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LaSalle Lions 1976

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Everything posted by LaSalle Lions 1976

  1. With a few exceptions, baseball does socially distance naturally. Now if all the football coaches can run a serious spread offense...then we have something
  2. The IHSAA told SBCSC they needed a corp. AD. His name is Howard Edwards. Former Administrator and Cop (at the same time) in South Bend.
  3. Let's go go go go White Sox. Or maybe boom is the better word. What an offense. What a bullpen. What starting pitching depth?
  4. Hang in there Coach...you have great pedigree
  5. I was going over the records of the South Bend School over the last 10 years. The results surprised me. Non SBCSC Record over the last 10 seasons (games played against non SBCSC rules) Adams 21-55 Clay 12-57 Riley 21-51 Washington 31-48
  6. I agree with you. Let the kids do their things. Keep the adults away. Ron Paul is right.
  7. Baseball will be played. Players will opt out (Cain from the Brewers), and the White Sox will shock the world.
  8. I had Faulkens' father as a health teacher in high school. One of the first black head coaches in South Bend Did he have some stories. Good memories
  9. I mean as little contact as possible...explain a drill and get out of the way...limit long corrections...during games...coaches in pressbox with headsets to give information to the players. It won't happen...but would lessen the amount of contact
  10. They can be. Although the severity of their symptoms seem to be small...there is the chance they can carry it to the adults. All I want is a football season this fall...if adults don't need to be near the kids to make this happen...all the better.
  11. Again, the problem isn't with the kids...it's with the adults. For this to work, the kids need as LITTLE contact with adults as possible. I don't think the adults will let that happen. You can have all the sanitation plans in place, but they have to be followed 100% of the time, a nearly impossible task. You are going to have football programs hit hard by this virus...elimination adult contact will help lessen that risk. No coach is willing to sacrifice lack of contact. It won't happen.
  12. How many parents would give permission? How many would ask for payment of plasma? Lots of legal slippery slopes.
  13. Last weekend about 90 shots were fired at citizens of South Bend. I can take you for a tour Saturday night if you wish.
  14. Are you saying that there is no politics in high school football? Jeeze
  15. Yes the adults are very selfish here. The kids won't be fine because the adults have not taught their children the enjoyment of play. I don't see kids doing anything that looks like football on their own. How sad
  16. Maybe they can do what most of us did as kids...play pickup. At least you are playing the game. Kids aren't capable of that anymore...so sad
  17. Wouldn't it be interesting to let the kids play...WITHOUT any adults on the field. Those are the people we are trying to protect. They can receive instruction from the press box. Officials can call penalties from the stands. The kids would be able to finish their season without harming adults. (Except the bus drivers) A shame adults would never let that happen
  18. According to the super...the year will start virtual. They will look at the county data to see when to start in person. Teacher will be in the building. The start date is August 12
  19. The main reason is playing the season is for the KIDS...not the ADULTS. Having as few adults as possible will make this season successful. I wouldn't be surprised if they limit the number of coaching staff on the field...better tune up those headsets
  20. According to Mr. Nadig...They are going to wait until 8/3 until they make any more decisions. The issue could be whether players who are online are allowed to practice and play. Some schools are ok and others not so much.
  21. I find it interesting that you agrees with liberals and libertarians. Trump would be ashamed
  22. Just had a Unified Football Coaches Clinic and Mr. Nadig spoke on the current state of IHSAA sports. He said the plan is to play. Will reassess August 3.
  23. This decision isn't official until the board votes on it August 3. They had a "working session" with the county health official and that was one of their options. Nothing official until August 3
  24. All students will be elearning August 12. There will be a phase in and in person learning will begin August 31 for those who opt for it. This was on facebook earlier this evening. However, none of this has been voted on. The final vote will be August 3
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