility activities can lead to an Achilles tendon rupture if preventive measures such as wearing the appropriate footwear and increasing intensity and duration of physical activity slowly are not taken. https://frederickquirantedpm.com/blog/item/167-aging-and-the-achilles-tendon.html It is common for the Achilles tendon to become weak as the aging process occurs, or if medical conditions such as diabetes or arthritis exist . From this study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23386750/ Average age was 46.4 years with 310 (76%) ruptures diagnosed and managed acutely (less than 4 weeks), whereas 96 (24%) were chronic (more than 4 weeks since the injury). Other sports may have this injury more than football? No way! Results: Sporting activity was responsible for 275 ruptures (68%). This was higher in patients younger than 55 years of age (77%) than those older than 55 years (42%). Basketball was the most commonly involved sport, accounting for 132 ruptures (48% of sports ruptures, 32% of all ruptures), followed by tennis in 52 ruptures (13%, 9%), and football in 32 ruptures (12%, 8%). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5545059/ In conclusion, this study begins to define the role of aging in Achilles tendon biomechanics and ankle function in order to better understand the heightened injury risk in an increasingly active middle aged population. Specifically, we utilized a highly controlled animal model to investigate how Achilles tendon mechanical, structural, and functional properties vary from young to old age through a battery of in vivo and ex vivo assays. Key deficits in tendon material properties with increasing age were identified, which may help explain the increased rupture incidence of the middle aged population, especially when considered in tandem with the functional impairments detected in this study. Macroscale differences in tendon organization and composition were not observed, suggesting that other factors are primarily responsible for age-related deterioration of tendon mechanical strength. https://www.njfoot.com/blog/item/88-middle-aged-men-more-prone-to-achilles-tendon-injury-compared-to-women Middle-aged men, both pro-athletes and recreational, seem to suffer from Achilles tendon injuries more often than any other age group or gender. While the tendon is designed to stretch and absorb the impact of running, walking and jumping, these injuries may occur more often since men will go on to jump, run, or walk higher and faster than their bodies may permit.
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