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The New Normal, round 2


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Since this was a fairly popular thread at the old OOB forum, figured I would start another one.  So here we go:

Gender-neutral locker room? West Lafayette sells idea for new rec center: https://www.jconline.com/story/opinion/columnists/dave-bangert/2019/01/21/bangert-gender-neutral-locker-room-west-lafayette-sells-idea-new-rec-center/2601790002/


As if on cue late last week, just as West Lafayette was going to great pains to figure out how it would sell to state leaders its gender-neutral rec center locker room plans that Mayor John Dennis says “make perfect sense, except maybe in nomenclature,” a locker room bill landed in the Indiana House.

The bill that state Rep. Bruce Borders, a Republican from Jasonville, filed Thursday wouldn’t directly affect plans for West Lafayette’s $34 million recreation center, now in the early design stages for a corner of Cumberland Park.

And it’s not even clear how much traction House Bill 1525 would get at the Statehouse, in its demand that public schools with athletic programs should have to designate locker rooms that “may be used only by the students of the biological sex for which the facility is designated.” Borders’ bill was assigned to the House Committee on Education after it was introduced last week.

A day earlier, Dennis had been talking the city’s redevelopment commission through the sales job West Lafayette might have to make to persuade state building code officials to buy into what he admitted was perhaps a first-of-its-kind locker room approach.

Dennis didn’t know about Borders’ bill at the time. But the mayor said he was prepared for reconnaissance at the Statehouse “to make sure we don’t have any hurdles we can’t see right now.”

“It not, why can't we be as progressive as they are in the rest of the world?” Dennis asked. “I don’t want us to go down this road, spend all this money on designs and then be told we shouldn’t have even tried. … But really, what we’re talking about, it’s not that big a deal. What we’re talking about is pretty cool.”

Perkins and Will, the architectural firm designing the rec center, has proposed a locker room the city officials insist defies being called a traditional locker room. In a focus group two weeks ago, and then before the redevelopment commission last week, the concept was rolled out as gender-neutral, skipping the separation between one locker room for women and another for men.

Instead, the rec center will have public lockers in an open area, visible from the gym and the pool area. That will be surrounded by a series of individual changing rooms, which will include private bathrooms and showers.

Marc Griffith of Veridus, which is overseeing the rec center project for the city, told the redevelopment commission members that there are other locker rooms like the one West Lafayette is pondering. But the ones architects could find so far have been in Canada.


Ohh, the horror?

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On 1/22/2019 at 5:12 AM, Muda69 said:

Since this was a fairly popular thread at the old OOB forum, figured I would start another one.  So here we go:

Gender-neutral locker room? West Lafayette sells idea for new rec center: https://www.jconline.com/story/opinion/columnists/dave-bangert/2019/01/21/bangert-gender-neutral-locker-room-west-lafayette-sells-idea-new-rec-center/2601790002/

Ohh, the horror?


On a side note, I’ve encountered two transgender pupils at my new school.

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Should he break up with his Girlfriend, but Step Sister 2nd?    



My girlfriend and I were childhood friends turned high school/college sweethearts. We are both 20 now and have been dating since we were 14. We are both commuter students at the same state college, so we still live at home. The same home. Because our parents are married.


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Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel resigns after Halloween blackface photos emerge: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/01/24/new-secretary-state-ertel-dressed-blackface-halloween-2005/2649161002/


Michael Ertel, the newly appointed Secretary of State of Gov. Ron DeSantis, has resigned after photos emerged of him posing as a Hurricane Katrina victim in blackface at a private Halloween party 14 years ago.

The photos obtained by the Tallahassee Democrat were shown to the Governor's Office on Thursday morning. Hours later it issued a statement. 

"The governor accepted Secretary Ertel's resignation," the Governor's Office said.


The photos are the sole blemish on a seemingly spotless public career, highlighted by a record of increasing voter registration and making the elections office more accessible to the public.

Ertel began serving as supervisor of elections for Seminole County on Feb. 5, 2005, when Gov. Jeb Bush named him to replace Dennis Joyner, who stepped down for health reasons.

He ran against Democratic Party activist Marian Williams in 2006, beating her by 59 percent. He was subsequently re-elected without opposition. That same year he participated in monitoring the New Orleans mayoral election.

Ertel has a long record of expanding voting rights and registering people to vote. The city of Longwood gave him a Martin Luther King Jr. award for registering voters. In 2012, Ertel spoke out against Scott’s purge of so-called non-citizens from the voter rolls, saying many of those who were purged were actually eligible voters.

Ertel also has won international awards for his plans to restore voter confidence and trust in the elections system.

Prior to his time in public office, Ertel was in public relations, and was the first professional public affairs spokesman for Seminole County. After the 2004 hurricanes hit Florida, Ertel provided post-disaster media relations for Visit Florida.

Before that he spent eight years in the U.S. Army, providing public relations during the 1992 L.A. riots, and in Macedonia and Bosnia.

So should this one admittedly bad decision, made 14 years ago, ruin Mr. Ertel's career?    Is he a racist?


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15 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel resigns after Halloween blackface photos emerge: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/01/24/new-secretary-state-ertel-dressed-blackface-halloween-2005/2649161002/

So should this one admittedly bad decision, made 14 years ago, ruin Mr. Ertel's career?    Is he a racist?


Probably not, pending anything else emerging.  Nonetheless, I would not be the least bit surprised if someone on the GOP side of the fence helped with the nudge.  Ertel was a vocal opponent of Scott's attempts to purge voter rolls and DeSantis withdrew a few dozen appointments that Scott made on the way out the door.  Scott still holds some political sway; especially now as a Senator and Scott's not necessarily known for caring about stepping on toes ... even in his own party.    


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30 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

So should this one admittedly bad decision, made 14 years ago, ruin Mr. Ertel's career?

Yes, he was an elected official at the time.


31 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

Is he a racist?

The odds are high. He's a white man in Florida. I won't take my family there.

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2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

?  Not even Disney World?  What other places won't you take your family?


Florida is the only one on the list so far. There are a few towns in Indiana that I use JHA for, but still visit if required.

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  • 2 weeks later...


WASHINGTON (AP) — A new art exhibit at a Washington museum shows an Ivanka Trump lookalike pushing a vacuum cleaner and invites spectators to toss crumbs for her to clean up.

The art piece by Jennifer Rubell, titled “Ivanka Vacuuming,” opened Feb. 1 and continues through Feb. 17 at the Flashpoint Gallery. The public is encouraged to “throw crumbs onto the carpet, watching as Ivanka elegantly vacuums up the mess, her smile never wavering.”

A large text description of the work hanging on the gallery wall describes Ivanka Trump as “a figure whose public persona incorporates an almost comically wide range of feminine identities — daughter, wife, mother, sister, model, working woman, blonde.” It calls the act of throwing bread crumbs onto the carpet for her to vacuum “surprisingly pleasurable.”

The work is open to the public from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The exhibit is presented by the CulturalDC arts organization, and Executive Director Kristi Maiselman said her group is always happy to present “timely boundary-pushing installations” like this.

The gallery text declares Ivanka Trump to be a “contemporary feminine icon” and an avatar for the complexities of modern femininity.

Rubell, a New York-based conceptual artist, said in an interview on the CulturalDC website that the experience is meant to draw observers and crumb-throwers into a complicit relationship.

“Here is what’s complicated: We enjoy throwing the crumbs for Ivanka to vacuum. That is the icky truth at the center of the work. It’s funny, it’s pleasurable, it makes us feel powerful, and we want to
do it more,” she says. “Also, we know she’ll keep vacuuming whether we do it or not, so it’s not really our fault, right?”
Kinda like Bullying?   But it's ok I guess, since she is a Trump......
Edited by swordfish
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16 hours ago, swordfish said:


WASHINGTON (AP) — A new art exhibit at a Washington museum shows an Ivanka Trump lookalike pushing a vacuum cleaner and invites spectators to toss crumbs for her to clean up.

The art piece by Jennifer Rubell, titled “Ivanka Vacuuming,” opened Feb. 1 and continues through Feb. 17 at the Flashpoint Gallery. The public is encouraged to “throw crumbs onto the carpet, watching as Ivanka elegantly vacuums up the mess, her smile never wavering.”

A large text description of the work hanging on the gallery wall describes Ivanka Trump as “a figure whose public persona incorporates an almost comically wide range of feminine identities — daughter, wife, mother, sister, model, working woman, blonde.” It calls the act of throwing bread crumbs onto the carpet for her to vacuum “surprisingly pleasurable.”

The work is open to the public from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The exhibit is presented by the CulturalDC arts organization, and Executive Director Kristi Maiselman said her group is always happy to present “timely boundary-pushing installations” like this.

The gallery text declares Ivanka Trump to be a “contemporary feminine icon” and an avatar for the complexities of modern femininity.

Rubell, a New York-based conceptual artist, said in an interview on the CulturalDC website that the experience is meant to draw observers and crumb-throwers into a complicit relationship.

“Here is what’s complicated: We enjoy throwing the crumbs for Ivanka to vacuum. That is the icky truth at the center of the work. It’s funny, it’s pleasurable, it makes us feel powerful, and we want to
do it more,” she says. “Also, we know she’ll keep vacuuming whether we do it or not, so it’s not really our fault, right?”
Kinda like Bullying?   But it's ok I guess, since she is a Trump......

It sounds like the artist's intention was to make exactly that point,  SF:  as she indicated, she wants to expose the "icky truth" of the pleasure we get from demeaning/belitting others, and the petty rationalizations we tell ourselves about why it is "okay" to demean "that" person. It sounds like it would be a good "check yourself" exhibit for both some liberals and for Mrs. Trump's husband....

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10 minutes ago, swordfish said:

Sure, but your post I responded to was not about Ivanka, it was about an 11 year old boy.  Who incidentally pulled a Ginsburg during the SOTU....

My interpretation was that @gonzoron's post had little to do with the 11 year old boy and much more to do with less-than-presidential actions by the President.

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41 minutes ago, swordfish said:

Sure, but your post I responded to was not about Ivanka, it was about an 11 year old boy.  Who incidentally pulled a Ginsburg during the SOTU....


President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address

I ain't going to lie, I haven't watched a SOTU since one of Clinton's marathons, if I were forced to do so, I would most likely be asleep as well, regardless whether it's an 11 year old or Notorious RBG.

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46 minutes ago, swordfish said:

Sure, but your post I responded to was not about Ivanka, it was about an 11 year old boy.  Who incidentally pulled a Ginsburg during the SOTU....


President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address

I was playing Luxor 2 on one of our Xboxes. After sitting through a middle school triple wrestling meet where the highlight was the faux fear shown by the referee when my son walked out for the hand raise after his forfeit win. He’s only had 1 match out of 10 meets. And if he keeps growing, he’ll be too big to wrestle at any time in high school. 

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Can anyone picture the Dude changing over to Stella "Artoes" and drinking with SJP?  I mean seriously......SF does like the commercial....But will not be drinking Stella at bowling tonight......The lanes just got Three Floyds Gumballhead in house last week......


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14 hours ago, swordfish said:

Can anyone picture the Dude changing over to Stella "Artoes" and drinking with SJP?  I mean seriously......SF does like the commercial....But will not be drinking Stella at bowling tonight......The lanes just got Three Floyds Gumballhead in house last week......


The Dude does not abide. I have no idea who the chick is, but one of the Seattle Seven, selling out and schilling beer is very undude. And IO has no idea who or what the chick represents.

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