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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2020 in Posts

  1. This could go horribly wrong. Remove everyone's snow shovels and then the snow comes back?!?
    6 points
  2. At Lakeland we have an indoor car wash in November to collect toys for our local Christmas Bureau. We also split the team up the first Saturday of Two-a-Days to do community service projects in the community (yard work ,clean gutters, cut brush), We have also volunteered for Habitat, bagged groceries at the local market, then donated proceeds to local charities, volunteered at the local food pantry, held coat and canned food drives, worked Relay for Life, etc.... The problem is the number of wins and the number of community service projects have an inverse relationship. We had more wins when players were given community service by a judge!
    4 points
  3. Flags Across America is a great project.
    3 points
  4. Flu has killed 20,000 Americans so far this season, including 136 children, CDC says: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/flu-deaths-20000-americans-this-season-including-136-children-cdc/ Where is the fear from the MSM? Where are the States of Emergency?
    2 points
  5. In my short tenure, I was able to line up six outreach opportunities for our team. It helps when your assistant coaches are connected to the community. Get in contact with your local government agencies. The parks and rec department gave us two jobs, the street department gave us one, we partnered with our unified teams, we worked with local churches to do repairs and maintenance, and some of our athletes went to retirement communities and played board games with them. Other opportunities that fell through were helping with the VFW, painting fire hydrants, and helping tear down eyesores.
    2 points
  6. I was speaking to the idea that such an act doesn't preclude one from being a racist. Strom Thurmond also paid for college for his daughter who attended an HBCU. I think we'd have trouble posting a line like "Strom Thurmond paid for an HBCU college education for his mixed-race daughter. I sure wish Senator Thurmond wasn't so racist." I don't have an issue with the posting of the act of the nomination, but I did not see it, as seemed to be alluded to, as somehow providing evidence that the President isn't racist or doesn't have racist tendencies. I do find the timing interesting ... on the heels of the South Carolina primary ... when talk of Black support for Biden compared to Sanders was at the forefront of several media coverages. A prime opportunity to blunt said news and for the President and/or White House to say "me too."
    2 points
  7. Great post! I feel like we should be discussing more topics like this one! https://www.secondandseven.com/reading-program/description-locations/ We have loved working with the 2nd and 7 Foundation for the last three years. Contact me if you would like to know more.
    2 points
  8. FC filled the 8th opening from when the Lafayette area schools left. The HCC is now closed for expansion. I repeat, the HCC is closed! Thank you for your interest.
    2 points
  9. Here's a great view of Whiting's fantastic baseball stadium in the foreground, football stadium in the middle, and the Chicago skyline in the background.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. I am a second year head coach and I am trying to get our players more involved in our community.We do not have a great history at Edinburgh (most know this), but our fans have always be in the stand supporting us no matter what. We did a cemetery clean up last year and I am wanting to get more ideas. My goal is to take 1 Saturday a month for June through October to do an community service project. I would like to know what are some of your guys ideas are.
    1 point
  12. Seems to be plenty of that going around ... The President's response to moderator Martha MacCallum's question, " "Because the issue of pre-existing conditions, you say you're going to protect them. ... But your administration is also fighting Obamacare in the courts. So how do you promise you're going to protect them ... based on that?": "Yeah. That's what I said. We want to terminate Obamacare because it's bad. Look, we're running it really well, but we know it's defective. It's very defective. We got rid of the worst part. And that was a very important thing. You know getting rid of the individual mandate was a very important thing. But we want to get something — if we can get the House, you'll have the best healthcare and health insurance anywhere on the planet. But we have to get the House back. Now, that means we have to hold the Senate. We have to get the House. We have to, obviously, keep the White House. But, what we're doing is managing it really well. Now, it's a case; it's called Texas vs. — you understand — it's Texas who is suing. They want to terminate it. But everybody there is also saying, and everybody — we have our great senator from Pennsylvania. Thank you very much, Pat, for being here. (Applause.) And Pat Toomey. And — but, very important — and our — by the way, our great congressmen, I have to say, they were warriors. Right? Real warriors, in terms of the fake impeachment. I will tell you that. (Applause.) But, so Texas is trying — and it's Texas and many states — they're trying to terminate, but they want to put something that's much better. They're terminating it to put much better. And they've all pledged that preexisting conditions, 100 percent taken care of. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-fox-news-town-hall-scranton-pa/
    1 point
  13. its all under MEMBERSHIP: click that link and then follow the form, it will say either NEW or RENEWAL and go from there Its a no brainer being a member, especially with the 2 million dollar liability insurance that comes with being a member plus the clinic as well and voting rights at your local meetings.
    1 point
  14. I do the same thing. But I already have plenty stocked up in my bathroom for packing. Every January just before show season, I stock up on the small deodorants, shaving gel, etc. that you need to be able to fly. This year, I've been on both ends of the country (Seattle, Boston) and Canada (Edmonton and Montreal) and many in between, stuck in Detroit, Minneapolis and Nashville. A cold ALMOST caught me in Toronto last week, but strategic use of Zi-Cam, Benadryl and fishermen's friend lozenges kept me from getting a full blown cold. AND plenty hand sanitizers and alcohol wipes.....
    1 point
  15. “Turn this primary from a campaign that’s about negative attacks into one about moving forward. Because we cannot get re-elected… Cannot win this re-election… Excuse me… we can only re-elect Donald Trump,” - Joe Biden..... Good old Uncle Joe......
    1 point
  16. Some of my favorites: Reitz Bowl Enlow Field (bad memories, awesome atmosphere) Arsenal Tech Roncalli Broad Ripple (cc: @Lysander) North Central. Never been to an NC game, but Cathedral-Reitz in 2010 played there was fantastic
    1 point
  17. At New Albany ... I get it. At Jeff, maybe a little, but how does Floyd central not have a visitors seating section?
    1 point
  18. I was thinking the same thing myself.
    1 point
  19. In the Fall, perhaps Leaf Raking service or in winter, snow shovel removal
    1 point
  20. A very curious read indeed ... https://aeon.co/essays/why-dont-rats-get-the-same-ethical-protections-as-primates?utm_source=pocket-newtab FTA: In the late 1990s, Jaak Panksepp, the father of affective neuroscience, discovered that rats laugh. This fact had remained hidden because rats laugh in ultrasonic chirps that we can’t hear. It was only when Brian Knutson, a member of Panksepp’s lab, started to monitor their vocalisations during social play that he realised there was something that appeared unexpectedly similar to human laughter. Panksepp and his team began to systematically study this phenomenon by tickling the rats and measuring their response. They found that the rats’ vocalisations more than doubled during tickling, and that rats bonded with the ticklers, approaching them more frequently for social play. The rats were enjoying themselves. But the discovery was met with opposition from the scientific community. The world wasn’t ready for laughing rats. That discovery was just the tip of the iceberg. We now know that rats don’t live merely in the present, but are capable of reliving memories of past experiences and mentally planning ahead the navigation route they will later follow. They reciprocally trade different kinds of goods with each other – and understand not only when they owe a favour to another rat, but also that the favour can be paid back in a different currency. When they make a wrong choice, they display something that appears very close to regret. Despite having brains that are much simpler than humans’, there are some learning tasks in which they’ll likely outperform you. Rats can be taught cognitively demanding skills, such as driving a vehicle to reach a desired goal, playing hide-and-seek with a human, and using the appropriate tool to access out-of-reach food. The most unexpected discovery, however, was that rats are capable of empathy. Since the 1950s and ’60s, behavioural studies have consistently shown that rats are far from the egoistic, self-centred creatures that their popular image suggests. It all began with a study in which the rats refused to press a lever to obtain food when that lever also delivered a shock to a fellow rat in an adjacent cage. The rats would rather starve than witness a rat suffering. Follow-up studies found that rats would press a lever to lower a rat who was suspended from a harness; that they would refuse to walk down a path in a maze if it resulted in a shock delivered to another rat; and that rats who had been shocked themselves were less likely to allow other rats to be shocked, having been through the discomfort themselves. Rats care for one another.
    1 point
  21. I totally agree! I’m in favor of community outreach: see the folks at a nursing home, maybe a day care center. Just get to know the people...
    1 point
  22. Eight is a good number of members. Probably the best as it allows a round-robin league schedule in addition to two out of conference games.
    1 point
  23. Wow.. I knew how close the football field was to Lake Michigan, but that baseball stadium is impressive. Is it only used for HS games? Or?
    1 point
  24. Lots of great answers and there are many great places for Friday Night Lights. But no place will ever surpass the greatest of them all IMO: The Brickie Bowl
    1 point
  25. What is your point? That Mr. Trump is a rampant racist because Mr. Thurmond was also? Talk about false equivalency.................
    -1 points
  26. *yawn* So once a racist always a racist?
    -1 points
  27. Reduce the size, scope, and power of the federal government by 25% across the board, including every department, office, bureau, service, etc. If the federal government had less power/influence over Americans everyday lives then the avarice and corruption, including $40k stipends for office furniture, would be reduced as well.
    -1 points
  28. The Poorest 20% of Americans Are Richer on Average Than Most European Nations: https://fee.org/articles/the-poorest-20-of-americans-are-richer-than-most-nations-of-europe/
    -1 points
  29. Max von Sydow, star of 'The Exorcist,' 'Game of Thrones' and 'Star Wars,' dead at 90: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/max-von-sydow-exorcist-game-of-thrones-star-wars-dead-90 Truly a Swedish icon. Mr. von Sydow will be missed.
    -1 points
  30. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2020/03/08/home-rule-indianapolis-local-government-indiana-general-assembly-clash/4951136002/ Government is more effective the more local it is; not controlled by afar.
    -1 points
  31. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/corruption-in-u-s-military-academies-is-harming-our-national-security/ I'm shocked, shocked I tell you to learn about this type of corruption and deceit at the U.S. military academies. What can be done to correct it?
    -1 points
  32. https://mises.org/wire/oakland-raiders-spike-ball-nevada-taxpayers Is our esteemed GID member Dante Estonia now a Raiders fan?
    -1 points
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