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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. No PI, but there can certainly be holding, as well as other fouls.
  2. IHSAA Baseball tournament uses 3 at the sectional level all the thru the state finals. Softball uses 2 at the sectional level and goes to three at the regional level. Softball does not have enough officials to use three in the sectional. More officials than you might think work both softball and baseball tournaments. For instance my sectional partner turned down a fifth state baseball final in an attempt to get his first softball final.
  3. Per Twitter he was taken to surgery this evening for an emergency procedure to relieve swelling in his brain. Scary stuff, best of luck to Coach Bowsman.
  4. South of Indy? Scecina is somewhere around 16th and Emerson, Brebeuf is on 86th on the northwest side, and HC is on Binford up around 75th.
  5. The answers you seek are available on North Meridian Street.
  6. I had Coach Leonard for a QB coach at Bishop and Dullaghan when he was still playing at Hanover. Fast forward many years I had to make a presentation to the IFOA at a district meeting and Coach Leonard was there with Coach Faught having just been named the new HC at Franklin. Still looked like a college kid. Congrats to a good coach and an even better person and best wishes as he travels down life's path.
  7. @Bobref what say you? Replay for the state finals?
  8. I have often wondered this very thing. I remember as a young man seeing dictators on the local news in military uniforms with all these medals. Thinking of Amin, Qaddafi, Hussein, etc. Hell even Michael Jackson for that matter!
  9. It's literally like they're throwing sheet at the wall and seeing if anything sticks. Robert Francis was obviously the first to do this, while polling at Blutarski numbers 0.0, he started using naughty words and jumped gun confiscation. I only watched about 15 minutes, but Cory Booker seems to be trying the same thing.
  10. I ain't going to lie, the more debates I see, it's becoming apparent why impeachment is so critical. I managed about 15 minutes last night and was somewhat surprised to see Cory Booker has become a Republican.
  11. Any feel good rule/law will have unintended consequences. I'm not arguing either side of this, I'm just stating it's purpose, and it's purpose has been fulfilled.
  12. Word. As I stated earlier, the success factor had ONE goal. It has been achieved. I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just stating the facts.
  13. As entertaining as that was, tonight we get to see why it's so important that the D's impeach Trump in yet another debate. Unfortunately we won't have Robert Francis to kick around anymore, but we will have some new folks to entertain us with their dreams of grandeur.
  14. The success factor achieved it’s goal. P/P’s no longer win 4 of the 6 titles.
  15. This system exists because of government intervention in the marketplace. This is what amazes me about watching presidential debates, career politicians bitching about our current system, which they created, and the answer is always more government intrusion into the marketplace. Irish you say it’s taking unethical advantage of the system, I would maintain it would be cheating the shareholders if businesses didn’t take every advantage of law to squeeze out all the profit they could. In 2016 all the pols wanted to bash Trump over this very issue, and he was playing by the rules they made.
  16. The Evansville Memorial group may have something to say about that.
  17. Seagrams. Have you ever smelled mash fermenting? Then think of it on a really big scale.
  18. STC, leave a ticket at will call for IO and I’ll be there. First round at Connie’s is on me!
  19. I was told by two folks in the know that the jobs would be posted. Now that being said, the dude at Central is in the driver’s seat.
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