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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2021 in all areas

  1. My neighborhood school is playing today online if you’re interested Current Reno/Sparks nfl players Brandon Aiyuk wr 49ers Kyle Van Noy fa lb Austin Corbett OG rams
    2 points
  2. That’s the sideline with folding chairs spaced
    1 point
  3. Fort teachers in Indiana (and my guess is this is the same in many other states since it is a part of the ALEC playbook restricting bargaining rights), not having evaluations as part of the contract is a HUGE deal. I would add that the reprimand process comes into play as well. Having to face an administrator with no representation can be quite a challenge. Having had people in both situations talk to me about their situations, it is interesting how quickly a non member wishes they had maintained their membership. In each of those cases, I have had to say sorry you are in a tough spot, but I cannot provide any help.
    1 point
  4. My question is, perhaps, better phrased as “why would bargaining unit members pay union dues to get those benefits if they can get them without paying dues?”
    1 point
  5. Lyndon Johnson was a flaming asshole....
    1 point
  6. They don’t have to. But there’s an easy way for unions to go around this: figure out how much of the dues go for real union activities, and how much goes to pay lobbyists and engage in other “political” activities, and members of the bargaining unit can decide whether to pay just the basic dues vs. the “enhanced” dues that they can voluntarily pay to support the lobbying effort, etc., as well as the basic union functions. ...But you better make sure your accounting is solid, which is very difficult to do. Keep in mind, we’re talking about private sector unions, like the Teamsters or the Steelworkers. Public sector unions, like teachers or other government employees, are different. SCOTUS has ruled that it is impossible in public sector unions to separate their workings into strictly union business stuff vs. issues affecting the public interest (since they’re public, after all). Consequently, mandatory dues paying in any amount constitutes speech or expression, since it is a financial endorsement of the union’s stance on issues of public interest. So, bargaining unit members can choose not to financially support the union.
    1 point
  7. If your point is that all members of the bargaining unit benefit from the work of the union, therefore, all should pay for it, you’ve got to do better than that. As I pointed out when we started this discussion, the cornerstone of the issue is that entitlement to compensation arises only by agreement of the parties. Absent an agreement, there is no right to compensation. The non-union members of the bargaining unit did not agree to pay for those services. Therefore, they are not bound to do so.
    1 point
  8. If you want some real goosebumps go down to Zanadus and watch my mom Phyllis work the poe with Pour some sugars on me. But don’t touch her. State law!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. hate all of that Thankfully we had a state who pushed through this year and has been very successful in operating throughout the year. Kuddos to all from IHSAA, down to all players and everyone in between. It takes everyone to be on same page to pull of what Indiana as done thus far
    1 point
  11. They’ve won 1 outright conference title in the past decade. Only shared the title twice. Andrean was 8-2 against them in that time span. Hardly the dominance needed to justify a move back to the DAC.
    1 point
  12. It would be more valid if you listed records for the last 5,10 and/or 20 years. I believe you can find these on John Harrell's sites.
    1 point
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