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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. I would word it a little differently, but there’s no doubt that the head trauma issue is probably more proportionately impactful in Munster due to the demographic makeup than most other places. That’s definitely one of the factors.
  2. I will say only that what has happened at Munster is, IMO, a combination of factors which created a perfect storm, the result of which was that the program absolutely went over a cliff. The climb back up will be terribly difficult. No reason for optimism in the near term.
  3. Hurdling is a foul. But the devil is in the details. “Hurdling is an attempt by a player to jump (hurdle) with one or both feet or knees foremost over an opponent who is contacting the ground with no part of his body except one or both feet.” So, it’s not enough that the runner leaps over the defender. The other elements of the foul must be considered, too.
  4. How long is the grass on the field at Royal Center? 😉 Could have a significant effect on the outcome. Also, I agree depth will be a big issue ... especially since the forecast calls for it to be very warm.
  5. By no means, do they have the market cornered on obliviousness.
  6. You’re correct. Under the National Federation code, a kick (other than one that scores) is dead when the ball breaks the plane of the goal line. In your example, the only thing that determines whether a kick results in a touchback is the position of the ball.
  7. Crossroads Christian (Ill.) 14 - Lake Station 0. 8:11 in the first period.
  8. Each week we’ll open a new “Question“ in this Forum, in which we’ll address all things officiating-related occurring during that week’s games. See a signal you didn’t understand? Need a rules interpretation? Question about penalty enforcement? This is the place to go. Even if you just want to vent ... provided you supply some specific details explaining your dissatisfaction. “They s*cked!” is unhelpful, and it’s only funny about the first 50 times you hear it. We all passed that long ago. Good luck this week to the third team on the field!
  9. “That’s no lady, that’s [fill in the blank].”
  10. 5 players tested positive, and practice yesterday was canceled. 6 more are in quarantine. Not good.
  11. West Lafayette did almost the same thing, but managed to recover.
  12. The analogous Indiana agency has not exactly covered themselves with glory in the last few years. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2015/10/07/jury-awards-indiana-family-31-million-suit-against-dcs-state-police/73526292/ And I’m going to allow them warranties entry into my home without any hint of probable cause? I don’t think so.
  13. Sounds like the authorities in Hancock County want to keep it that way. How many times on the GID have we heard, with reference to the tournament format, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Well, if the protocols are working to keep the infection rate low, don’t change anything. And there must have been a testing breakthrough I haven’t heard of: how do you identify people who aren't sick and likely never will be?
  14. There have been a couple of times in the past when controversial posters who flouted the few rules on the GID have been asked to leave. The admins have not been loathe to publicize those instances. I don’t see any reason this situation would be different.
  15. Just FYI, the current plan in the B1G was for the officials to wear gaiters. While the ball is dead, they can pull the gaiter down if appropriate social distancing can be maintained. But it must be up when the ball is alive.
  16. While we’re at it, I have a problem with the name “Steelers,” and the heritage for which it stands. It is well documented that, in its early days, the steel industry in this country shamefully exploited the working class, often comprised of racial and ethnic minorities. From deplorable working conditions enforced by strike-breaking thugs, to establishment of company towns, where the employer controlled virtually every aspect of the workers’ lives, the Carnegies and the US Steels were as oppressive to their work force as any plantation slave owner. Why do we glorify them in Pittsburgh? Shameful!
  17. Saw Mongo, Danimal, and the Big O perform last Summer. They got the band back together. https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/naperville-sun/ct-nvs-bears-band-lima-added-ribfest-st-0703-20190702-ywa5d7jo6ffo3gvecj7dxn5qee-ywa5d7jo6ffo3gvecj7dxn5qee-story.html
  18. If you have athletic activity, you are essentially mandating opportunities to violate social-distancing protocols. Removing the governmental stamp of approval from such activities has value. You control what you can control.
  19. Unless something of biblical proportions happens between now and November, this will be the 3rd consecutive Presidential election where I’m voting for the Libertarian candidate.
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