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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2021 in all areas

  1. This may come as a shock to some… but many coaches look for a forever home and just stay. It’s not always about the next biggest thing. Lots of the coaches on this list may never leave their current home. Life is about what’s right for you…not what others think is right for you. Even for a coach, there are lots of things in life more important than the profession itself, and what these things might be are as individual as a finger print.
    3 points
  2. Bob…it WAS southern Indiana. FYI - Lest anyone get bent out of shape, I’ll put my redneck southeastern Indiana bone fides up against anyone’s.
    2 points
  3. The game was ended. I think the ball is probably still in my garage somewhere. The actually had a fine structure if people got out of hand. I actually think the league ended after that game. A lot of these guys were former college players. And obviously a bunch of wannabes who thought they could ball. The play in question a team from Fairdale, KY was playing a team from Salem at Salem HS. Fairdale had the ball and were attempting to run out the clock. Safety from Salem come flying up, isn’t close to timing the snap, drops his head and goes straight into the snapper, who had no clue what was coming. Dude literally fell over backwards out cold. It scared the shit out of me, I thought he was dead. I declared the game over, took the game ball and headed to my truck.
    1 point
  4. One of my favorites is Tommy Lasorda when he was asked after a game when Dave Kingman hit 3 homers against the Dodgers, what he thought of Kingman’s performance. Very NSFW.
    1 point
  5. Lou Piniella highlights are pretty good too
    1 point
  6. Was that something tied to the league or to the type of play in 8-man adult ball? I recall when I was first introduced to lacrosse, there seemed to be a LOT of incidental activity between, during, and after the action. You kind of had to take it with a grain of salt or it would get out of hand kind of quickly. After a while you get used to the extracurricular activity although getting checked in the concession stand line getting a hot dog and in the parking lot seemed to be a bit much. 🙂
    1 point
  7. They only had 1 ball? 😂🤣😅
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. I used to officiate an 8-man adult league in southern Indiana. It was nuts, but they paid well and paid cash. The league told us up front they would not allow any BS and they didn’t, we had complete authority. I did it for about three years. Last game I did was a championship game and it got out of hand near the end. Last play left the center unconscious after a cheap shot and I ended the game with about 1:30 left on the clock. I took the ball, got in my truck and left. Not sure if they played after that or not.
    1 point
  10. I always thought the Mishawaka "Lady Cavemen" was kind of a weird nickname.
    1 point
  11. Just go to YouTube and search Earl Weaver. Hours of entertainment.
    1 point
  12. Female variants of male nicknames don’t count. See above. Also … are you kidding? Squaws?
    1 point
  13. Got to love that announcer!
    1 point
  14. Tech is a joke. They are an average football team in a weak NCC. Boys Basketball is going to get busted for undue influence. They can barely field varsity teams in most sports, and their enrollment continues to plummet (2608 in 2018 to 2089 in 2020). Every few years IPS “reorganizes” and tries to push enrollment at Tech back up, but it never lasts. NCC administrators have discussed removing them from the conference on more than one occasion in the last few years. Maybe that opens the door for them to go to the MIC, but they will not be competitive in anything but boys basketball. Once the AAU coach gets canned or moves on they will have a tough time competing in basketball also. I could see Southport joining the MIC. I don’t think Franklin Central would go back but they might if Carmel and Center Grove join the HCC. Avon switching to the MIC might make some sense if the Orioles think they can find more wins by making the jump. Maybe the MIC considers Cathedral and goes with a 7 team league. Cathedral could be open to that with a 6 game conference schedule for football, which leaves open 3 games for Chatard, Roncalli, and a Cincinnati Catholic school (or Center Grove). I would be interested in a 12 team HCC. I mentioned this in a related topic recently: HCC North: Carmel, Fishers, HSE, Noblesville, Westfield, Zionsville HCC South: Avon, Brownsburg, Center Grove, Columbus North, Franklin Central, Southport 5 games against division opponents, and a crossover game in week 9 for 6 conference games total. No need to play more since these teams will likely play in the postseason anyway. That leaves 3 non-conference games just like you would have in a 7 team MIC with Cathedral.
    1 point
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