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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2020 in Posts

  1. 🤣 I clicked the title of this forum thinking it was about football options for the fall....
    5 points
  2. My freshman has a greater chance of being hurt driving to a game than from anything related to COVID-19. Those are simply the non-political non-biased facts.
    4 points
  3. Well if we could see Covid-19 moving in from the West and settling over the field on a balmy July evening....we might stop play and go in the dugout. Think about what you just said.
    3 points
  4. Beating them depends on the year and weather I'm told.
    2 points
  5. Yeah also you have a 1 in 700000 chance of getting struck by lightning yet we stop games when it is in the area you can use facts and statistics to prove anything you want but does it make it right?
    2 points
  6. YAWN Same ole Same ole See Below: Rinse Repeat, Rinse Repeat....... When you want to go off rails AGAIN away from Topic which was Marion Topic Sports and their decision to allow participation while final decisions are made a few weeks down the road then its time to just shut it down...... AGAIN.
    2 points
  7. I’ve been to the zoo just to boo the Bears and Lions, but it’s just not the same...
    2 points
  8. Still debatable if football will be played but wrote something up for the quarterback club just in case so decided to post here. Mount Vernon Wildcats at Heritage Hills Patriots. This is the 20th meeting between Heritage Hills and Mount Vernon (Posey) the two teams played in the regular season every year from 1974-1981 and resumed the regular season series in 2014,They also met 4 times in sectional play and once in the regional. This will be the 1st time since 1982 that Heritage Hills opens their season against a conference opponent as Mount Vernon formerly a member of the now defunct Big Eight Conference joins the PAC and for football becomes member of the PAC large team division. The Patriots lead the series 14-5 & like most of the Patriots opponents in the early days of the program Mount Vernon dominated the series winning 3 of the first 4 games and starting with Bob Claytons 1st team in 1978 the Patriots have turned the tables winning 13 of the last 15 games. Heritage Hills coaches records VS. Mount Vernon. Roger Snow 1-2 Bob Ashworth 0-1 Bob Clayton 6-2 Todd Wilkerson 7-0 History of the series : 1974 regular season Mount Vernon 24 H Hills 6 1975 regular season Mount Vernon 26 H Hills 13 1976 regular season H Hills 14 Mount Vernon 8 1977 Mount Vernon 16 H Hills 6 1978 H Hills 21 Mount Vernon 14 1979 H Hills 44 Mount Vernon 0 1980 H Hills 27 Mount Vernon 0 1981 Mount Vernon 21 H Hills 0 1985 sectional H Hills 40 Mount Vernon 6 1999 sectional Mount Vernon 6 H Hills 3 2000 sectional H Hills 36 Mount Vernon 7 2007 regional H Hills 36 Mount Vernon 14. 2014 Heritage Hills 21 Mount Vernon 7 2015 Heritage Hills 20 Mount Vernon 14 2016 Heritage Hills 15 Mount Vernon 6 2017 Heritage Hills 42 Mount Vernon 26 2018 Heritage Hills 45 Mount Vernon 7 2018 sectional Heritage Hills 47 Mount Vernon 0 2019 Heritage Hills 36 Mount Vernon 0
    1 point
  9. Can't disagree with this enough. Ihsaa has said they expect teams to sit out but football will go.
    1 point
  10. That’s a great question. It would be a bit hypocritical if they allowed it.
    1 point
  11. The Indiana High School Football Forum is different than Facebook? Who you crappin'?
    1 point
  12. So is Indianapolis. Or if you want to include the Tigers with the Lions and Bears, you can go to Jiffy Lube at the Hamilton Town Center Mall near Noblesville.
    1 point
  13. Wonder if it will be live streamed
    1 point
  14. I know dozens of kids who have had COVID-19. Not a single hospitalization. Yet the folks preaching for Spring Football say it's to protect the kids??
    1 point
  15. I have plenty of friends that are libertarian and independents and reasonable republicans (who are anti trump) but my life has been so much better since i did that.. I disagree with playing in the fall and starting school because im against putting kids in danger period. The only reason we are starting fall sports is because the ihsaa cares more about cash than it does its coaches, refs and athletes. Same way the NCAA is. Its why I admire what illinois is doing. They are putting kids first.
    1 point
  16. That works for me. All they need to do is provide the service. Problem solved.
    1 point
  17. As you know, Linton is playing a much stronger schedule now than they played a few years ago. An inexperienced group could still post an impressive W/L record against the teams we were playing. Not many "show up and win" games on the schedule now.
    1 point
  18. Yup. I cut everyone out of my life that Thinks covid is a hoax, that doesnt wear a mask, that is for the confederate flag, that thinks that bubba wallace situation was fake, that voted for or will vote for trump in the fall, people that don't understand or care to understand why people take a knee during the anthem and who use the term all lives matter (cause they hide behind that to not understand the black lives matter movement). Its been refreshing not having to put up with uneducated and ignorant people.
    1 point
  19. Exactly. No school has to join a conference. I do recall a certain poster whose first name began with D and last name ended in T advocated that certain schools should go independent. Hmmm...
    1 point
  20. It may not matter to some of us when the season is played. I've been told that there will be few spectators allowed at games and I take that to believe that just families will be attending the games. I hope most are streamed or televised or at least broadcast. I haven't missed many games in many years, but I understand the reasons for this. I hope everyone is staying safe!
    1 point
  21. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/07/30/indiana-high-school-football-marion-county-waits-decision-fall/5549249002/
    1 point
  22. No, Trump Can't Delay the Election https://reason.com/2020/07/30/no-trump-cant-delay-the-election/ Both sentences of the president's tweet are inaccurate, but let's take the second part first, since that's the bit that threatens to blow a gigantic hole in 230-plus years of American democratic tradition. Election dates are set by the U.S. Constitution, by Congress, and by the states—the president has literally no authority over it. When it comes to picking the president, there's actually no constitutional requirement for a popular election at all. What the constitution does say is that Congress gets to pick the date by which the states must choose their presidential electors—that is, the 538 members of the electoral college. Under current law, that date is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. How the states pick those electors is up to each state legislature to decide. "While every state currently chooses its electors through popular election—where votes cast for presidential candidates are counted as votes for the electors pledged to those candidates—a state legislature could decide to select electors itself if it determined elections were infeasible," the Congressional Research Service (CRS) noted in a March report about elections during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Indeed, it was common for legislatures to select electors without popular elections until the mid-1800s." The CRS reports that some state constitutions allow governors to postpone elections for emergencies, but there is no provision in the U.S. Constitution allowing federal officials to change the date unless Congress changes the law or a constitutional amendment is passed. But that's never happened during wars, pandemics, or other national emergencies—there is no reason to think it should happen this year. In fact, some Republicans in Congress are already rejecting the idea. Just for fun, here's what would happen if enough states—presumably red states—were to cancel or postpone the election, and therefore no candidate won an outright majority in the electoral college, according to that same CRS report. In that case, the election would be decided by the House of Representatives at the start of its next term: January 6, 2021. But the current House term expires on January 3. If, hypothetically, all elections were canceled or postponed and there was no new Congress to meet on January 6, the CRS report says, that doesn't change the fact that the incumbent president's term ends at noon on January 20th. "There are no provisions of law permitting a President to stay in office after this date, even in the event of a national emergency, short of the ratification of a new constitutional amendment," according to the CRS. In that absolute worst-case scenario, the presidential order of succession would come into play. There would be no elected vice president, so Mike Pence is out of the running. If there was a functioning House of Representatives, the new Speaker of the House would become president. If that person could not serve, the president pro tempore of the Senate—currently Sen. Chuck Grassley (R–Iowa), though that could change before January—would become the nation's chief executive. The bottom line: Trump can't cancel or postpone the election, and even if the election doesn't take place for some reason, he can't legally remain in office. What about the other part of Trump's Thursday morning bombshell tweet? For starters, he suggests that there is some difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting when they are actually the same thing. Some states require that you provide an excuse when you ask for an absentee ballot, but most have now switched to no-excuse absentee balloting—otherwise known generally as "mail-in voting"—in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Either way, the process for voting is the same: you get a ballot, you fill it out, and you mail it back. There are also a handful of states that have switched to conducting elections entirely by mail, and none of them have seen increases in voter fraud—something that is incredibly rare no matter how elections are conducted. Regardless of what you call it or how many people participate, there's little indication that voting by mail is some sort of scheme to defraud Republicans. Colorado is one of the states that recently switched to all-mail balloting, and the system was set up by a then-Secretary of State Wayne Williams—a Republican. An analysis of voting patterns conducted by the Brennan Center, a legal nonprofit housed at New York University's law school, found that that the people most likely to vote by mail in 2016 were white voters over the age of 65—a key Trump demographic. It's true that some states are likely to be overwhelmed by the number of absentee ballots cast this year—a month after its primary election, New York is still counting votes cast by mail—but Trump's attempt to delegitimize mail-in voting is likely only hurting him and his party. Indeed, in June, Politico reported that registered Democrats in Florida had requested roughly 300,000 more absentee ballots than registered Republicans—a gap that the state's Democratic Party chairman attributed to Trump's success at tamping down Republican enthusiasm for voting by mail. The simplest explanation for Trump's bizarre tweet on Thursday morning is that he's a deeply unpopular incumbent—as even he has recently admitted—who trails in the polls and doesn't see an easy way to turn things around. Calling to delay the election, even as he is also insisting that it is safe for schools to open, comes off as hypocritical, weak, and politically self-defeating. It's always been obvious that Trump didn't care to learn about the actual limits or powers of the office he holds. If he had, he would already know how ridiculous this all sounds. He's making excuses for losing before the game is even over. It's not dictatorial. It's just kind of pathetic. Yep. Pathetic it is.
    1 point
  23. The statistics for Flu deaths among school age children is consistent with previous Flu seasons. The Covid-19 deaths are most likely grossly inflated which is consistent with the overall Covid-19 deaths in America. Big pharmaceutical is the most powerful lobby in Washington DC outspending big oil and gas 2 to 1.
    1 point
  24. He could have read up on Switzerland before he moved there. There were books about the Swiss government in Argentina before 1914.
    1 point
  25. Like the NBA player that left and went to a strip joint? But they support a Marxist organization, so that's cool to you......
    0 points
  26. As a cubs fan, i'm really proud of the fact they haven't had a single player (only team in league) not to have 1 player test positive (knock on wood). NHL and NBA is making MLB look stupid.
    0 points
  27. You might find it interesting that I align with you more than you might think in terms of politics. But you see, folks like you are a big part of the problem with why we are where we are today. I don't judge the content of my friends or associates character or worthiness based on their political affiliation, much less who they will vote for this election cycle. What makes high school football great is how kids from all different backgrounds come together for a common purpose. A LOT of the adults don't get that anymore. It's why we can't apply a simple set of common sense protocols as a society. I happen to be educated pretty far beyond my intellect and I believe firmly we should be in school in Indiana in the fall (there could be a couple of exceptions), and we should be playing fall sports.
    0 points
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