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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2019 in Posts

  1. Heard from a SIAC AD tonight that it was a done deal.
    1 point
  2. I have a solution. Swap Madison with Silver Creek. Let Silver Creek compete in HHC Athletics. Madison would benefit greatly from playing in the MSC.
    1 point
  3. meh limped in the end
    1 point
  4. Maybe Boonville wasn't if it was football only (just hypothesizing). But if this is for all sports then this maybe becomes much more attactive than the Big8/PAC merger. Takes care of all the sports in your building and creates a much more stable athletic program in general in my opinion. If you go Big/Small then each division in football plays 5 games and you have 4 games left for other opponents. For the City schools they can still play each other across the division line to determine the "city champ" which is important for the city schools. This also give plenty of flexibility for those non-city schools to keep some of their old rivalries intact like Jasper/SR, Jasper/HH, Jasper/Memorial, GS/HH, etc. I personally like this merger/expansion idea much better than the PAC/Big 8 merger. Gets Jasper and Boonville those better teams on a weekly basis that they need for improved tournament success. I am just intrigued by this rumor.......if only a rumor kept me entertained for a day or 2 anyway.
    1 point
  5. Jasper, Boonville, VL, Gibson Southern? I thought Boonville didn't want in, so maybe Mount Vernon. Or we find out nothing is happening and we just create threads for fun! I heard Indianapolis Cathedral is joining the PAC.... Just what I heard
    1 point
  6. Where is your proof of this? Specifically, you cited Coach Morrison should consider contraction. Why? Valid points,if you don't factor in that football is safer than it has ever been. This is true we are seeing more and more lay coaches, however this is due to the enormous responsibilities put on teachers. High stakes testing, low wages and now new professional responsibilities all allow an opportunity for others outside the world of education to coach. Take it from me lay coaches can be difficult to work with but they love the sport and want to coach it. Attendance might be down but I am pretty sure football games more than cover for their expenses. If online streaming is an issue... Do not sign off on it. You are correct. An AD's job is to ensure school policies are being followed and to take recommendations to the other administrators school board. Then the school board can decide what they want to do. So if you want contraction to happen so bad, get yourself elected to a school board and make it happen. Or you can just leave these schools alone and wait for the "I told you so" moment, which may or may not come.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Being a male, you understand you can't do this by yourself........ right?
    1 point
  9. Well that was interesting.
    1 point
  10. There are plenty of people on social media saying just that. In fact, it was a comment along those lines that killed Richard Mourdock's campaign for Senator. I am still shaking my head at how he defeated Senator Lugar.
    1 point
  11. Big shoutout to GM Chris Ballard and HC Frank Reich along with his staff for providing an incredible night of food and football for Indiana HS football coaches, all for the price of FREE. This past Thursday, Colts welcomed coaches from all over the state to their complex with opening remarks from GM Ballard, HC Reich, sessions on Strength and Conditioning along with Nutrition. Final session was 2 hour breakout room with position group you chose on registration. I spent 2 hours with Tom Rathman, RB coach, that was NOT a bad time. FOOD: I have been to so many different clinic last 15 years, first time Shrimp cocktail was served!! Many know that I am an avid Chicago Bears fan and season ticket holder, however I continue to appreciate the fantastic partnership Indianapolis Colts has with IFCA and Indiana H.S. football overall, easily the BEST in the NATION.
    1 point
  12. You must be so much fun at family get-togethers! Did you give them a deadline?
    1 point
  13. So, what’s the point that you’re trying to make? That women should only be allowed to have abortions if they have a good reason? If that were the case, my guess is the people who decide whether a reason is good enough are those same old white men sitting around the table.
    1 point
  14. Let's apply the "business model" to high school athletics because it has benefited and made public education so much better. Bottome line is all that counts......profit, test scores, wins. As someone that has slugged it out at some of the most under -performing football schools in Indiana I can tell you that what football gives these young men is way more than what winning a conference title does for some schools. Athletic's value is not merited by its results but by the lives that have been transformed in the process of competition. DT you have no idea what that means until you sacrifice your time, energy, sweat, tears, and your family to give and nourish these young men in these struggling schools. I have coached at the pinnacle (Ev. Reitz) and at Wood Memorial, Brown County, and Eastern Pekin. I will tell you that the most satisfying of my years coaching did not come in the Bowl but in the hills of Brown County, the cornfields of Gibson county, and the hollers of Washington County. You sir have your opinion and you are entitled to it but it is grotesque and smells of affluence. To all the struggling schools schools out there I say keep fighting the good fight! You are my heroes!!!
    1 point
  15. With most schools returning to school August 12 or earlier, there is the potential for one - maybe two - of these practice days according to IHSAA restrictions. Long gone are the days where one would show up at 7 in the morning and leave at dusk.
    1 point
  16. Lined with the fragments of the Constitution.
    1 point
  17. I think 4 years would be better because under the current format a team can win state 2nd year of one enrollment period and win again the first year of new period and have back to back state titles without moving as long as they didn't win more then sectional the other year in each petiod. Another team wins regional and state but both in same period and moves up.
    1 point
  18. If you have ever had to call law enforcement due to the actions of a parent, you can then judge me.
    -1 points
  19. I figured I’d let fate take care of that. And since my mom had breast cancer last year and my dad broke two bones, hopefully the deadline is near 🙂
    -1 points
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