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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2020 in Posts

  1. In the Indianapolis Star, Robert Faulkens mentioned a scientific study conducted in Wisconsin. I was curious, so I researched the study to see if I could find it. Here are the slides showing the results of the survey, conducted in May 2020 on HS student athletes from Wisconsin. https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/document/33fe-2195426/McGuine_study.pdf - 65% reported anxiety related to school closures and sport cancellations - Moderate to Severe Depression reported at 3.5 times higher averages - Physical activity decreased by 50% - Quality of Life scores below historical averages - Schools play an important role in providing access to mental health services for disadvantaged athletes Here is the Star article where Mr. Faulkens mentions the Wisconsin study: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/07/30/indiana-high-school-football-marion-county-waits-decision-fall/5549249002/
    4 points
  2. This isn't political for me. I am left of center and firmly believe we need to start school and sports on time in Indiana.
    3 points
  3. Masks are required at the Silver Dollar? Who you crappin'?
    2 points
  4. Well, he didn't even understand what list, so maybe a little. And you sound like someone who simply does not understand what you are asking 14-18 year olds to do by moving football to the spring. Also, as coaches, we do care. We care about our student-athletes' health and well-being. We care about our opponents in the same way. We care about our fellow coaches. That is why we adhere to a wide variety of health and safety protocols for a variety of issues, including transmission of any and all illnesses. This is why we are currently changing our coaching methods to include social distancing and the use of masks. This is why we are currently sanitizing any shared surfaces immediately after use. This is why we go through Covid pre-screenings every day before workouts. And we do these things regardless of our personal views on the pandemic because we care about our student-athletes. You can sit there and scream into the wind for a spring season all you want, that's fine, you do you, you can even continue to argue that a spring season would be safer, again that is fine. But I would respectfully ask that you do not dilute our efforts to protect our student-athletes by implying that we don't care, because we obviously do.
    2 points
  5. Does he think its still fake? Oh wait, he died from it.. After getting it at the trump rally.
    1 point
  6. No I wasn't. Not only is the meme based on a cartoon, but it's based on the cartoon that has made its bones being over the top insensitive over the years. That's part of the reason why I wondered if they had done a Covid episode because it would not surprise me one bit if they had, and by the way, it probably would have been incredibly inappropriate and insensitive.
    1 point
  7. For some reason it won't let me edit my previous post, but if the meme offends you because you don't feel it takes the situation seriously enough, I get that, but it says nothing about death rate in the pic, that's all.
    1 point
  8. Not to nitpick, mainly because it ultimately doesn't matter anyway, but the meme says nothing about death rate. It says "...99.98% of us will remain." The number is still incorrect, but to not because of "bad math" related to death rate as you suggest.
    1 point
  9. Again with this number. Where does it come from? The only person publicly to say it was POTUS. He then goes on to endorse Dr. Stella Immanuel. I guess when you want the numbers t oback your facts you will get them from anywhere you can.
    1 point
  10. These days, there are no simple solutions, only simple thoughts... doesn't mean they're bad thoughts, just not simple in application...
    1 point
  11. I want to make sure this post isn't perceived to be a slight against Coach Brunson. It wasn't. I don't know this, but I suspect part of the reason he left Harrison for Mt. Vernon after back-to-back winning seasons was the stark reality of the situation at Harrison. It just isn't the same school it was in the 1980s and 1990s, when the Warriors competed for SIAC championships in a lot of sports. You take out the 17 wins Harrison had in 2015 & 2016 and there only about 20 wins over a 15 year span. It will take a monumental effort and a very patient & dedicated coach to rebuild that program. Madison moving from Bosse to Central is big. He and Boberg will create problems for opponents.
    1 point
  12. I do not feel the least bit bad or unintelligent for following the safety protocols put into place by our athletic trainer, guided by the hospital system he works through and our local school board, to safely conduct a season in within the normal calendar year. We have conducted these workouts for four weeks now and while I recognize that in other areas of the state they have felt it necessary to cease workouts for health concerns, our area, the West Central portion of the state, currently has not seen any such closures of workouts. My hope is that we continue to safely move forward as such and if that changes, we will change accordingly. Further, I, for one, do not feel that you are a "bad guy;" I believe your opinion to be misguided and ultimately incorrect. I take offense to your assertion that by nature of my opinion that I am either uncaring or unintelligent, but I don't think you are a "bad guy" no more than I think anyone else who is in favor a spring season is.
    1 point
  13. Do we play sports every flu season already?
    1 point
  14. I’m not saying it’s “Floyds year.” Or, “we are definitely beating East!” Nothing crazy like that. But they definitely have a tremendous offensive line this year. Zen Michalski is a Mr Football Candidate(Louisville Commit, went from 230 pounds to 285 pounds.) We play Cincinnati Elder pretty early, so that will be a good barometer of whether they can compete with East.
    1 point
  15. Add "let me get this straight" to the list? Also, the phrase "...potentially the nation by that time will have a handle on covid..." is loaded in countless ways...
    1 point
  16. Time to get off of covid and get back on football for a bit. We (myself included are needing some football talk) I know this thread has been posted before, but let's update. Whats everyone's top ten by class assuming all play.
    1 point
  17. You can tune to this at MIC network
    1 point
  18. His team that won a sectional was made up of a lot of players who transferred from North, Bosse and Memorial. Before that it was 4 wins in 2 years and 2 were against West Vigo. It wasn’t as if he grew the program organically or pulled a bunch of kids from the hallways. Reitz has more kids that care about tradition and football than Harrison.
    1 point
  19. Southern Newton County is lovely the fall.
    1 point
  20. Kicking the can down the road could be kicking it onto a landmine. There is no reason to believe things will be any "better" in the spring particularly if rudimentary case counts are the metric.
    1 point
  21. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/flu-season.htm Per the CDC ‘flu activity peaks between December and February, but activity can last ars late as May.’ And ‘Stat Guy’ please look at the graph on the CDC site and tell me which month is the highest? How does it compare to October and November (which only about 1/2 of teams advance to in the playoffs)? You really should learn something other than strawman arguments. Anytime you say ‘So you’re saying...’ and then try to rephrase someone’s opinion to fit your narrative, you are only showing your ignorance. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Ignorance can be cured. I’m looking forward to helping some of my students with it when I return to the classroom soon.
    1 point
  22. One of the real challenges for Guerin is that they are surrounded by outstanding public schools. Carmel High School is 8 minutes away and Westfield High School is 10 minutes away. A lot of Catholic families just can’t afford 15k a year and when you have two 5-star public schools in the same neighborhood it’s a prudent choice to send them to a great school that is tuition free.
    1 point
  23. I’m at the Lake County Athletic Officials football meeting. 45 officials here ... all wearing masks. But @DannEllenwooddidn’t show. I so wanted to get a picture of him wearing a mask and post it on the GID. 😆
    1 point
  24. Hopefully the IHSAA and individual schools will be smart and stop all outside athletic activities, such as baseball, basketball, and softball since they are not in season, and just make the student athletes concentrate on Fall Sports. From what I have read and heard from other coaches, most of these student athletes have been doing travel sports where they are being exposed to a vast majority of the population. This increases the risk of catching Covid-19.
    1 point
  25. I just like pointing out how dumb your posts are.
    0 points
  26. Tough guy. You don’t have to type it nor do you have to say it. You see I can read and interpret what their meaning is based on how often they react a certain way(much like you do here). I can also tell that I am correct based on the fact that you actually looked to see how many “likes” I had for this post and it annoyed you enough to mention it. That means it hit a nerve because it is true. You became angry as a result and like a two year old had to attack me. I want foot ball in the fall. As do many others on here. It’s what is best for the overall health of these kids, now and in the long term. Anyone who won’t look at the long term consequences of stopping school and athletics is going to have had an agenda. What hours is? I don’t know. However, I do know it’s not for the good of the kids and football.
    0 points
  27. The stat guy actively cheering for no season again. You should go start another site where people talk about what’s wrong with football. On this one, we promote it.
    0 points
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