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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2019 in Posts

  1. Westfield had a middle school B team game vs Mt. Vernon (Fortville) many moons ago. The next day I get an email from a mom who went for a loooooong drive to watch her son play some football. Apparently there are 2 Mt. Vernon's in our state. You would think after so long she would have turned around. Still laugh every time I hear the words " Mount Vernon". Can't make this stuff up.
    2 points
  2. Gigantic discovery: Mastodon remains found during city project http://www.tribtown.com/2019/04/16/gigantic-discovery-mastodon-remains-found-during-city-project/?fbclid=IwAR2UcN7Ngy8TCk0fHwGh3xbcbiSjx9lfQ0GO0rZsCeB_psoSbcl2IcOKnvI
    1 point
  3. Here’s another one, since secession is apparently on the table: divide up the USA between Canada and Mexico.
    1 point
  4. How do you get fishing from direct Mueller quotes?
    1 point
  5. And Maxine Waters is the chair of the committee. This is why we can't have nice things.
    1 point
  6. If you sold game 1, I will disown you; even with me being a Pack fan. 🙂
    1 point
  7. When I was a junior there, and living in the dorm, my next door neighbor was the leprechaun. She’s a lot better looking than he was.
    1 point
  8. HYPE IS REAL IN CHICAGO After release of the schedule I was able to sell 4 games in 20 minutes and made back my entire season plus 3 hundo Thank you very much
    1 point
  9. This right here!.....nothing like playing a huge sectional game in mud up to your eyebrows LOL.
    1 point
  10. No, because they don’t exist. Same with The Green New Deal. It’s not the law. Sky not falling yet
    1 point
  11. PAC schools voted yes on the proposal today for 2020.
    1 point
  12. That it doesn't rain on Fridays in 10/13 games I coach in this year. 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  13. It opens the door to an enterprising young entrepreneur(s). The market will sort it out.
    1 point
  14. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/04/eliminate-federal-student-loans/ A fine plan, and one that I support. Government needs to get out of the education business, and that includes financing education.
    0 points
  15. Gotta start somewhere, especially with a economically catastrophic boondoggle like the Green New Swindl.... errr Deal high on the list of progressive priorities. Where are your threads calling out both sides of the uni-party, Gonzo?
    -1 points
  16. Yet you bemoan the lack of free time because you choose to watch cat videos?
    -1 points
  17. So you don't view "lots more free time on our hands" and "likely less cat videos in our inboxes" as a positive outcome of government internet regulation?
    -1 points
  18. Last I checked my parents live in the same house they have owned for 50 years, not a FEMA old people camp. Is that where you live?
    -1 points
  19. And I never said that it was, just that it was high on the list of progressive priorities. That is enough in IMHO to be concerned, very concerned.
    -1 points
  20. Nancy Pelosi regarding AOC..... “Those are districts that are solidly Democratic – this glass of whatever would win with a D next to its name in those districts."
    -1 points
  21. https://reason.com/2019/04/16/nancy-pelosi-declares-a-new-era-of-internet-regulation-eu-threatens-same/ Once the free and open internet is outlawed...............
    -1 points
  22. https://mises.org/wire/will-conservatives-see-light-secession Major events — like World War I — effectively broke up traditional empires and created new sovereign nations. However, wars should not be the only catalysts behind the creation of new nations. In fact, political entities that face any kind of internal disputes should enthusiastically embrace self-determination and get the ball rolling on a voluntary and peaceful basis. Kelly’s framing of secession as an “amicable divorce” is the right mentality to take when discussing this matter. Secession should not be treated as a cataclysmic event that requires a massive state to crack down against the “unruly” subject. We’re dealing with humans here, not automatons that have to be poked and prodded during each election cycle, nor realpolitik chess pieces that must be exploited by politicians and bureaucrats. Instead, secessionist movements represent the logical response to the unhealthy relationships that individuals and certain populations segments have with central governments. These movements should be allowed to go their natural course. In sum, political conflicts should be treated like any other human relationships. When they fail, both parties divorce and go their separate ways peacefully. The Seeds of Modern-Day Secession are being Sowed In Europe The idea of separatism is no ivory tower theory — it’s something starting to happen in real time. Since the 2016 Brexit vote, separatist movements throughout Europe have been rejuvenated and continue to gain ground as the European Union treads through the waters of socio-economic uncertainty. Even in America, rural counties are revolting against big city interests over the issue of gun control. Some parts of Washington state, have gone as far as to propose creating a separate state in eastern Washington that better represents the interests of rural communities. The twentieth century was a time of centralization. However, this historical development did not just happen in one fell swoop. It was born in the eighteenth century through the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau advocated for a mass democracy of sorts bolstered by an activist central government. Cliché concepts such as the “will of the people” have formed the philosophical backbone of gigantic governments worldwide. The problem isn’t democracy itself, but rather its implemented scale. Eventually, states get too big and the cultures within them resort to unproductive political conflicts, thus making every election cycle a high-stakes affair. Not exactly a recipe for peace and tranquility. Ryan McMaken is correct in asserting that the solution to the mega-state status quo we live in “lies in a peaceful embrace of division, secession, decentralization, and disunity.” Unity sounds warm and fuzzy, but maintaining it at all costs is a disaster waiting to happen. The history of political conflict between factions usually results in civil war, and as a result, the emergent governing structure uses repression to consolidate its power. Respect for individual liberties often becomes an afterthought. Given the changing demographics and unwieldy tasks the United States government is undertaking, the country needs to take a timeout and actually consider separation. Even if it’s based on a simplistic red vs. blue divide, it’s still a conversation starter for future separatist movements. The depoliticization of society starts with decentralization. Mass democracy has run its course and new alternatives that value localism should now be considered. An interesting idea brought forward by Mr. Nino.
    -1 points
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