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OK, the story is credible with local media reports. That has always been the standard for allowing such content. Keep all comments above board, constructive, non-speculative, and decent.

"If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all" is how this thread will be moderated.

Any racial slurs, direct or indirect, will result in indefinite bans until the admins and mods decide otherwise.


~ Chris

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You hate to see things like this. It overshadows the great work that the players and teams put into this season. Too much recently on the GID we see things like this or coaches that abuse authority. These things are difficult to stomach at times hopefully we can move forward and not spread hate on this and not put down an entire program on the actions of one person. 

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4 hours ago, Obi-Wan said:

You hate to see things like this. It overshadows the great work that the players and teams put into this season. Too much recently on the GID we see things like this or coaches that abuse authority. These things are difficult to stomach at times hopefully we can move forward and not spread hate on this and not put down an entire program on the actions of one person. 

Who is "you?" I'm the biggest proponent of the First Ammendment who you will find. 

Stay between the lines of truth and decency and there are zero problems here. 

I also don't know the intricacies. Post publicly reported or seen facts and we are good. I remember when Westfield was a right turn on McDonalds. My sister went from 1992-1994.

My stomach has dealt with treatments at Mayo and living in Iraq for 5+ years. Stick to the media reports and we won't have a problem with this thread. 

No one is saying Westfield is a certain high school that starts with a "M" and ends with a "ville" three decades ago. Acknowledging what truthfully happened is a first step. 

~ Chris 

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6 minutes ago, hhpatriot04 said:

Credible source? 


“I was just a 15-year-old celebrating a win with my teammates and we were messing around on the bus with eye black.  Before this hit social media, none of us knew or had been educated on blackface or the true meaning behind it.  Since that time, I have been educating myself on the history and meaning of blackface and hopefully others involved in this situation have as well"



"Bo Williams, Popeye Williams’ father, shared an image of the Center Grove student with blackface and posted the following statement on Facebook on Nov. 29.

“This first picture was taken some time after the 6A championship game on Saturday night. While I hope this isn’t behavior that Center Grove represents, this was unfortunately done on a bus where there should have been adult supervision. I have a few friends who I respect highly and their children play for the football program. They were NOT happy! The second picture is one my son (Popeye Williams) responding to the nonsense. He was informed by some of the CG players that the player in the picture was mocking him."

9 minutes ago, hhpatriot04 said:

Credible source? 

If you need more, let me know.

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Tell us what you know @DanteEstonia.  Educate us.  You've got nothing. 

While I'm at it, @gonzoron I'm still waiting for you to back up your claim that it was more than one kid.  If you are simply saying that because there were other kids on the bus then say that.  Your comment reads like there were other kids who painted their faces black.  There wasn't and you know it.  Your moral turpitude leads you to come here and trash a community and a football program because they are better than you are or ever were.  Get over yourself.

This thread has no business on this forum.  I thought GID was better than this.

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On 12/2/2021 at 2:22 AM, hhpatriot04 said:

OK, the story is credible with local media reports. That has always been the standard for allowing such content. Keep all comments above board, constructive, non-speculative, and decent.

"If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all" is how this thread will be moderated.

Any racial slurs, direct or indirect, will result in indefinite bans until the admins and mods decide otherwise.


~ Chris

Quoting this to share again. The generalized comment by @DanteEstonia is exactly the kind of nonsense we will avoid here. It served no purpose in the conversation whatsoever. The guidelines were clear, as were the consequences. As far as Gonzo's comment, my first thought was that the pictures in the story showed other kids on the bus, and the fact that one other kid took the picture. I did not take his comment to mean that others did the black face thing. From hearing from others, I also do not believe that he implied the coaches or adults on the bus knew of it happening or allowed it. 

Every program has its share of knuckleheads. The hope for each of us is that our knuckleheads don't do something that ends up on social media. @Grover thank you for sharing the posts about the young men in the program. I have no doubt that Coach Moore and his staff do things the right way, and that this will be no exception in how they handle this teachable moment. What does get lost in the story is the response by Popeye Williams; a very classy response to a difficult thing to see. The stories about the CG players reaching out to him as well deserves to be mentioned as well; props to those young men. 

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3 hours ago, Grover said:

While I'm at it, @gonzoron I'm still waiting for you to back up your claim that it was more than one kid.  If you are simply saying that because there were other kids on the bus then say that.  Your comment reads like there were other kids who painted their faces black.  There wasn't and you know it.  Your moral turpitude leads you to come here and trash a community and a football program because they are better than you are or ever were.  Get over yourself.

I didn't say there was more than one kid who painted their face black, and I didn't offer any moral statement or opinion whatsoever. I stated facts, and backed them up by the student's own admission quoted. Your personal attack on me is unwarranted.

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At the risk of upsetting and/or placing those of you whom I have known for years in an "uncomfortable situation".  I've tried my best to NOT comment on this situation.  

As we deal with 'education based athletics', it is apparent to THIS man; 

A focus on the totality of AMERICAN HISTORY and how it has been given a pass that has never taught in any way that has given any focus on the individuals/races/societies that have been the brunt of the inequality of the "American Ethos" at any time other than 2 short lived times in American History (Reconstruction and 1965-1980), an approach with our educational system that could perhaps EDUCATE our children on the reasons why certain activities, utterances, and behaviors need to be a part of the reason that we as "Americans" need to understand that we are a UNIQUE society in today's world. 

I have always been surprised at the multi-racial composition of the children in the State of Indiana.  When I began this thing called "officiating" I can recall being at sites where I was the ONLY minority at the contest.  Today, that almost NEVER happens!  And I only see UNIFORMS....not the racial component of the players.  If I ever do that, then that will be the day I quit!  I can promise you that!!!!  

On a personal level:  Ask yourselves...  Do YOU know, I mean KNOW an individual of a race/culture/sexual-persuasion in a deeply person level.?  If not, then you only are an acquaintance!    Once you can understand the personal feelings and reasons that they may differ from your beliefs, and the ACCEPT those and STILL be a friend...only at that time can you truly (in your heart and soul) be a person that is in eyes of the Lord and Savior, a person that is understanding and acceptable of ALL God's Children.  

The young man from Center Grove, (IMO) is not indicative of that program, School Corporation or anything else related in anyway/shape or form. 

But to also think that there are not some individuals within the Westfield community who also may have the same thoughts BEYOND their support for the Shamrocks, is foolish.  

We are ALL better than this in 2021...  

This young man has ruined his current situation, and perhaps things beyond that.  That is a fact.  

But please, let's not devolve into a "Holier Than Though" situation that has no answers to what we should all hope for as Hoosiers, and Americans!  Seek iout those that are not within your preview, and understand their lives/situations/experiences.  You might find that they are a lot like you.


Just my .02   From the bottom of my heart.....




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9 hours ago, Yuccaguy said:

At the risk of upsetting and/or placing those of you whom I have known for years in an "uncomfortable situation".  I've tried my best to NOT comment on this situation.  

As we deal with 'education based athletics', it is apparent to THIS man; 

A focus on the totality of AMERICAN HISTORY and how it has been given a pass that has never taught in any way that has given any focus on the individuals/races/societies that have been the brunt of the inequality of the "American Ethos" at any time other than 2 short lived times in American History (Reconstruction and 1965-1980), an approach with our educational system that could perhaps EDUCATE our children on the reasons why certain activities, utterances, and behaviors need to be a part of the reason that we as "Americans" need to understand that we are a UNIQUE society in today's world. 

I have always been surprised at the multi-racial composition of the children in the State of Indiana.  When I began this thing called "officiating" I can recall being at sites where I was the ONLY minority at the contest.  Today, that almost NEVER happens!  And I only see UNIFORMS....not the racial component of the players.  If I ever do that, then that will be the day I quit!  I can promise you that!!!!  

On a personal level:  Ask yourselves...  Do YOU know, I mean KNOW an individual of a race/culture/sexual-persuasion in a deeply person level.?  If not, then you only are an acquaintance!    Once you can understand the personal feelings and reasons that they may differ from your beliefs, and the ACCEPT those and STILL be a friend...only at that time can you truly (in your heart and soul) be a person that is in eyes of the Lord and Savior, a person that is understanding and acceptable of ALL God's Children.  

The young man from Center Grove, (IMO) is not indicative of that program, School Corporation or anything else related in anyway/shape or form. 

But to also think that there are not some individuals within the Westfield community who also may have the same thoughts BEYOND their support for the Shamrocks, is foolish.  

We are ALL better than this in 2021...  

This young man has ruined his current situation, and perhaps things beyond that.  That is a fact.  

But please, let's not devolve into a "Holier Than Though" situation that has no answers to what we should all hope for as Hoosiers, and Americans!  Seek iout those that are not within your preview, and understand their lives/situations/experiences.  You might find that they are a lot like you.


Just my .02   From the bottom of my heart.....




Well said. I'm not sure I would invoke deities, but I agree with what you are trying to focus on. People are people, and we are all mature enough to know that within any group of people there are some bad apples. Undoubtedly, this instance will be a learning experience for all involved, in particular the youth.

Yes, this is a football board. If you aren't interested in this topic, don't click on it and don't post ... curate the content that you want to see on TGD Forums.

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Last time I visited   the  gid  I saw this thread and hoped it would dissolve into the abyss of threads  destined to the g.i.d. trash someday pages and pages out of  the way  where the incident and thread belong. Everyone talks and talks and talks about an America without prejudice or racism under their current definition of either  term which continuously evolve to fit the latest happening in the news. Does  this kid hate different races?  he may or may not i don't  know the kids heart only God can know that  . Maybe he feels threatened , maybe he is trying to avoid what may  'seem' in his life to be America's multicultural assimilation  mandate by poking fun of other races which every single race on earth does   ( note I do not know the race of the kid that used blackface, from the photo I saw he could be white, Asian, native American maybe more) People are killing people for christ sake,  we have heard more about this occurrence than innocents that lost their lives in the same time frame from murder  .... perspective would be nice. But in the last 3 decades anything involving the word race is blown way out of purportion.  Is his behavioir condoned  no but it isn't murder it isn't larceny , arson   , not grand theft auto. Let it slide for we know of an ultimate  judge  and i am positive he would be way more lenient than American  society towards the young man.  Hope  this thread is gone soon...... 


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3 hours ago, MuleDriver said:

Last time I visited   the  gid  I saw this thread and hoped it would dissolve into the abyss of threads  destined to the g.i.d. trash someday pages and pages out of  the way  where the incident and thread belong. Everyone talks and talks and talks about an America without prejudice or racism under their current definition of either  term which continuously evolve to fit the latest happening in the news. Does  this kid hate different races?  he may or may not i don't  know the kids heart only God can know that  . Maybe he feels threatened , maybe he is trying to avoid what may  'seem' in his life to be America's multicultural assimilation  mandate by poking fun of other races which every single race on earth does   ( note I do not know the race of the kid that used blackface, from the photo I saw he could be white, Asian, native American maybe more) People are killing people for christ sake,  we have heard more about this occurrence than innocents that lost their lives in the same time frame from murder  .... perspective would be nice. But in the last 3 decades anything involving the word race is blown way out of purportion.  Is his behavioir condoned  no but it isn't murder it isn't larceny , arson   , not grand theft auto. Let it slide for we know of an ultimate  judge  and i am positive he would be way more lenient than American  society towards the young man.  Hope  this thread is gone soon...... 

Oh, the irony!

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13 hours ago, MuleDriver said:

Last time I visited   the  gid  I saw this thread and hoped it would dissolve into the abyss of threads  destined to the g.i.d. trash someday pages and pages out of  the way  where the incident and thread belong. Everyone talks and talks and talks about an America without prejudice or racism under their current definition of either  term which continuously evolve to fit the latest happening in the news. Does  this kid hate different races?  he may or may not i don't  know the kids heart only God can know that  . Maybe he feels threatened , maybe he is trying to avoid what may  'seem' in his life to be America's multicultural assimilation  mandate by poking fun of other races which every single race on earth does   ( note I do not know the race of the kid that used blackface, from the photo I saw he could be white, Asian, native American maybe more) People are killing people for christ sake,  we have heard more about this occurrence than innocents that lost their lives in the same time frame from murder  .... perspective would be nice. But in the last 3 decades anything involving the word race is blown way out of purportion.  Is his behavioir condoned  no but it isn't murder it isn't larceny , arson   , not grand theft auto. Let it slide for we know of an ultimate  judge  and i am positive he would be way more lenient than American  society towards the young man.  Hope  this thread is gone soon...... 


The thread being gone is fine. 

But the actions, attention, reasoning, historical insensitivity, ability to defer to situations that are not at all germane to the situation at hand; Are the exact reason that "Race" should always be discussed on a personal level, in a level headed manner with others who are not "like ourselves". 

I am always amazed at the deference to the "crime rates" in Chicago, Saint Louis, Detroit...etc.  as an answer to anything regarding "race".  Do you honestly believe that the occurrences of violence outside of your sphere of life is of any concern to your day-to-day life?  Nope, it's a red-herring of an argument!  

Crime has ALWAYS been higher within those "races" that tend to congregate together.  It's the attention to the types of crimes, and how they are perceived within the judicial system that has made this an issue.  "Chad" may have had a juvenile digression.  But let that be (let's say) Jamal, and with the same situation, he is interpreted as being a criminal more likely to be a threat to the overall society, even though his transgression was of the same magnitude, or even less.  

This was an OBB conversation, IMO.  Kinda hard to discuss this without it devolving.  

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