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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Nah, I used to drive FW to Frankfort every day to work. Haha. Once in a while is a piece of cake.
  2. You're right. I was wrong! I grew up SE and still think of where the people in my neighborhood went to school. I'm not sure where Wayne's boundaries pull from anymore. There really aren't any SE high schools in FW. . I guess I was thinking Luers and Wayne. That might be South and SW. My mistake. Covid Fog? Yeah, my bad. I moved Northeast. Luers and Wayne...I mean. I'll see if I can adjust. Nope, can't delete it. South East FW kids go to: Wayne, SS, Northrop, North Side, Concordia, Luers, Dwenger, Snider, and New Haven, Heritage mostly, I'd bet.
  3. They are going to come across the way that Mexico and the US are allowing them to come now. They'll play the game exactly as it is being played now. Everyone is being stopped, some are allowed to continue without official visas. If I was in a similar situation, I would be tempted to do the same. I have lived in Ecuador and Colombia and have spent months in Peru. Those are terrific places, but there are reasons that certain people come to the USA.
  4. That will be interesting...and at what cost and who bears that cost?
  5. I have friends in South America thinking about making the trek. I'm a good Christian, my house is open.
  6. I then told him "Well now the FBI does have a file on you. 🤣
  7. Southeast FW having trouble finding games...
  8. Like someone else said, a way to squeeze someone in who may not have an admin license. I wonder what the pay is... The public pay was pretty good. Who knows how many hats he really wore. I get as many extra hours as I can, for sure, so my yearly pay is way over that of my contract.
  9. And Luers and Dwenger will have wins and losses against other teams that were in and off of that list in many of those years, but someone will point out 2A and 3A titles. Yes, but they may have beaten Snider in 5A that year or insert school of choice here. Everything after the but is BS.
  10. I agree with you. Some people need to get the almanacs out.... Maybe me, and foggy memory, but Duke has been good for 4 decades and Clemson has had some bad years, but has been good in the last 4 decades.
  11. P/P/P/C/O/C/V/OB Private, Parochial, Protestant, Christian, Other, Charter, Voucher (or something else that fuzzied up), Open Boundary...etc.
  12. Umm, where do you teach? Maybe kids are different there. A little bit more to it, too: Assist building principals with disciplinary issues Maintain and track attendance records (6th-12th) Attend truancy and attendance meetings Communicate and with parents regarding academic and behavioral concerns Schedule and oversee after-school detentions and in-school suspensions Support classroom teachers regarding classroom management concerns Assist Building Principals and Athletic Director with extracurricular supervision Mentor at-risk students who are in need of additional support Additional supervision duties assigned by the Principals
  13. This is the list should be used to shut the P/P/P/C/O/C/V/OB complainer-people up. A true fan would recognize that the whole state has good teams.
  14. Racism isn't dead in Indiana. Lots of -isms...
  15. Thanks Muda, I know I tried to get you for lunch or dinner when I taught at Frankfort. You weren't friendly enough to engage. I know in person we'd all get along. The words here are unfriendly.
  16. This paragraph says it all about the type of person you are. I know, you'll sleep tight.
  17. I teach in a school where kids cry in my room at least 2-3 times a week. Guess what kind of teachers they have? A few like those on these pages. Closed minded folks shouldn't teach. My biology teachers in a tiny Christian college in Indiana told us about 30 years ago that there was a lot of fuzziness in sex due to many factors. Why is it so hard for these people today? That was 3 decades ago. There are e helluva lot of smart people out there. I think I better go buy a pillow.
  18. I'm speechless. It's sickening.
  19. But they can't pay their....shut my mouth....
  20. https://www.mhsaa.com/portals/0/Documents/FB/8p21.pdf Michigan has it. Wisconsin https://www.wiaawi.org/Sports/Fall/Football/8PlayerFBJamboree
  21. I know that I've taught at Paul Harding High School, Navajo Nation, Colombia and Ecuador, South America. Where I teach now, some of these teachers would cry at those other schools. No offense to them. Some would thrive.
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