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  1. Sounds like a great pick-up line in a bar ... "Hey honey, your way-too-big *ss, looks not overly gross in those two-sizes-too-small jeans. ... Why are you flipping me off? That was a compliment."
    5 points
  2. Serious question, just why in the world would Conference Indiana which is composed of two 6A and four 5A teams care whether the three 3A and one 4A teams in the Circle City Conference move up a class? Would it somehow make them feel less humiliated to be 7-17 (5 of those 7 Conference Indiana wins being against the Marsh Roncalli teams) v. smaller CCC teams if they could observe the fiction that those generally perfunctory beatings were NOW coming from three 4A teams and one 5A team? I’m calling BS on your allegation that the CI is threatening to not play the CCC teams because they want “Catholics” to move up a class.
    3 points
  3. All these Catholics winning football trophies. And here I thought a Protestant work ethic was the way to go. Weber lied.
    3 points
  4. Since Miner fan Tom Dawson, aka, ITISWHATITIS, has unfortunately lost his long battle with cancer and can no longer start the Linton Miner game thread each week, I thought I would fill in for him at least this once to start this new season. Tom used to go by USNAVYRET. Back in the day when the Linton team threads sometimes got a bit more "contentious" than they do nowadays, Tom could be sort of abrasive at times. I'm sad that he's gone and I'll certainly miss him. He moved to Linton from Ohio and had a son that played for Linton several years ago, He had resided in Bloomington for the last several years although he remained a staunch Linton fan and went to most games when his health permitted. Linton has never beaten Southridge but they have a good shot at getting a win Friday night. Southridge graduated most of the starters on both sides of the ball. The Miners return almost everyone from the 8-4 team last year. In last years opener at Southridge, Linton had no offensive punch and lost 28 - 0. Linton moved the starting QB to WB and promoted the Soph backup QB to starter and responded by beating a good Sullivan team the second week. I'm thinking this this will be the best Miner team since the undefeated !A championship team of 2016. The big question is can the be good enough to beat Mater Dei in the 2A Sectional. They never have yet. We'll worry about that later.
    2 points
  5. What's good GID. I'm finally back after a year long hiatus and I'm ready for some high school football. The defending Class 6A champions Center Grove Trojans travel to Warren Central to take on the Warriors. Center Grove ran the tables en route to its 3rd state title in the last two decades. Warren Central struggled to its first losing season in eight years with a 4-6 finish. The Warriors return much of their team from last year and the Trojans have heavily favored to do something that hasn't been done since 2006. Repeat as state champions. This is a great match up and I would like your opinions on who you all think will win. My prediction: the Warriors pull a 2016 and upset the defending champs in a close game 27-24. Rise up Warriors!!!
    1 point
  6. I’m predisposed to disfavor anything that is meant to bring about more equal outcomes. I’m not even crazy about the idea of classes. But given football is so based on numbers, it’s about the only sport where it makes some sense. Other than that, I’d do away with classes in all other sports. It makes sense that we had classes in football, and only football, for many years. So I didn’t have any more sympathy for small schools (including my own) clamoring for multi-class basketball back when that happened. I badly miss the single-class hoops tournament. It was a great, great thing — done in by people who wanted to see the success spread around. I mean, my alma mater isn’t nearly as successful as fellow 3Aer Chatard has been - and Dwenger and Cathedral before they moved up. But it would never have occurred to me to push for rules to get them out of our way so we could have a better chance of a championship. I encounter a lot of people with this mindset, and not only in sports. And I have pretty much no respect for it in any context. It’s a mindset for losers.
    1 point
  7. Bosse 14 vs Vincennes 35 Central 21 vs Mater Dei 35 Castle 28 vs North 21 Reitz 42 vs Harrison 12 Jasper 10 vs Memorial 17
    1 point
  8. My thoughts exactly. Vegas would never lay odds on a Calvinist team. The results are predetermined. LOL
    1 point
  9. But there would be no need for them to play the season knowing the outcome already, right? 😀
    1 point
  10. 1. East-It’s East. When someone gets close to them, I’ll consider a different outcome, 2. FC- A little bias here for sure. I just feel their defense and O-line will be a lot better than NAs. NA really has a hard time with Floyd even when they have the more talented team. 3. NA-They’ll score a bunch. And they’ll give up a bunch. After this season they will be absolutely gutted by graduation. 4. Jeffersonville-Coach Parker is a great man. So much respect for him. They did upset a FC team that admitted this winter that they basically were looking ahead a week. And then Jeff was shake to dispatch a NA team that was struggling. 5.BNL-I’ve always felt they should be as good as FC. A lot of decent athletes there. Close to Bloomington and IU. 6. Seymour-They’re here by default. 7. JC-I find myself rooting for these guys. I want them to become good so bad. To be honest, I want all these teams to become good. This conference would be so much more fun if we had a bunch of parity and a bunch of conference champions. The East fans won’t agree but their dominance just makes the Fall in Southeastern Indiana, very boring.
    1 point
  11. I shudder to think that Conference Indiana might not want to come out and play the CCC 3A and 4A teams. How terrible….
    1 point
  12. I mean, I think both will be formidable and I’ll never say never. It’ll be a typical year in the MIC with the top 4. I think CG is on another level. Carmel, Warren and BD in tier 2 and everyone else (led by North Central) fighting for scraps.
    1 point
  13. Carroll was ahead of Luers 48-0 at halftime last year. Luers would have to be significantly better than last year and Carroll would have to be significantly worse to make this game to be close. P.S. Not sandbagging lol.
    1 point
  14. Although football teaches a lot about life, I still feel this life lesson talk regarding our economy, equality of outcomes, other people will always have advantages over you, is a bit of a stretch. No one is talking about equality of outcomes, we are talking about rules in sports. Let the outcomes fall where they may, but we need to fix our broken system in Indiana High School Football. What I have taught my kids is that, along with hard work...life isn't fair etc. is to not sit back and allow injustice....be the person with the courage to affect change. That is what we are talking about here. Not just sit back and suck it up because the "rules are the rules" when they are clearly broken. I would certainly hope we agree that sports need rules right? Or do we? One could conclude from your comments above that the class system itself isn't needed and football in Indiana shouldn't worry about trying to alight the classes as best as possible because...well life isn't fair so why should Indiana football be right? We are talking about a sport played by children (channeling my inner Muda there lol) and if you would read my comments a little more closely you might see I am making a counter point that continually gets glossed over when P/P guys read my posts. You may not be taking about advantages, but I am as part of my counterpoint. The same thing happens when this is brought up, trust me your response wasn't unique (neigher was my friends from CG) in that multiple folks will go into lengthy diatribes spouting what it takes to be a quality program in our state, or pointing out to me what GS, Jasper, HH, SR does well etc. That really has little to do with this. I am pulling these numbers out of my @ss, but you will get the point. Let's just say that the top third of all football schools in Indiana have all the attributes these lengthy responses mention: Coaching, work ethic (either community based or common purposed based), feeder systems, pool of athletes (community based or common purpose based), community support, admin support, etc. This top third has many public and private schools in it. GS, Memorial, Mater Dei, Jasper, CG....all of these schools have these things, so from now on let's just throw that out the window. Everyone just STOP talking about those things in these discussions. These are not the inherent advantages I am calling out. Here is the part all you P/P guys (or Publics "just need to work harder guys") need to read twice and don't respond to any other part of my post but this: You are not even the same institution type as a Public School, people pay for a service at your institution and expect a result for their 7k+ fee. You get a higher quality customer when a premium is paid, particularly vs a free service. Your enrollment make up is NOT THE SAME...it can't be...it never will be....it is simply an advantage that can't be ignored. My four kids believe that there are at least 200 kids at GS who just take up space and probably aren't concerned much with extracurriculars or in many cases even too focused on academic endeavors either. Many are only there because the law says they have to be. A subset of those might even have behavior or other issues. Another subset just wants to get that degree, get out and get that job. Additionally many publics house wonderful programs for the disabled that can affect enrollment as well. Let's do an experiment.....let's ship those 200 kids to Memorial next week. How will that affect the hallways do you think? Will the classroom environment/lesson planning/teacher focus change at all? How will the day in the life of an administrator change? And don't look now but Memorials enrollment will come in at 809, probably pushing them into 4A. How about GS, now that those 200 kids are gone how will things change do you think? How will life change for the GS administrators? One change is that the enrollment would now be 503, squarely in 2A and look at that...so similar to the enrollment of Mater Dei 497. We at GS have known for years we are much more analogous to MD than Memorial athletically. Honestly how intelligent people can sit on this forum and say that enrollment ONLY based classification is fair is mind boggling. The data is clear on the P/P dominance and what I have pointed out above is the reason. Life might not be fair but a game played by children should be. About the only thing in common in the top third schools I mention above between Publics and Privates (other than doing football well) is that they both play sports and both have books. These differences should be accounted for if we are going to play in the same tournament.
    1 point
  15. We have been over this many times, and the logic doesn’t change. If the purpose of considering things like multipliers, the success factor, the “one class bump,” etc., is to move toward a balance where relatively similar teams — within reason — compete against one another, the SF is obviously the most efficient and targeted way to do that. The reason is simple. The SF does not depend on the presence or absence of theoretical “advantages” that are impossible to quantify, or “advantages” that exist, but which are not fully utilized by the schools to achieve athletic success. Rather, the SF only kicks in when advantages are utilized with the result that a team is able to consistently punch above its weight class, for whatever reason. In other words, multipliers or class bumps adjust classes for the possibility that a school has advantages which, if properly utilized, give it a leg up competitively. The SF, in contrast, adjusts those schools that actually use their advantages to excel. One is theoretical, the other is real world.
    1 point
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