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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. Good points but I think in the HHC’s situation it’s much more geographically centered. If East, BNL, Seymour, JC, and Madison could have found a sixth it would have changed years ago.
  2. Jennings County would routinely send teams to 2-3 different wrestling tournaments on any given Saturday when Jones was there. I know JC Football catches some grief in here, but the wrestling program was pretty impressive under Jones.
  3. As I recall this was a right of passage for incoming freshmen when I was in HS. I never participated myself, but I heard stories.
  4. I misunderstood, I thought he meant your JV playing other varsity. Playing your own JV….nah one intra-squad scrimmage a year is more than plenty.
  5. Not that I’m aware of, we did it a few times in Softball when I coached. I just did it to try and get the JV more games. Not sure you want to do something like that in Football with only nine games.
  6. Im just worried about the Softball coach, Katie is a sweetheart.
  7. I could give two shits about any of this. You’ll have to excuse my slip of the keyboard. Sure allow kids and idiot parents to do whatever they fancy.
  8. Traditionally speaking if I as a parent didn’t perform my duties per government standards, doesn’t the government take my children from me? Transvestites commit suicide at a rate somewhere around 35% higher than their cis friends. Can we at least agree there is some degree of mental illness involved in the equation?
  9. Does this mean I don’t have to sign a field trip waiver for my 12 year old anymore?
  10. Such a shame we don’t have our resident conference experts to shepard us along this winter in our annual conference realignment discussions.
  11. Dude I’m well aware of who/what the NCAA is/does. The question was posed and I answered it. I offered no opinion on the ramifications of such a move.
  12. All it takes is for the P5 to start their own BB tournament and the NCAA is done. Basically do what they did in Football.
  13. Perhaps Biden should just instruct the ATF to handle it, that seems to be working out well for them.
  14. I saw a tweet this week something like while Russia, China, and Iran are securing their energy needs, the US lead by Western Europe are going to solve climate change.
  15. She’s doing exactly what Biden wanted, she’s not white and a woman, yes I feel like even though I’m not a biologist I can identify a woman in most circumstances. What’s his bitch?
  16. Not like any training I’ve ever received lol. YouTube is full of this stuff, is it any wonder why we can’t have nice things?
  17. We have looked at this in Softball. There were many concerns that it gets too watered down. I understand completely the thought process for expanding it. But regardless of how many players/teams you have someone will always feel slighted or people will question how so and so made it. It’s an imperfect system no doubt, but I don’t think a major expansion is the right answer.
  18. When one wins a championship we can revisit.
  19. Fran Tarkenton, Randall Cunningham, Michael Vick, Vince Young off the top of my head……I’ll take the 6’6” drop back/shotgun guys.
  20. Beats me, while I’m not a huge fan of the Papaya outfit, Zak Brown, an American is team principal at McClaren so I do root for them. And never with nuts.
  21. QB’s like Jackson are fun to watch, but history says you won’t win championships with them.
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